2019 EF Sacred Music Retreat, Sleepy Eye, MN -- REGISTRATION OPEN!!
  • Please see the attached information packet and form for details!

    If you would like some context for this event beginning with the predecessor event last summer in Cincinnati, please refer to this thread!

    Hope to see many of you this summer!

    (FYI - We had a Sung Mass on Sunday with a choir of 11 [an additional congregation of 15], in defiance of blizzard conditions outside, with wind gusts up to 50-55 mph, around 3ft of snow on the ground, and just about every state highway into or out of town shut down by the DOT. This Retreat is happening, whether anyone likes it or not... )

    Edit: Wrong edition of PDF initially attached, corrects very minor errata.
  • Bumping this thread along with the latest from Nihil regarding the retreat:

    Dear Sacred Music Retreat Followers,

    I'm happy to be able to give you a few updates on this Summer's Retreat:

    We have secured the beautiful Cathedral of St. Paul in St. Paul, Minnesota, as the location for our Solemn Mass on Monday, August 19th. This is an incredible opportunity to sing in an excellent space!

    Sadly, presenter Jeffrey Morse will no longer be able to join us, owing to an employment situation. That being said, Kevin Allen, of Chicago, Illinois, who was a presenter on last year's Retreat, has graciously agreed to take his place on fairly short notice. We're very grateful, and excited to have him on board.

    Owing to these changes / the lateness of this update (which was pending the details on the final presenter), the deadline for Regular Registrations is being extended to July 15th.

    If you have not yet registered, or at least RSVP’d, please do so; as we approach the retreat, it will be important to assign rooms and beds -- using the facility at Schoenstatt will require some specific knowledge about ages / genders of retreatants, and the sooner that is known and established, the better!

    Attached, again for your convenience, is the registration packet. There is still plenty of room! Registrations should be mailed to the St. Mary's Parish Business Office -- the address is included in the packet.

    Can't wait to see many of you this summer in Sleepy Eye!
    Retreat 2019 Registration Packet.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • I just Googled to see the interior of Saint Mary's. Oh my gosh!
  • JesJes
    Posts: 576
    @Hugh if only we had the notice aye? We should go to the 2020 one. That is if this is open to Aussies?
  • Stimson, it isn't too early to start planning if you are thinking of co-hosting for 2020. South Bend - and a connection to Notre Dame - might be a good drawing point... :)

    The Cathedral of St. Paul is a glorious example of it's kind. Nihil took me there a few years back when I visited his parish in Sleepy Eye - and St. Mary's is a most beautiful church as well.

    In addition to Kevin Allen, the other presenter is Dr. Christopher Berry from Milwaukee. Nihil has planned a wonderful schedule of events, and I cannot encourage participation strongly enough.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen