Piano Lesson Policies Needed
  • For those of you who teach private instrument lessons, do you have a policy document that you hand out to parents/pupils?
    Would you please share them?

    A mother at church would like me to begin teaching her daughters' piano which I'm happy to do but wanted to give her some guildlines/policies before we started.

    You know the boring stuff: fees, cancellation notice, length of lessons, etc.
  • Here's what I use:

    Lessons are offered in 30, 45, or 60 minute time slots.
    Payment: Payments are accepted on a monthly basis, due at the first lesson in the beginning of the month. The monthly tuition payment is to reserve your, or your child's, weekly time slot for lessons.

    • 24 Hour Cancellation – 24 hours’ notice must be given in order to cancel a lesson.
    • Make-up Lessons – If a student cancels a lesson within 24 hours, make-ups will be granted at a mutually agreed upon time upon the discretion of the instructor.
    • Same-day cancellation –Same day lesson cancellations will result in a forfeit of that lesson without a make-up or refund unless there is an emergency or extenuating circumstance.
    • Failure to Cancel – If the student does not provide notice of absence, a make-up lesson or credit will not be provided.
    • Instructor Cancellation – In the event that the instructor needs to cancel a lesson, the student will have a choice to either make up the lesson or apply the payment to the following month’s lessons.
    • Inclement Weather Cancellation – In the event of inclement weather, the student will have a choice to make up the lesson or apply the payment to the next month’s lessons.
    • Credits – I offer credits for instructor cancellations, inclement weather cancellations, or if a student has an illness or an emergency.

    Lesson Schedule: I have reserved space for your student(s) with the understanding that I will have a lesson each week at that time. If a permanent conflict arises with this lesson time, please feel free to contact me to discuss alternate arrangements. I am happy to work with you to ensure a weekly lesson time that complements both of our schedules.
    Thanked by 1PianistNowOrganist
  • When I teach piano or organ I charge a set monthly tuition which is due on the first lesson of the month. The tuition is the same monthly tuition no matter breaks for holidays or sickness or conflict. If a student misses due to illness or some such he or she has an option to take a makeup. Lessons are more or less an hour, sometimes running over time, and sometimes running under time.

    I expect all students to practice at least 30 minutes a day, an hour if they are more advanced. I make it clear that these practice times are minimums and that students are free to practice longer to their heart's contentment - and I have a number who do just that.

    If students consistently come not having prepared their lessons they are dropped. There is a very great difference between those who 'take piano lessons' and those who really are students and take their piano studies seriously. There is no reason to waste time on those who don't do their work, or to take people's money for something that is not bearing fruit.

    All piano or organ lessons include basic music theory tailored to the particular student's level. They are given written work in basic or advanced theory to do as homework. They also include exercises in technique. As soon as they are capable they are emersed in Hanon and Dohnanyi, etc. I try to supplement graded 'methods' with 'real music' chosen for each student's level of expertise. I recently sent off to university a young lady who had mastered several of the Schubert impromptus, one of Bach's English suites, some pieces from Papillons, Mozart variations, Beethoven bagatelles, and more.
  • CGM
    Posts: 692
    MJO - what workbooks/worksheets do you use for teaching music theory?
  • I don't use workbooks or worksheets. I make my own printed material tailored for each student's level. This can be something as basic as exercises in notes and elementary reading skills to exercises in analysis and composition. (Hymns - preferably from The Hymnal 1940 - make good material for basic analysis.) I just today gave a precocious 5th grader several melodies to compose because I deemed her capable and thought that she would profit from the exercise. I avoid like the plague these graded materials that are filled with ridiculous comical characters and infantile presentations. (Why do these people think that children are idiots? [I suppose they are the same people who think that we are all idiots].)
  • The best decision I ever made was requiring the monthly fee at the beginning of the month.

    I use Piano Adventure because most of my kiddos are beginners. When they branch out, we get more creative picking and choosing pieces. I think I strike a good balance with requiring them to purchase books and me also lending pieces/books.
    Thanked by 1PianistNowOrganist