Amazon list Best Sellers in Music Hymns in the UK
  • A Catholic Book of Hymns is 16th in Kindle and 19th in Hardbound.

    Order your hardbound through CMAA.

    This hymnal does not replace your current hymnal or music sheet. It supplements them with 295 traditional hymns all in four-part harmony.

    Visit to download sample hymns.
  • I’ve always wondered why you publish this in kindle format. I have a kindle, and I LOVE IT, but I cannot fathom it being even slightly useful for reading music. Between the (relatively) small screens and slow-to-painful navigation, what is the benefit to publishing this way? (Or is it that you’re using the kindle app on a larger tablet?)
  • I think that you have answered the question. People who LOVE Kindle like you and me, must enjoy carrying music around in their pocket. I read books on the Kindle on an iPad and if it needs a charge, then I read on an iphone.
  • Don't like the feel of paper, then?
  • The fact that I love my kindle for book reading doesn’t change the fact that it strikes me as a terrible platform for music.