>•< my burning question is this, and it is something that has been bothering me.
With the adoption of the new Grail Psalter will:
All the responsorial psalms now being sung be adapted to or recomposed for these translations by Advent 2011?
Will all the psalm phrases, if any, that appear in the Propers need changed, too?
Or does the fact that there is no official sung translation mean that nothing is changed as far as sung psalms and propers?
So, I guess I am saying, this project of doing the Arbo-Props...will it be useable after Advent 2011 (shades of Y-2K)
Will parishes have a time frame for final acceptance and use of the new translation of the Mass AND the Grail Psalter ...or at they both in place by Advent 2011'
Well, there are remaining mysteries. We are supposed to get Missal propers in October. But ICEL is happy for choirs to sing any trans of Graduale for introit, offertory, and communion. As for the Responsorial Psalm, I don't have the answer. I'm supposing that it will be Grail but its actual status I do not know. There are many remaining mysteries.
I'm confused - why can't a translation of the text of the Gradual and Alleluia from the Graduale be used to replace the Responsorial Psalm and Alleluia?
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
The page numbers are not linked to individual pages, so you can't just click on them and get there. I know there's a way to make PDFs do that, but I'm afraid I've never learned it. Maybe somebody else can work their magic on it?
I just sent Jeffrey a text file, he turned it into some kind of word processing file with fonts, and then he attached it to the PDF of the book as pages.
But PDF files allow you to enter a particular page number and go there instantly, so you don't have to just scroll through everything.That's about as much as this works, I'm afraid....
Re: translations of the Gradual
As long as the "alius cantus aptus" rule remains, you could probably sing the propers from the Gallican Rite or the poetic stylings of the little man who lives in your drain, if you really were pining to do it and the pastor would let you. If that rule goes away, then yes, it matters.
It should matter, of course. There should be some kind of standardization, because otherwise, there lies madness. But the question is, what will actually happen about it; and I don't think anyone really knows. I'm sure the Pope knows what he wishes would happen; but he's not going to send out Swiss Guard Ninja Elite Death Squads to make it happen.
I went to page 119 for propers for next week or so, and it doesn't match up. ? ? Can you explain the simple process for getting to the right text with an example?
Oh, man, if it'd been a snake, the problem would have bit me.
I see what's going on. The index was attached to the front of the book instead of the back, so that changed the pdf's pagination numbers. The pagination numbers and the book page numbers are no longer the same. If you tell the program to take you to Page 119 of the PDF, you end up on Page 103 of the book.
Well, I think there's a way to number certain parts (like an index) of a pdf file differently than all the rest (like D1 instead of 1), because I've seen it done in stuff like Google Books. But I'm not sure how you do it, or if it's doable using a standard Adobe program.
UPDATE: Eureka! This computer article says what you want is a feature that was then called "page labels", and explains how it could be done in Acrobat back then. I imagine the commands now must still be similar.
Maureen. I have fixed the pdf so that your initial pages (1-16) show up as small roman numerals and then page 1 actually begins at page 17. I can give you the new file if you would like. Now when you put 'go to page 119' it actually goes there. No need to scroll any more.
Here's a routine reminder: Be academic not acerbic.
Here is a link to a version of Maureen's index (just the 1st part) in which I have programmed it to hyperlink to the exact page. I did not hyperlink to a section that has two consecutive numbers (e.g., 145, 146). Those particular hyperlinks will bring you to the first page and then you will need to scroll to the next page.
JT, you are certainly welcome to post this if you want, but it does not contain the individual indexes.
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