St David of Wales, Richmond Calif. All Saints 1 Nov. 5:00 PM
For all the saints (vv.1-4) Missa brevis by yours truely Resp. Ψ 24 (respond after Grieg) 3-fold mode i Alleluia with 'circle of Lassus' falsobordone Victoria O quam gloriosum Beati mundo corde (American Gradual. Usually I chant solo but this time we had a TB schola) For all the saints (vv.5-8 with Ann Callaway's discant)
Entrance Antiphon and Psalm: Source and Summit Mass Ordinary: Mass of St Francis by Buchholz Hymns: For all the saints Ye watchers and ye holy ones Who are these like stars appearing School mass recessional: Ave Maria, Gregorian Organ voluntary: 31st, Toccata in D, Bach 1st, Fanfare, Lemmens
Sacred Heart Church in Evansville did Bruckner's Requiem (WAV 39) in honor of the bicentennial of his birth. Full choir and orchestra. The second collection for the local Benedictine Sisters raised almost five thousand dollars, deo gratias.
(Here's the poster for the event, but I made the rookie mistake of listing Bruckner as a German composer . . .)
St. Aelred, Bishop GA (Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter) Sung Mass for All Saints at 6:00pm
Ordinaries: Willan Missa Maria Magdalena Prelude: Prelude on SINE NOMINE, Gehrke Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual Gradual: St. Peter Gradual Alleluia: St. Peter Gradual Credo: recto tono, accompanied Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual w/drones Offertory Hymn: Lo! What a Cloud of Witnesses Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual Communion Other: - Litany of Saints (just the intercessions, not the full litany) Recessional: For All the Saints Postlude: A nice fanfare-y dialogue by D'Agincourt
Sung Mass for All Souls at 6:00pm
Ordinaries: Missa pro defunctis, as Englished by Palmer and Burgess (Kyrie was in Greek) Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual Gradual: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual Tract: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual Sequence: from St. Dunstan's kyriale Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual Communion Other: - Anthem: Psalm 130, Walford Davies - Hymn: Jesus, Son of Mary Absolution at the catafalque with "Libera Me" a la P&B
Mass was followed by a procession to and from the local cemetery, accompanied by funeral hymns and psalms.
All Saints: Ordinary: Messa Popolare "Laus Tibi Christe" (Federico Caudana) Psalm 24: Carroll/Gelineau Alleluia from "Gelobt sei Gott"
Hymns, etc.: Sine Nomine (For all the saints) St. Theodulph (From all thy saints in warfare) Remember, Lord, thy servants... (Communion responsory by yours truly, with versicles from the Beatitudes) Lasst uns Erfreuen (Ye watchers...)
All Saints: Ordinary: Heritage Mass Propers: English Proper Chants (John Ainslie) For All the Saints R&A Cantate Domino (Chepponis) Litany of the Saints Song of St. Therese (Local Musical Selection, fit with Fr.s Homily) Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
All Souls: Ordinary: ICEL Chants Introit: Fr. Columba Kelly Propers Collegeville CHANT Psalter Offertory: Congregational Antiphon a la Fr. Weber Communion: Fr. Kelly Propers (Congregational) Jesus Lord, Have Mercy (Adoro te Devote)
Church of the Japanese Martyrs (Diocesan EF)
All Saints: Procession: For all the Saints Ordinary: Mass VIII Full Propers Jesus Dulcis Memorial (Chant w/ drone&organum) O Quam Gloriosum (Victoria) Recessional: For All the Saints (remaining verses)
All Souls: Low Mass this year because I'm too new to suggest finding servers for a High Mass so late. Next year, however.........
All Saints - Mass with K-12 students/parish Choir: Grades 3 and 4 Schola...this was their first time singing for Mass (they sang beautifully!). We have a funeral later this week, and the family requested that the 3rd and 4th graders sing for the funeral because they heard them at Mass on All Saints Day. Made my day, because several people had questioned whether the younger students would be able to sing without middle schoolers with them ;) (I have been at this parish for 3 months)
Processional: For All the Saints Kyrie: Mass XI Gloria: John Lee Propers: Ignatius Pew Missal Offertory: Christus Vincit Sanctus/Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII Communion: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones, Salve Regina (simple tone) Recessional: God, We Praise You
All Souls - me, cantoring and playing organ Processional: What Wondrous Love Is This Propers: Ignatius Pew Missal Offertory: The King of Love My Shepherd Is Sanctus/Agnus Dei: ICEL chants Communion: Pie Jesu from Requiem (Faure) Recessional: Song of Farewell
All Saints Choir of the Cincinnati Oratory & Laudate Pueri Children’s Schola
Full Gregorian Proper (except Off.) Mass II, Credo III Justorum animae, Webbe (trebles) Ave verum, Elgar Exsultate justi, Viadana Holy, Holy, Holy Ye Watchers
All Souls Oratory Singers and friends
Requiem in D minor “for Charlie”, SMC (I,K,S,B,A,C) (composed over the past week and a half in honor of a recently deceased parishioner) Remaining Proper Full Gregorian Pie Jesu, Duruflé O Jesu Christe, Jacquet
I’ve attached the Requiem. It is simple but was very well-received. Comment welcome. You may use with proper attribution.
Sunday Mass Choir of the Cincinnati Oratory also remembering dedication of Archdiocesan Cathedral
Full Gregorian Proper Missa secunda, Hassler Locus iste, Bruckner Domus mea, Isaac Jerusalem, my happy home BWV 533.1
Sunday Vespers members of the Oratory Singers & vested male choir in sanctuary
All Saints (School Mass with grade 4-8 Schola and community Mass with mixed choir):
English propers (Source and Summit), Gregorian communion Missa De Angelis with Creed I ICEL For All the Saints SINE NOMINE Praise the Lord, Ye Heavens Adore Him AUSTRIA Around the Throne a Glorious Band JESU DULCIS MEMORIA Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones LASST UNS ERFREUEN O How Glorious, Healey Willan (This is a gem!!) Pachelbel's Toccata in F Major
All Souls (community Mass with mixed choir): Missa Jubilate Deo Gregorian propers (entrance, offertory, communion) I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say KINGSFOLD Pachelbel's Toccata in E Minor, I believe....I had a sub organist.
I went and sang at the Requiem Mass in La Crosse's Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe with Cardinal Burke. Faure Requiem, Gregorian propers, Missa Jubilate Deo, full orchestra. It was spectacular, and I think the livestream will be put up on Youtube soon.
All Hallows (speak true English everyone!): Ordinary: Missa de Angelis Prelude Chant: Gaudeamus Entrance Hymn: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones Responsorial Psalm: Respond and Acclaim (I think?) Alleluia: "Come to me" (Simple mode 8 Alleluia composed by me, verse adapted and shortened from the original graduale melody, see attached) Creed: ICEL Creed III Offertory: Litany of Saints Communion Chant: Beati Mundo Corde Communion Motet: O How Glorious, Healey Willan Recessional: For all the Saints
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All Saints attached. Sadly, we did not have a special All Souls mass this year.
All Saints: Entrance Antiphon Hymn (AntiphonRenewal) to Lass uns erfreuen Mass in Honor of Our Lady, Star of the Sea (Olbash) Psalm 24 (my own setting, based on Hæc est generatsio) Alleluia (my own setting based on the Magnificat cum alleluia in Cantus Selecti) Offertory was a setting of the Beatitudes based on a psalm tone by James O'Donnell Communion: Source & Summit simple proper and then the Litany of Saints Recessional was Sine Nomine
ENTRANCE: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones KYRIE: Litany of the Saints GLORIA: A New Mass for Congregations (Andrews, arr. Biery) PSALM 24: Respond & Acclaim (Alstott) ALLELUIA: VI, choral extension by Leach OFFERTORY: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach) - I had originally planned to do JM Haydn's Sancti Dei omnes, but Hurricane Milton left us a rehearsal short of time to adequately prepare that SANCTUS, MYSTERIUM, AMEN: Mass of Redemption (Janco) AGNUS DEI: Holy Cross Mass (Isele) COMMUNION: Antiphon from English Proper Chants (Ainslie) + We Are the Light of the World (Grief) CLOSING: By All Your Saints Still Striving (ST. THEODULPH)
All Souls' Day:
INTROIT: Requiem aeternam (text adapt. Taylor, set to ST. ANNE) KYRIE: XVI PSALM 27: Proulx/Guimont ALLELUIA: VI (no extension) OFFERTORY: Domine Jesu Christe (text adapt. by Massery, set to KINGSFOLD) SANCTUS/AGNUS: XVIII COMMUNION: Lux aeterna (John Bell) + Jesus, Remember Me CLOSING: Jerusalem, My Happy Home
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