I am looking for a PDF of a comparison between the Sanctoral and Temporal of OF vs. EF not for any specific year, just the general outline. I thought it would be an easy search but it has proven to be very difficult to find.
Here's a chart comparing the Sundays of the tempral cycles of the EF and OF. It also covers those feasts which are moved to Sunday in the OF. It does not cover weekdays in the (EF) temporal cycle such as ember days.
@francis It is such an unfortunate scenario. And I grieve the fact that when more than one memorial fall on a day, one must choose ... something however that most people don't realize, is that any Saint which falls in the martyrology on a particular day is fair game as a memorial but who even uses the martyrology any more to know such a thing?
What's more is that that there doesn't appear to be any plan ever to issue an approved English translation of the 2004 editio typica of the Roman Martyrology.
@Liam There actually is a plan and for that. One of our Sisters had actually been asked to help with the Latin check of the English. This is actually the second time since 2004 that the translation was attempted. The problem wasn't ICEL, rather, the problem was once it arrived at the Vatican, it was put under the "stack of things to go through" and never made it out of that pile. Typical.
That's good to know. I would think that, it having been done for the 2000 Jubilee, having translations done by the *next* ordinary Jubilee in 2025 would be a reasonable expectation.
And then they'll always have what's likely to be a huge extraordinary Jubilee in 2033.
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@tomjaw Thanks very much for the update - this is unqiue to the EF. I left out other feasts that supercede a Sunday since these are also observed in the OF (e.g. Exaltation of the Holy Cross, Dedication of St. John lAteran, etc.).
Rich, the calendar is great. It's missing one OF rubric:
"When the Solemnity of the Epiphany is transferred to the Sunday that occurs on January 7 or 8, the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord is celebrated on the following Monday."
So the Baptism of the Lord is not always celebrated on a Sunday in the OF.
In the USA, which transfers Epiphany to Sunday: anytime New Year's Day falls on a Sunday or Monday, as in 2023 and 2024. Also in the USA, the Most Holy Name of Jesus is an Optional Memorial for January 3 if it does not fall on Sunday.
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