All Saints 2021
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church
    Montgomery, Texas

    All Hallows Evensong
    4 pm on 10/31/21
    Choral Prelude - Oculus Non Vidit, Drake
    Evening Service in C, Frank Shera
    Anthem - How Beauteous are Their Feet, Charles V. Stanford
    Closing Hymn - If there be that skills to reckon ST. THOMAS

    Solemn High Mass
    6:30 pm on 11/1/21
    Propers - from Divine Worship: The Gradual (working draft)
    Ordinary - Missa Tribus Vocibus, Dalitz
    Entrance Hymn - For all the Saints SINE NOMINE
    Offertory Anthem - How Beauteous are Their Feet, Charles V. Stanford
    Communion Hymn - Fairest Lord Jesus ST. ELIZABETH/CRUSADER'S HYMN
    Communion Motet - Oculus Non Vidit, Drake
    Closing Hymn - Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones LASST UNS ERFREUEN
    The Stripping of the Church's Garments - the penitential psalms IN DIRECTUM, as the church's garments were stripped and replaced with black shrouds, the bier brought to the gates of the sanctuary.

    The enthronement of the Host on the Altar

    The All-Night Vigil for All Souls

    Thanked by 2m_r_taylor CHGiffen
  • I’ve never heard of an all-night vigil for All Souls. Sounds beautiful!

    Here’s what we did for All Saints:

    Processional: For All the Saints (SINE NOMINE)
    Gloria: C. T. Andrews
    Psalm: M. Guimont
    Gospel Acclamation: Jubilation Mass, J. Chepponis
    Offertory: We are the Light of the World, J. Greif
    Parts: Jubilation Mass, J. Chepponis
    Communion: Gift of Finest Wheat, R. Kreutz (BICENTENNIAL) & Keep in Mind, L. Deiss
    Recessional: Sing with All the Saints in Glory (HYMN TO JOY)

    Decent crowd for a non-HDO evening Mass.
  • davido
    Posts: 917
    Morning mass:
    Mass of St Francis - Buchholz
    Introit, Fr Weber
    Hymns: For all the Saints, blest are they, ye watchers and ye holy ones

    Solemn vespers with Benediction
    Procession, Entree op 29 no 3 by Boellman
    O saving victim DUGUET
    Hymn: o Christ redeemer of us all DEO GRATIAS
    Psalmody: tones by Sales and Gertkin from LitPress missallette
    Magnificat Gregorian mode 8
    Down in adoration ST THOMAS
    Recessional: ye watchers and ye holy ones

  • Nothing fancy, regrettably; had one other singer in the loft with me

    St. Sebastian Akron:
    Hymn: Who are these like stars appearing?
    Mass II, Credo V, Gregorian Proper with psalm-tone verses for Gradual and Alleluia
    Offertory: Justorum animae (Perosi)
    Communion: O salutaris Hostia (Kwasniewski)
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    It was my day off, so, for all the saints, who from their labours rest, I slept in.
  • MR2011:

    Procession -- (Early and Evening Mass) Introit, English Plainchant
    (School Mass) Introit, then For All the Saints
    Gloria -- Alstott
    Offertory -- By All Your Saints Still Striving (ST THEODULPH)
    Ordinary -- (Early and Evening Mass) Missal Chants
    (School Mass) Heritage Mass
    Communion -- Proper, English Plainchant (Early Mass) Organ
    (School and Evening Mass) We Are the Light of the World
    Jerusalem, My Happy Home (didn't get used)
    (School Mass: Frisina, Anima Christi)
    Closing -- (Early Mass) Organ Postlude
    (School Mass) Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
    (Evening Mass) Immaculate Mary following Perpetual Help Devotions


    Proper: Full Introit, Off., and Communio
    Chants Abreges G/A
    Ordinary: De Angelis
    Motet: Justorum Animae (SMC, 2021)
    Closing Hymn: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen