De fructu/De dones tuyos
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,836
    I'm not sure exactly who is coming to our bilingual Thanksgiving Mass, but here's the Communion just in case!
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,836
    Yikes, I see I already forgot a version from 2019!
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Thanks for this! I wish we had the equivalent of Fr. Weber but in Spanish… it would be very helpful to me. I know that there is the Spanish propers project, but there are a lot of holes there. (It’s still a huge help.)

    FYI- Twice on the second stave, and once on the last, you’re missing the notes on “el”.
  • Postings on this forum represent the views of the individual participants and not necessarily those of the Church Music Association of America. (Some participants are not even members.)
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 320
    Serviam - those are diphthongs - no notes missing.
  • Whoops. Sure are. (Elision marks would be helpful in these cases then, though I accept that a native speaker would do this by instinct and not need the marking.)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,836
    In the other thread you'll see marked elisions (with a different translation). The Source & Summit legacy interface doesn't handle some types of markup, but seems a little better at hyphens than Richard Chonak's.

    I have a question about the newer Source & Summit: I can't figure out how to crop the following so it can be inserted into a Pages file with pointed text:
    name:2. Valerianus in cubiculo ;
    user-notes: S. Cecilia;
    commentary: Ps CXII/113;
    annotation: Ant
    annotation: 7 a
    (c3) VA(e)le(g')ri(h)á(ih/ji)nus(i'_[oh:h]) *(,) in(j) cu(h)bí(i')cu(h)lo(g.) (;) Cæ(h)cí(ij)li(ih)am(h') cum(f) An(h)ge(ge)lo(f'_) (,z) o(ed)rán(e_[uh:l]f)tem(g) in(f)vé(e.)nit.(e.) (::) E(i) u(i) o(j) u(i) a(h) e.(gf..) (::Z)
    1. Lau(hg)dá(hi)te(i) (k)e(jr)ri(j) Dó(i)mi(jr)num:(j.) (:) * lau(i)dá(i)te(i) (j/ir)men(i) (h)mi(hr)ni.(gf..) (::)

    Do I get a smaller bottom margin on the exported PDF by fiddling with height?