Prayers please
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    I would ask your prayers, as I believe I will be fired from my position this week. I do have two children and
    no other immediate possibilities of employment. If anyone wants to pm me, I can say more.
    Thank you all.
    Thanked by 1Heath
  • Of course you have them!
  • Praying.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,502
    Prayed. Praying.
  • Prayers! St. Joseph, ora pro nobis!
  • Prayers for you!
  • praying.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,313
    This breaks my heart, for I know of your great competence and sincerity. I had a very similar situation a few years back, which is why I am now a PT music director at a very small parish while I pursue credentials in a healthcare occupation. I can't stake my wife and kids' future on the caprice of priests anymore, for many of them can be capricious indeed.
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,160
    Praying. Asking intercession of Sts. Cecilia, Gregory the Great, & Jude Thaddeus
  • Certainly you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
  • St. Philomena, intercede for him.
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,160
    Praying. Asking intercession of Sts. Cecilia, Gregory the Great, & Jude Thaddeus
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    THANKS to all of you.!!!!! So far I am still here, but it's only Monday.
    NihilNominis, I wish to return your e-mail, but you e-mail to me only goes back to this forum @nobody.
    Thanked by 1NihilNominis
  • I am shocked to hear of this gross injustice.
    It is impossible to imagine what fault any seminary could find with your musical leadership.
    My prayers, and those of St Dunstan, St Cecilia, and St John Henry Newman are with you.
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    I will add my prayers as well, especially the intercession of St. Cecilia (whose feast is my birthday) and my confirmation name.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,965
    Prayers, of course. Wishing you all the best.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,177
    You have my earnest prayers.
  • jcr
    Posts: 137
    You have our prayers and empathy. "been here, done that. However your situation is scarier-we were not raising kids at home. God bless you and your family through this experience.
  • ghmus,

    I have sent along a fitting E-mail address, to which you may write!
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    I am deeply grateful for all of your prayers and support. It looks like the storm has passed, the situation is the same but i havent been fired.
  • irishtenoririshtenor
    Posts: 1,313
    If you ever need to talk, let me know. I have seminary experience, so I know the good and the bad, too.
  • Prayers for you and your family.
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    Been praying for you during the week and wondered if an update might be forthcoming?
  • Drake
    Posts: 221
    Late but praying.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    Thank you...please continue...
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    Hello, I would continue to ask your prayers, as three positions I applied for - the only full time positions in the country turned me down.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,965
    Prayers continue for the perfect job for you.
  • bhcordovabhcordova
    Posts: 1,160
    Asking intercession of St. Cecelia, St Gregory the Great, St. Joseph the Worker, and St. Jude Thaddeus
  • Prayers!
  • I will pray for you as well. I can commiserate with much of what you are going through...

  • Rest assured of my prayers.