My new choral piece on a Prudentius poem
  • Prudentius was a vanguard poet of Christianity in late antiquity, lived 348 - ca. 405 AD, from Spain. He wrote profusely on Christian topics in Latin, as he was an admirer of the great classical poets Virgil, Ovid, and Horace. His poetry is of comparable quality, and was widely read and studied throughout the medieval period. Over 300 manuscripts have survived containing all or many of his poems.
    What I set to music for SATB a capella choir is three sections from his great poem, Apotheosis. Attached is the score and also an MP3 recording with synthesized voices. This is my first post of my music on this forum.
    Richard St. Clair
  • This has a wonderful dignity to it.
  • Man, the amount of composers showing up on this forum with great music - Christmas came early this year.