I live in Finland and also in Spain (Torrevieja) some months during the wintertime.
In Finland when you take part in mass, in every church there is a hymn book available. That book contains about 650 hymns with lyrics, notes and chords. Priest chooses about 10 hymns which all sing together during the mass.
Is there a similar hymn book used in Catholic mass in Spain? I would like to learn to sing and play Spanish hymns with piano. Where I could buy this kind of book?
So far - I haven't got any comments. Is there a special reason for this: maybe my question was somehow unpolite, inappropriate or maybe poorly shaped, difficult to understand? Or maybe there is not that kind of book...?
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
You need to ask some Catholics from Spain, not from America.
Yes, "Spanish" is spoken by some people in America. But (so I'm told) it's even more different from Spanish-in-Spain than their English is from English-in-England.
Consult Oregon Catholic Press for their hymnal Flor y Canto…or GIA for their hymnal Oramos Cantando. Approximately half of US Catholics are Hispanic and one third are Spanish speakers…more in the 18 and under group.
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