Incipit Similarities
  • Any others, vocal or instrumental, to add to this list?

    In. Os justi = Good King Wenceslas
    Co. Acceptabis = Bach's Passacaglia in C Minor
    Co. Unus militum = Camptown Races
    An. In paradisum = When the Saints Go Marching In
    Thanked by 1Elmar
  • I will never be able to un-read your in Paradisum comparison, lol. (And how appropriate, in an ironic way.)
  • Kyrie VIII Missa de Angelis has a similarity
    Rejoice ye Choirs of Heav'n Rejoice

  • Here's a routine reminder: Please stay on the original topic of the thread.
  • Rejoice ye Choirs of Heav'n Rejoice
    Hmm, I don't know that one, but I just realized it's also similar to "I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light."
  • WGS
    Posts: 301
    not the incipit, but in the Alleluia for the 5th Sunday of Easter (Fourth Sunday after Easter), after the full bar, the word "mors" starts with doh-fah-sol-teh (which is repeated after the quarter bar). - I had trouble getting the pitches right until I wrote in "Dunedin", reminding me of the beginning pitches for that beautiful hymn tune.
  • I could not find a copy of the words, but this is the melody. I am sure its probably one of those melodies that's used for many things.
    rejoice ye choirs.PNG
    1171 x 496 - 25K
  • Felicia
    Posts: 126

    That looks like the tune Mit Freuden zart, but with a different rhythm than the version in the Worship III hymnal, in which the first, fourth, and fifth notes are half notes. The first four pitches are indeed similar to the beginning of Kyrie VIII.

  • Cf. Ps. 138 from the Genevan Psalter:
  • I once heard a story about a composer who wrote a new tune for "Holy God, we praise they name" because he didn't like the similarity between GROSSER GOTT and the aria "Se vuol ballare" from Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro". Does anyone know who that composer or shat that tune might be?
  • The communio incipit for the votive Mass of the Sacred Heart sounds like Camp town Races.

    There’s also an Offertory some time in Lent that has Nirvana’s Come as you are in the chant. People were struggling with it, but they weren’t familiar with my reference song. Not sure why. It’s a pretty popular well known song.

    Not an incipit, but Psalm tone Mode II sounds like Baby Shark. (You’re welcome :p)
    Thanked by 1ServiamScores
  • Noooo! I'll never be able to think of that the same again.
  • De Profundis has a striking similarity to Misty Mountains.
  • Sister's tune is Mit Freuden Zart, though cast with a shocking use of nearly all crotchets.
    It is found at no. 408 in The Hymnal 1982. (among others) married to 'Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above'.

    It is easily learnt - should not be rushed - makes a perfect Processional
    Thanked by 1francis
  • Felicia
    Posts: 126
    D-E-F#-B-A = Be-ne-di-ci-te

    I sometimes tune into Vatican Radio at night. When Lauds comes on (my time: 11:00 pm CDT, which is 6:00 am Rome time), sometimes they play a chant-like setting of the Benedicite by Alberico Vitalini, in which each phrase begins with the above incipit. I noticed that the orchestral part to Ralph Vaughan Williams's much more elaborate, English-language setting begins with the same notes! (I've sung the RVW Benedicite a couple of times with different choral groups.) Is this a coincidence?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen