Quinceneara Liturgy
  • G
    Posts: 1,397
    Our parish is having more and more Quincenearas, but the planning of them has shifted out of the parish, (another subject.)
    I asked one family what psalm was to be sung, and they said they hadn't been "told" yet.
    So, I tried a little research.
    I can find nothing "official" except for the blessing, but OCP has lectionary suggestions on their website (not in English.... grrrrr.)

    Does anyone know if these suggestions have any official standing, or even tradition, or if they are just something OCP thought sounded appropriate?

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577

    Fifteen Questions on the Quinceanera

    http://www.usccb.org/liturgy/innews/July 2007.pdf
    For this CMAA Forum, the critical info is rubric numbers: 3 and 16 and 32.

    Current Book
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    All the OFFICIAL USCCB info is in the Second Post (above).
    This is a FYI POST, provided purely for the book afficionado,
    about a book from 1980.
    This booklet is H8.5"xW5.5" with comb binding.
    It contains "Quince Anos Celebration I" and "Quince Anos Celebration II".
    The scripture citations are identical for both "I" and "II", but slightly differently ordered (reason unknown).
    The Responsorial Psalm options lack verse citations and refrain text (reason unknown).

    Religious celebration for the Quinceanera
    by Angela Erevia MCDP

    (c) MACC, August 1980
    Mexican American Cultural Center
    3019 W French Place
    P O Box 28185
    San Antonio TX 78228

    Ecclesiastes 11:7-9 & 12:1-2
    Judith 13:18-20
    Isaiah 7:10-14
    Jeremiah 1:4-10

    Psalm 144
    Psalm 123
    Psalm 121
    Psalm 116

    Galatians 4:4-7
    Galatians 3:27-29
    Ephesians 1:3-6
    1 John 4:7-11

    Judith 13:18 (Blessed are you, daughter, by the most high God, above all the women on earth!)

    Luke 1:26-38
    Luke 1:46-55
    Matthew 25:1-13
    Luke 10:38-42
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    All the OFFICIAL USCCB info is in the Second Post (above).
    This is a FYI POST, provided purely for the book afficionado,
    about a book from 1999.
    This is a red leatherette hardbound book H11.0"xW8.5", xxiv+73 pages (actually, double each for true count).
    Bi-lingual, with English left of the spine and Spanish right of the spine.
    There are more than a few typos sprinkled throughout.
    Here are the readings and (germane to the CMAA forum) the music indications.
    Again, notice that the Responsorial Psalm options lack verse citations and refrain text (reason unknown).
    This book is referenced in
    Christian Symbol and Ritual: An Introduction, page 162, footnote 2

    Celebration of Life
    Celebracion de la Vida

    Quinceanera: Celebracion de la vida guia para lose que presiden el rito religioso
    Quinceanera: Celebration of life guidebook for the presider of the religious rite

    ISBN 0-932545-06-8

    (c) 1999
    Mexican American Cultural Center
    3115 W Ashby Place
    San Antonio TX 78228

    Excerpts from Religious Celebration for the Quinceanera by Sister Angela Erevia, MCDP (c) 1980 MACC
    Archdiocese of San Antonio Chancery Office [...]
    Nihil obstat: [...] Dolores Martinez, PhD, Censor deputata
    Imprimatur: [...] + Patrick F Flores, DD, Archbishop of San Antonio
    30 de septiembre de 1998
    10. In all cases, this book must be read in conjunction with local diocesan guidelines and
    norms as well as other official liturgical and Church documents.

    I. Celebration of the Quince Anos during Mass
    Depending on the provisions of the rubrics in the liturgy of the word,
    the readings may be take either from the lectionary for Mass,
    Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, "In Thanksgiving". [...]

    II. Celebration of the Quince Anos during a Mass of Thanksgiving (for a person or for a group)

    Isaiah 49:1-6
    [Footnote 9: alternatives
    [Isaiah 43:1-7
    [Jeremiah 1:4-10
    [Tobit 13:7-10

    Psalm 100 (99 ?) We are his people; the sheep of his flock.
    [Footnote 10: alternatives
    [Psalm 137
    [Psalm 138
    [Psalm 67 (66)

    1 John 4:7-16
    [Footnote 11: alternatives
    [2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14
    [Philippians 1:3-11
    [1 Peter 2:4-9

    Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord,
    alleluia, alleluia, give praise to his name.
    [Footnote 12: Breaking Bread #647. Any other melody and verse may be used. This is simply a suggestion.]
    Aleluya! La diestra del Senor ha hecho prodigios
    La diestra del Senor me ha salvado. Aleluya!
    [Footnote 12: Este aleluya es una sugerencia (Flor y Canto #614) pero puede usarse cualquier otro que la asamblea sepa cantar.]

    Luke 1:39-56
    [Footnote 13: alternatives
    [Matthew 11:25-30
    [John 15:1-8
    [John 15:9-17

    [Prayer after communion followed by prayer over quinceanera followed by
    "A hymn of thanksgiving is sung or recited. The Te Deum is preferred.
    Footnote 20: This version of the Te Deum is taken from Catholic Household Blessings and Prayers
    ... "Holy God We Praise Thy Name" is an English paraphrase ...]

    III. Celebration of the Quince Anos during a Liturgy of the Word

    Tobit 13:7-8,10
    [Footnote 23: see 9, 11]

    Psalm 100
    [Footnote 24: see 10]

    Gospel Acclamation
    [see above and Footnote 25: see 12]

    John 15:9-17
    [Footnote 25: see 13]

    Te Deum
    [Footnote 33: see 20]

    IV. Celebration of the Quince Anos outside of Mass

    A. Rite of Blessing During the Day

    Philippians 1:3-11
    [Footnote 35: see 9, 11, 13]

    B. Shorter Rite of Blessing

    Jeremiah 1:4-9
    [Footnote 42: see 9, 11, 13]

    C. Rite of Blessing in the Evening

    Psalm 141
    [Footnote 47: We offer here the words of this psalm already set to music by Paul Inwood (Breaking Bread # 718),
    but another melody could be used. ... musica por el P Jose Antonio Rubio ... Oregon Catholic Press ...]

    Luke 1:46-55
    [Footnote 48: ... Breaking Bread # 719 ... Flor y Canto # 213 ...]

    Te Deum
    [Footnote 52: see 48, but they probably really mean 20]
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    All the OFFICIAL USCCB info is in the Second Post (above).
    This is a FYI POST, provided purely for the book afficionado,
    about the appendices in the book from 1999.
    The format continues the same, full-page English left of the spine, full-page Spanish right of the spine.
    I provide the outline in English, and in each section also include the Spanish differences.
    There is NOT a one-to-one correspondence for some items, as you see.
    Also remember that Nov 2007 Sing To The Lord supersedes the two guidelines (MCW, LMT) mentioned.

    APPENDIXES [sic]

    Appendix I. Alternative Act of Consecration, Blessings and Hymns
    A. Alternative Consecration
    B. Alternative Blessings
    1 ...
    2 ...
    C. Alternative Hymns / Hymnos alternativos:
    1. Holy God, we praise thy name ...
    2. My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord ...
    1. Coro: Te den gracias todo los pueblos, / que todos los pueblos te den gracias.
    Senor, Senor, Senor, gracias te damos / por esta misa que hemos celebrado. / ...
    Senor que bien se vive en tu casa, / en Christo siempre unidos como hermanos. / ...
    Flor y Canto # 323 - Tradicional.
    2. Proclama mi alma la grandeza del Senor, ...
    Liturgia de las Horas.

    Appendix II. Resources
    I. Hymnals / I. Himnarios
    A. Breaking Bread ...
    B. Gather ...
    C. Glory and Praise ...
    D. Worship ...
    E. Liturgy Today ...
    A. Flor y Canto ...
    B. Canticos ...
    C. Breaking Bread ...

    II. Suggested Hymns
    A. Responsorial Psalm and all Acclamations are preferably sung
    1. Responsorial Psalm
    2. Alleluia
    3. Holy
    4. Memorial Acclamation
    5. Great Amen
    B. Appropriate Hymns among others / B. Himnos apropiados entre otros
    1. This is the day that the Lord has made
    2. Holy God we praise your name
    3. Now thank we all our God
    4. Make me an instrument of your peace
    1. Este es el Dia
    2. Gracias, Senor
    3. Hazme un Instrumento de tu Paz
    4. Santa Maria del Camino
    III. Church Documents / III. Documentos Eclesiasticos
    A. Music in Catholic Worship / La Musica en el Culto Catolico
    B. Liturgical Music Today / La Musica Liturgica Hoy
    (Both of them are found in The Liturgy Documents published by Liturgy Training Publications)
    (Ambos se encuentran en Los Documentos Liturgicos publicado por Liturgical [sic] Training Publications)
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,198
    This is all unfamiliar to me, so I found the Wikipedia article on Quinceanera helpful.
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    Back in Houston, many parishes had group celebrations, not individual. These always took place on Sundays, sometimes part of one of the regular Masses. In these cases, the Readings of the day prevailed.
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    Okay, I have finished proofreading and correcting the above entries.
  • G
    Posts: 1,397
    Thank you so much, very helpful, especially that PDF of the Blessing.
    I'm guessing then, that the OCP suggestions have no more wieght than their music suggestions.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • eft94530eft94530
    Posts: 1,577
    All the OFFICIAL USCCB info is in the Second Post (above).
    This is a FYI POST, provided purely for the book afficionado,
    about the 2008 booklet (pretty arrangement of the PDF).
    This is a red shiny heavy paper cover saddle-stitched (i.e., two staples) booklet H9.0"xW6.0", 36 pages plus cover.
    I have acquired copies of this published booklet for priest, musician, office, sacristy.
    For this CMAA Forum, the critical info is rubric numbers: 3 and 16 and 32.



    Page 1 repeat cover text (bilingual as above)
    Pages 2-3 repeat cover text (left English) (right Spanish)
    Pages 4-5 copyright info, ISBN 978-1-60137-024-2, First Printing Sep 2008 (English) (Spanish)
    Pages 6-7 table of contents (English) (Spanish)
    Pages 8-9 CDWDS Prot N 1709/05/L (Latin) (English)
    The rest of the booklet is English left of the spine and Spanish right of the spine.
    Pages 10-11 USCCB Decree (In accord with the norms ...) (Segun las normas ...)
    Pages 12-13 (A. Order For Blessing On The Fifteenth Birthday Within Mass) (A. Rito Que ...)
    Pages 20-21 (B. Order For Blessing On The Fifteenth Birthday Outside Mass) (B. Rito Que ...)
    Pages 30-31. (Appendix General Intercessions) (Plegaria ...)
    Page 36 (blank, no number)