I am trying to locate a copy (in any form) of a book, "Something to Sing About: A Book of Original Hymns", 1967, which was produced by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province. Long story, but it's for a research project I've been working on concerning the development of hymnody stemming from the Second Vatican Council to the present. If anyone has a copy they can give me, sell to me, or loan to me, I'd be most grateful. Thanks much.
WorldCat shows that Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles has a copy. I don't know whether MSMU would make it available through interlibrary loan, but there's no harm in asking.
No one seems to be willing to loan what was basically an insignificant (in most eyes) publication of the late 60's. So my friends, if anyone has a copy lying around, or knows someone who does, I could use your help! thanks
Here's a routine reminder: Be academic not acerbic.
Since it's a book of original hymns published by the CSJ Corondelet sisters, some or all of those hymns may have been written by members of that community. You may wish to enquire of the library at Avila University, Kansas City, MO, where the late Sr. Mary DelaSalle McKeon, CSJ, taught for many years, including the years around 1967.
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