I thought about setting a topic for speaking a little about my work - this will prevent me from creating multiple threads and allow anybody to come and read about me, or else to avoid reading about me.
I'm a composer, born (1980) and living in Southeastern Brazil. I'm Catholic, play and sing at a local OF. I've composed a few simple melodies for the ordinary which have been published at the Chabanel Psalms website by Jeff Ostrowski, for what I'm so thankful and honoured. Some are in Portuguese (my native language and the language of my country), some I've composed and/or adapted to English.
My "Livro de orações" ("Book of prayers"), a Latin setting of Ave Maria, Pater Noster and Gloria Patri, for SATB choir, was premiered on November 24th 2009 in Cincinnati, USA by Portuguese conductor Gonçalo Lourenço and CCM singers. At this moment I'm waiting for the video, it should be available soon at youtube.
Do you live near Goncalo? If so, do give him my regards. We collaborated in 2005 for the premier of my Mass in C. Do post some of your scores here. Would love to see them!
Francis - I met Gonçalo on the internet, through a call for scores he sent out some years ago when he was the conductor of Odyssea choir in Portugal. He's recently moved to the US (studying in Cincinnati). I live in Brazil and don't know him personally. We share Portuguese as our native language, which adds joy to my pieces having been premiered by him as a conductor.
I'm almost done with the polishing of the score and I'll soon post it here, thanks for the interest, Francis!
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Francis (and all), here is my little "Book of prayers" for SATB choir, consisting of Ave Maria, Pater Noster and Gloria Patri. I wrote these pieces in 2006. They are quite simple and I hope you enjoy them!
Francis: I'm very happy about your considering my work, thank you so much.
To all: the score I uploaded is for free. You can perform it and I'll be glad if you tell me when and by whom, as any composer is happy to know about these.
I'll be soon uploading other pieces. Until now these are my SATB compositions:
Book of prayers, op.46 (Latin)
Oratio ad Sanctum Michael, op.48 (Latin)
Ave, crux sancta, virtus nostra, op.49 (Latin)
Benedicam Dominum, op.62 (Latin)
Here's a routine reminder: Write with future readers in mind.
Here is a video recording of the premiere of my "Livro de orações" (Book of prayers). It happened in Cincinnati on November 24th, 2009. The conductor is Gonçalo Lourenço and the singers are those of CCM. Three pieces: Ave Maria, Pater Noster and Gloria Patri. I hope you enjoy them.
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