Advanced Chant Interpretation Seminar Online
  • awruff
    Posts: 94
    Fr. Anthony Ruff OSB is offering an advanced one-credit Gregorian Chant Interpretation seminar January 25 – May 14, 2021 for those who already have competence in singing four-line Latin chant and basic familiarity with lineless St. Gall neumes. We’re using the Graduale Novum.

    Each week participants will:
    --do a short readings on the genre of the week’s chant;
    --submit a brief written analysis of the chant of the week – rhythmic, modal, theological-liturgical;
    --submit a video of their singing of that chant;
    --offer constructive feedback to one another on their sung renditions.

    Genres of chant taken up in each successive week will vary – introit, graduale, tract, night office responsory, office hymn, etc. Optionally, if all students agree and the timing works, the instructor’s end of the week video commentary will be replaced by a synchronous online conference of all students.

    Register at - click “Registration” or “New Student Registration.”

    For questions about the course, or advice on how much facility in lineless neumes is needed, or how to get up to speed by January 25, email Fr. Anthony at awruff [at]
  • awruff
    Posts: 94
    Note that the course cost is not the full tuition rate. It is $450 tuition + $150 student fee. And you'll be OK with either Graduale Novum or Graduale Triplex. The course is offered entirely online.