Simple questions: 1. Is there not a teacher's edition available specifically for this resource? (As opposed to the Ward System progressive series.) 2. Has anybody had access to Wilko's "schema" for the lessons, and/or lesson plans for same?
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I took Wilko's Advanced Ward class this summer and am again amazed at what a wonderful resource Now I Walk is for those using the Ward method.
As chonak mentions, the key is in the table in the appendix, which tells what new skills are being introduced. Another huge help in using the book is Wilko's wonderful one-page guide, which included:
Starting instructions (sung on the first note of the melody)
2/4 upbeat: "up down now sing" ("up down now start" for rhythm exercises) 3/4 upbeat "up down over and now sing" ("start") 2/4 downbeat "one two now sing" ("start") 3/4 downbeat "one two three and now sing" or "one two three now we sing" ("start")
Compass exercises
Four compass exercises in each mode
Measuring (melodic) gesture Metrical gestures 1, 2, 3 and 4 Rhythmical gestures 2, 3 and 4
Teachers skills
Create a relaxed but concentrated atmosphere during the lesson Avoid the use of too many words Help children to produce a natural and beautiful sound Choose good and coherent pitches for exercises and songs Challenge the children’s inner hearing Challenge the children’s memory Challenge the children’s vigilant eyes Alternate between activity of the whole group, smaller groups and individual children Use the pitchpipe (tuning fork or piano) and the red/green pointer skillfully and musically Give correct starting instructions for rhythm exercises, melodies and songs Don’t break the flow of the lesson by focusing on things that go wrong
To refresh your memory of any of the elements, use the Ward I Teacher's manual to remind yourself...
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