Liturgical minutiae: votive of a saint?
  • I know in theory it is possible to celebrate a votive mass of a particular saint, but the missal offers only a very minimal mention of this. Is there anywhere else this topic is treated in the modern rite?

    Let us imagine that say the school children chose as a patron saint for the year a saint whose feast falls outside the school year, so there would be a logic to celebrating a votive of this saint. I would assume this would essentially be celebrated as if it were the saint day, but just on another day? Or have I got this all wrong? Anyone dealt with similar?
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,471
    Well we need some more information.

    — is the saint on the local calendar with a proper Mass?
    — are any parts specific to the day? Those get replaced with the common (ad libitum if there are choices). Sequences are always omitted (relevant for saints where the religious order maintains a sequence and for Our Lady of Sorrows).
    — the day has to allow for it, and Lent basically excludes them entirely (in fact the old rubrics do too, but there was not a strict obligation to say a private Mass of the office said in every last case).
    — nowadays you can say a votive Mass of pretty much any saint in your own local missal (the Marian Masses are all fair game which isn’t the case for the usus antiquior) and one of any name enrolled in the Marytrology.
    Thanked by 1StephenMatthew
  • Roman Rite, in the USA.

    The saint’s day currently ranks as an optional memorial, no propers, common of holy men on the General Roman calendar. No special rank on the national or diocesan calendar. Arguably may have a higher rank parochially, but that is a historical research topic of uncertain outcome.

    Ordinary Time weekday would be the most appropriate place to do a votive, but it may end up the less ideal Easter season weekday (sometime after the Octave). My understanding is the pastor / priest celebrant can opt for a votive on an Easter weekday for a serious pastoral reason, while in Lent or the Octave it would take permission of the bishop (nope).

  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,471
    Yeah then it’s basically exactly the same.
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,498
    GIRM (current edition) #375 any votive on OT ferial, & #376 for a serious pastoral reason TP ferial.