All Souls 2021
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Always curious what others are planning! I was delighted to be led to Clemens' pro defunctoris by the 'favorite masses' thread. There are no pew hymnals for the time being, so we're leaving room for a couple of things the congregation can sing by heart.

    St. David of Wales, Richmond, CA
    5:00 PM (a bit of a shock, learning that at Sunday announcement time!)

    Introit Requiem aeternum (Clemens, non papa)
    Kyrie (Clemens)
    Psalm 23 (double chant by Goss; I made a tree-unfriendly version in case of guest singers)
    3-fold alleluia, mode 1
    Off. Domine Jesu Christe (Clemens)
    Holy (simplex)
    Lamb of God (simplex)
    Comm. Lux aeterna (Clemens, maybe)
    Jesu Son of Mary (ADORO TE, adapted from Gounod's 6vv harmonization)
  • MarkB
    Posts: 1,070
    Introit: Requiem Aeternam chant from the Graduale Romanum
    Psalm from Respond & Acclaim
    Offertory: chanted vernacular antiphon Out of the Depths from Fr. Weber's The Proper of the Mass
    Eucharistic Acclamations: ICEL chant Mass
    Communion: chanted vernacular antiphon Let Perpetual Light from Fr. Weber's The Proper of the Mass
    Communion #2: I Am the Bread of Life by Sr. Suzanne Toolan
    Recessional: I Know that My Redeemer Lives by Scott Soper
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • davido
    Posts: 922
    Just regular morning daily mass w/o music for all souls, but a Mass of Remembrance on Nov 13 for parishioners deceased over the last year. Special schola or local music teachers.

    Entr: Requiem aeternam (In English)
    Kyrie: Roman Missal, Harm. Peter Carter
    Psalm 23 chant in E, C Hilton Stewart
    Mode VI alleluia harm Peter Carter
    Reading of Names of Deceased (families light candles): Russian Kontakion, from English Hymnal
    Offertory: Ave Maria, Biebl
    Mass parts from Roman missal, harm Peter Carter
    Comm.: Lux aeterna, MacMillan
    In paradisum: Gregorian
    Recessional: Jerusalem my happy home
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • 5:00 PM (a bit of a shock, learning that at Sunday announcement time!)

    You mean, I'm not the only music director to be the last to know?
    Thanked by 1tomjaw
  • lmassery
    Posts: 422
    Prelude: cast thy burdens on the Lord, From Elijah, Mendelssohn.

    Introit from graduale
    Brudieu kyrie
    Psalm 23 Anglican chant by hylton Stewart
    Alleluia: simplex
    Sicut Cervus, Palestrina
    Lux aeterna chant
    Psalm 130, davies, more Anglican chant
    I heard the voice of Jesus say
    I know that my redeemer lives, DUKE STREET
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • It's Father's day off, so no Mass on All Souls :(
  • I’m sure it’ll be a standard American Catholic funeral liturgy at my home parish: “On Eagle’s Wings,” “Here I Am, Lord,” etc.

  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 314
    Casciolini Requiem (no gradual, tract, dies irae, libera me)
    Tallis: I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
    Howells: Psalm 23
    Resp. Psalm & Alleluia: Chant/Polyphony arr. by myself

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Introit: Requiem aeternam chant
    Kyrie: pro defunctis chant
    Psalm 23 (Crandal)
    Offertory: Pie Jesu (Fauré)
    Sanctus/Mysterium: ICEL chant
    Agnus: XVIII
    Communion: Lux aeterna in English with Psalm 130 from By Flowing Waters
    Recessional: May saints and angels lead you on... (adaptation of In Paradisum set to Old 100th, as found in Worship IV #201)
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,161
    Why does All Souls seem to be bigger than All Saints when All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation and All Souls isn't?
  • Chrism
    Posts: 869
    Good Friday isn't a Holy Day either... Not sure the logic, but it's good to see that people come on these days without an obligation.
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Why does All Souls seem…
    This year All Saints falling on Monday is not a HDoO: as a pastor used to say to me "thou shalt remember the day of rest and keep it holy".
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    No prelude
    Introit: Requiem Aeternam (Grad. Rom.)
    Kyrie: Mass XVIII-B
    Gradual: Eternal Rest (Mass for the Dead-GIA, 1967)
    Alleluia: Eternal Rest
    Offertory: Lord Jesus Christ (SEP)
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Agnus: Mass XVIII
    Communion: May light eternal (Mass for the Dead-GIA, 1967)
    Hymn: TBD*
    All Souls' Procession & Absolution at the Catafalque: Wieczny od poczynek*
    Recessional: Serdeczna Matko*

    * = with organ

    If enough choir people agree to come, we may do part of Morley's 'Funeral Sentences'
    Thanked by 2tomjaw CHGiffen
  • Why does All Souls seem to be bigger than All Saints when All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation and All Souls isn't?

    I think for many people there is a personal connection to it. In many parishes, including my own, there is special remembrance made of those who have been buried from our parish in the past year, and special invitation is made to the families for that day. While we certainly hope that we are blessing the Lord for these departed souls being with Him (All Saints Day), if they aren't yet (i.e. in purgatory) this is a day specifically set aside for them, so that by our prayers on November 2 we can honor them in the communion of saints next November 1.
  • There is definitely a personal connection to All Souls Day in some parishes, like mine. The Nov. 2 evening Mass is always one of special remembrance of those parishioners who died in the last year, and families of the deceased are encouraged to come to this Mass each year.

    I’ve always found All Souls a very beautiful liturgy and have loved it ever since I can remember attending it when I first began as an altar boy. It’s always a special Mass to pray for our beloved dead with the hope that one day we may be reunited in the Kingdom of God.
  • Why does All Souls seem to be bigger than All Saints when All Saints is a Holy Day of Obligation and All Souls isn't?

    Most of us know many people who have died. Few of us know saints personally.

    I'd also note that one is a celebration (which is certainly not to be poo-pooed; we are ultimately commemorating the Glory of God as wrought in His saints) but the other provides an actionable opportunity which has direct consequences for our loved ones. We can offer prayers that are efficacious in a way that All Saints differs from.
    Thanked by 1a_f_hawkins
  • As a footnote, I suspect contemporary secular culture has something to do with it too. We are now a very death-obsessed culture.
  • JonLaird
    Posts: 245
    Missa Cantata with Absolution at the Catafalque

    Prelude Hymn: Abide With Me
    Then, all the chants as prescribed, except the Gradual and Tract will be from Richard Rice's Simplified Graduale.
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    As a footnote, I suspect contemporary secular culture has something to do with it too. We are now a very death-obsessed culture.

    Actually, I wouldn't necessarily say that we are a 'death-obsessed' culture: That prize goes to the Victorians. If anything, I think that we as a culture are 'death-denial obsessed'. I've noticed that even at funerals it's the one thing that never gets mentioned: even in spite of the box-shaped elephant in the room.

    I think that we, as a culture, need to actually have a much better relationship with death: Not in a morbid or kitchy way, but in a healthy and realistic way---the way people have for thousands of years. After all, it's the only other 'inevitable' apart from taxes. I don't think that a few more Memento Mori would be a bad thing.

    For what it's worth: All Soul's is very well attended at my parish, but I wouldn't consider any of those attending "death-obsessed", unless the Babushka in the back pew has a Goth rock band tee-shirt on under her cardigan.
  • MR2011 (sung unaccompanied with a very lively assembly):

    Introit, Off., Communio -- English plainchant
    Psalm -- Ps23, Alstott, vss. psalmtone VI.
    Gospel Acclamation -- Alleluia Mode VI, vs. "Eternal rest..."
    Ordinary -- ICEL Chants
    Communion Hymn -- Keep in Mind, Deiss
    Closing Hymn -- Come to their Aid (OLD 100th)


    Missa pro defunctis, abreges G/T
    In Paradisum at recession
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • francis
    Posts: 10,782
    Entire Gregorian Chant (and some polyphonic propers by Anerio) of the Requiem Mass (provided for a TLM Requiem Mass, complete with catafalque and black vestments.
  • Presentation of the Lord Catholic Church, Montgomery, TX
    The Ordinariate of the Chair of St Peter

    Propers and Sequence drawn from Divine Worship: The Gradual (working draft)
    Mass Ordinary: Missa Tribus Vocibus (Dalitz) with Requiem Alterations

    Prelude: Bach - O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde groß BWV 622
    Processional: Lord Jesus, Think On Me SOUTHWELL
    At the Offertory: Oculus Non Vidit, Drake
    At Communion:
    Jesus, Son of Mary ADORO TE DEVOTE
    Thou Wilt Keep Him in Perfect Peace, S.S. Wesley

    Absolution at the Bier: Libera Me, McDonough/Gradual Romanum
    Recessional: Jerusalem the Golden EWING
    Postlude: Voluntary on EWING
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • We sang the Victoria Requiem a6, all movements, in the NO at my new job (I've been here since September). My pastor is so supportive. He even said the Mass ad orientem at my request. Some who attended the Mass said it was the most beautiful they had ever seen. I'm so thankful that I found this parish - it pays, they've given me more connections than I could dream of, and the pastor is literally the most supportive I think I'll ever find anywhere.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    @Casavant ... After what you've had to endure previously, this is wonderful news.
  • We were privileged to have All Souls celebrated in the Extraordinary Form. As such, we sang the complete Gregorian Requiem, including the responsory for the blessing of the catafalque. Our communion motet was O esca viatorum, our recessional hymn was Remember those, O Lord from the Adoremus hymnal.
    Thanked by 2sdtalley3 CHGiffen
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    St David of Wales, Richmond California

    On Halloween night we read through a number of siglo de oro masses and I was astonished to find an inserted responsorial and pencilings in my own hand from last year, when we did highlights from Guerrero's 1582 version. This time 4 of us will sing the 1566, complete with the gradual, making for a concise service list:

    5:00 'anglophone' Mass
    Guerrero Missa pro defunctis
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • St. Anthony’s Cathedral, Breda, the Netherlands (OF):

    INT Requiem aeternam
    KYR Missa XVIII
    RPS Psalm 89(88), Misericordias Domini in aeternum cantabo (Graduale Simplex 405)
    ALL De profundis (Graduale Simplex 407)
    Respons at Universal Prayer: Te rogamus, audi nos
    OFF Domine Iesu Christe
    SAN Missa XVIII
    Memorial acclamation: Mortem tuam
    Pater noster + Quia tuum
    AGN Missa XVIII
    COM Lux aeterna
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,765
    EF 12.15 Mass

    INT, Requiem aeternam
    KYR, Requiem Mass
    GRD, Requiem aeternam
    Tract, Absolve
    SEQ, Dies Irae
    OFF Domine Jesu Christe with verses from Codex S. Aredii
    SAN, Requiem Mass
    AGN, Requiem Mass
    COM Lux aeterna with psalm verses
    Libera me
  • St. John’s, Goshen IN.

    Entrance Antiphon Trope (AntiphonRenewal, altered) to PICARDY
    Introit (after the hymn) trad. Requiem æternam
    Psalm: Though I walk in the valley of darkness (based on the Dies Iræ melody)
    Gospel Acclamation: responsorial setting of the de profundis (optional requiem tract)
    Offertory: Kathleen Pluth’s All Souls Hymn text (CanticaNOVA) set to Pange Lingua chant melody
    Misa XVIII
    1.) Lux æterna (3 v)
    2.) Pie Jesu by Louis Aubert (a hidden gem!)
    3.) Aristotle Esguerra’s Offertory Antiphon trope to Third Mode Melody
    End of Mass: Chanted In Paradisum followed by a hymned trope of the Dies Iræ
    (See this thread: )
    All Souls (A • 2023) • Final Draft (corrected).pdf
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw
  • Old St Mary’s
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Victoria a 4, Introit, Kyrie, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, Communio
    Pie Jesu, Duruflé
    All else Gregorian
  • We're using this as the '23 post, I take it?

    St. Aelred, Bishop GA (Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter)
    Sung Mass at 6:00pm

    Ordinaries: Missa pro defunctis, as Englished by Palmer and Burgess (Kyrie was in Greek)
    Introit: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Gradual: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Tract: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Sequence: from St. Dunstan's kyriale
    Offertory: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual w/drones
    Communion: Palmer and Burgess Plainchant Gradual
    Communion Other:
    - Anthem: Psalm 130, Walford Davies
    - Hymn: Jesus, Son of Mary
    Absolution at the catafalque with "Libera Me" a la P&B

    Mass was followed by a procession to and from the local cemetery, accompanied by funeral hymns and psalms.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen tomjaw