I vaguely remember a discussion (whether on this forum or elsewhere I don't know) to the effect that the contents were unobjectionable but that liturgical use of the book itself was illicit, and I wonder if that might be the reason for its discontinuation. It was claimed that only the Missal, Epistolary, and Evangelary may be used in the sanctuary, although pages from other sources may be clipped in or otherwise inserted.
Oh for goodness’ sake. If that’s the case, then I’m appalled (it’s especially hypocritical even since the SJC practice with subdeacons is to wear the diaconal stole illicitly).
I learned pretty quickly that the Anglicans even at places like Saint Clem’s in Philly use a lot of binders or clipped in material, and it looks like garbage.
We need real books, even if I think that this book is a crutch and would refuse to use it myself.
Oh for pity’s sake. These people are ridiculous. The objection that using it for the collects is unwieldy and that priests should learn them is correct but beside the point.
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