Forgotten Gregorio!
  • Palestrina
    Posts: 439
    Can anyone remind me of what I must have done in the 'preliminary lines' of the Texworks editor to take a Gregorio file and render an output that:
    1. Uses the EBGaramond font
    2. Sets my page size at 8.2 by 11.5 with a margin of 0.5.
    3. Sets the staff size as 45.7

    I seem to remember doing something after using the online Illuminare editor... but don't ask me what it was as I wouldn't be able to tell you!

    It's been a few months and embarassingly, my memory has failed me in the meanwhile! I've been getting the most weird and wonderful range of typesettings experimenting with other inputs.
  • This is what I use, leaving the values as is.

    This works for me on font:

    % Fontspec
    \setmainfont[Numbers=Lining]{EB Garamond}

    Page size and margin, A4 paper is almost the same (8.27 x 11.69 inches)

    % Page layout

    Not sure about the staff size, here is what I do to make it look pleasing enough

    % Gregoriotex
    Thanked by 1Palestrina
  • MatthewRoth
    Posts: 2,539
    The staff size default is 17. You can use
    \grechangestaffsize{} to change it from the default of 17.

    As Charging notes, fontspec and geometry are the packages you want for these tasks. You can take a look at the package documentation to see how to set up a custom page size if you want smaller than A4.

    Forgot to mention that people can (should) join the users’ list.
    Thanked by 1Palestrina