Can anyone help me locate a score for the accompaniment of the Englished Sanctus IX as found in the 1940, #721? Cranmer did some hacking away, so the Benedictus is not included in older Anglo settings of the Sanctus. Thanks for any leads.
Yes, I have that much, but as you'll see the second half of the Sanctus is not included in that score (nor in the 1940 at all, as far as I'm aware). I need a score which includes both the "sanctus" and "benedictus" sections. Cranmer (I think) chopped off the benedictus, as I mentioned above.
Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
Why don't you go to the Nova Organi Harmonia and look at the acc. for Mass IX there. You can find what you need and make it work with the anglais. Or CC Watershed has it on its mass setting page. Or even better, improvise. Tis not hard.....
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