Alma Redemptoris in English
  • I'm looking for an adaptation of the Alma Redemptoris Mater chant to English text. Preferably the simple tone.
    Can anyone help?
  • Here's mine from By Flowing Waters.
    alma redemptoris simple English.pdf
  • Here is the English only.
    O Loving Mother English only.jpeg
    1501 x 2189 - 376K
  • Here's a routine reminder: Be patient about legitimate differences in personal taste.
  • Here is the copyright notice:

    From By Flowing Waters: Chant for the Liturgy, English adaptation and musical adaptation copyright © 1999 by Paul F. Ford. All rights reserved. Used with Permission. Published and Administered by The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota 56321. Used with Permission.
    Thanked by 1bhcordova