Looking for a copy of the Mass of Glory (pre-2011 textual revision) Full Score
  • Hektor_P
    Posts: 2
    Greetings, everyone! I have a very particular request. Is there anyone out there that happens to have a copy of the Full Score for the Mass of Glory from before the updated Roman Missal Translation? This would have been OCP's edition #70206 (for the original Eucharistic Prayer II manuscript) or edition #70180 (for the professionally engraved full score and instrument parts for the entire Mass setting). While I would prefer the latter (edition #70180) so I could have the instrument parts for all the songs, I am primarily looking for the parts for Violin I, Violin II, and Cello for the Eucharistic Prayer II. Is there anyone out there that happens to have an old copy which they would be willing to lend or sell to me? I have been searching tirelessly for well over a year both online and in dozens of Parishes' archives, and at this point I am willing to pay a VERY handsome sum of money for one.
  • Hektor_P
    Posts: 2
    A couple of notes:

    -I have tried contacting OCP directly. Although they likely have an archival copy, they will not sell even a photocopy of it, since it is outdated.

    -I am aware that they sell the updated parts online for Solo Instrument I and II (in C or Bb), but this is not what I am looking for.

    -I already have the keyboard and choral parts.

    -I will use the strings instrumental parts for two purposes: for the Amen: Setting I, and for the Holy. Although there are the Solo Instrument I and II parts available for the Holy, these are different from the strings parts (at least, on the CD they are clearly different) and since the Holy only had one very minor lyric change, the old (non-vocal) parts are still compatible. As for the Amen: Setting I, OCP has stopped publishing it altogether; only Amen: Setting II is able to be purchased online or found in the Hymnals/Missals.

    -Additionally, I would just like to have it in my personal collection, as I have an insatiable desire to continually collect music.