French hymn writer
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 700
    I was wondering if anyone on the forum has any information on a French hymn writer E. BLINEAU ? He is credited with a number of hymns in the following collection of French Hymns.

    I've searched using Google but I haven't been terribly successful. I'm interested in hymn #10 MON DOUX JESUS in this collection.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Felicia
    Posts: 114
    I tried googling "E. Blineau" cantique and came across this blog devoted to the collection in the link you've provided. It acknowledges Canon (chanoine) E. Blineau as the author of the large number of the texts. It does not give his first name, nor his dates, but from what I can infer from the publication date of the 18th edition (1949) and from the list of other people mentioned (M. [Marcel] Couronne, Joseph Besnier, J. [Joseph] Noyon, R. Quignard), he seems to have lived from the late 19th to the mid-20th century.

    Hope this helps (somewhat)
  • A most welcome collection!
    Thanked by 1Don9of11
  • Chrism
    Posts: 869
    I believe this is him - Fr. Eugène Blineau (d. 1959 aged 73), canon of the Cathedral of Nantes.
  • Don9of11Don9of11
    Posts: 700
    Interesting information on this website Chrism. It indicates that E. Blineau died in 1959 at age 73, which would put his birth around 1886 give or take a few years. This doesn't seem to fit the time line of the translation of the hymn "Mon Doux Jesus" by Bp. James Chadwick (1813-1882), "Jesus My God, behold at Length," it appeared in Catholic hymnals before 1886 including the Hymns of the Holy Family in 1860; in the Crown of Jesus Music 1864, and Hymns for the Year in 1867.

    In fairness, the music in the collection list the author simply as E.B., so it may not be E. Blineau.

    I found this today
    Thanked by 2Chrism CHGiffen
  • Chrism
    Posts: 869
    I'm seeing Blineau credited more as an editor than the original author:

    Auteur: E. Blineau (d'après le texte traditionnel) [after the traditional text]
    Compositeur: Père Brydaine (1701-1767)

    If Fr. Brydaine's melody was written for the text, then it is quite old - the Brydaine melody is the one I'm familiar with in the English version.

    Compare this 1905 version (see no. 56) with the text credited to Blineau on the video above - it is clear there have been some changes.
    Thanked by 2Don9of11 CHGiffen
  • Most interesting.
  • I love #5 from the collection linked by the OP:

    À la mort, à la mort, pécheur tout finira.
    Le Signeur à la mort te jugera.
    Viens, pécheur, près du cercuil,
    viens con fondre ton fol orgueil;
    ce que ton cœur estime tant
    s'évanouit dans un instant.

    At death, at death, O sinner, everything comes to an end.
    God will judge you at death.
    Come, sinner, near the coffin,
    come and [melt / confuse] your foolish pride;
    what your heart values so much
    vanishes in an instant.

    [repeat refrain]

    You don't see that kind of text in hymnals these days do you? lol.
  • Goodness me— #9 is even better!
    Au fond des btrûlants abîmes,
    loin de Dieu nous gémisons,
    pour la peine de nos crimes,
    que de larmes nous versons.
    Priez pour nous! Pour sauver tant de victimes,
    Frères, tombez à genoux!

    At the bottom of the burning abysses,
    far from God we moan,
    for the sorrow of our crimes,
    how many tears we shed.
    Pray for us! To save so many victims,
    Brothers, fall to your knees!
    Thanked by 2Chrism CHGiffen