What are your music selections for the Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    I will be doing the Propers for Entrance, Offertory, and Communion for sure (OF).
    But what Hymns and motets will you be doing?

  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Here is my list (OF) "Our Lady of Grace Catholic Parish"
    Entrance - By All Your Saints Still Striving - verse 7
    Entrance Antiphon - A man was sent from God, whose name was John
    Offertory Antiphon - The Just will flourish like the Palm Tree
    Communion Antiphon - Through the Tender Mercy of Our God.
    Communion Hymn - Soul of My Savior
    Meditation - Salve Regina
    Recessional - Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones.

    Mass Ordinary = Heritage Mass
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,965
    Holy Ghost Catholic Church, Knoxville, TN

    Entrance: The Great Forerunner of the Morn (Winchester New)
    Gloria and remainder of Ordinary - ICEL chant
    Psalm: 139:14a Michael Bogdan
    Offertory: Blessed Are They Whose Spirits Long (Israel in Egypt) G.F. Handel
    Communion chant: R. Rice
    Communion Hymn: When Jesus Came to Jordan (De Eersten Zijn...)
    Recessional: Holy God, We Praise Thy Name (Grosser Gott)
    Postlude: Dialogue - 3rd Livre - Marchand - probably, but I may change my mind.
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Improvisation on DEO GRACIAS
    Introit GR
    Kyrie/Gloria VIII
    Gradual GR
    Alleluia GR
    Credo III
    Offertory LCM
    On Jordan's Bank WINCHESTER NEW
    Sanctus/Agnus Dei VIII
    Communion GR/LCM
    Veni Jesu Amor Mi, Cherubini
    The Great Forerunner of the Morn DEO GRACIAS
    Trumpet Tune in G Major, Roberts
  • Stella611
    Posts: 112
    I direct for TLM, so all the chant propers are sung, plus the following:

    Mass Setting: Missa L'Hora Passa by Viadana / Credo III

    Entrance: O Sacred Heart of Jesus, Hear (New St. Basil Hymnal)

    Offertory: Justus Ut Palma by Pizzoli (a 2part women's motet w/ organ)

    Communion: Ut Queant Laxis (lauds chant hymn for John the Baptist)
    Sub Tuum Praesidium (Garau)
    Pange Lingua (Ravanello)

    Closing: To Christ the King of Peace (Trad. Roman Hymnal)
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,791
    We're doing one of my long time favorites, K72/74f with a small string band. To keep it in our repertory I'm thinking of re-using it for Advent II.
  • efof91
    Posts: 4
    Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
    Manhattan, NY - 10:25 AM - Latin Sung Mass - 1962 MR-EF

    Gregorian Propers - De ventre matris meae
    Ordinary - Mass IV, Cunctipotens Genitor Deus
    Credo III

    Hymn at the Offertory - Ut Queant Laxis
    Anthem at the Communion - Panis Angelicus - Claudio Casciolini

    Marian Antiphon - Salve Regina

    Organ Voluntaries at the Procession and Retiring Procession
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,760
    Ut Queant Laxis with all 14 verses can be found here,

  • Mary Ann
    Posts: 49
    St. James Church, Forest City, IA - 10:30 AM Mass
    Hymns: JourneySongs
    Ordinary: Heritage Mass
    Processional: Luke:Benedictus
    Ps 139
    Offertory: By All Your Saints Still Striving
    Communion: Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist
    Recessional: Sing We Now the Glorious Martyrs
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 432
    St. Mary's, Tampa, FL

    Entrance: "The Great Forerunner of the Morn"
    Psalm 139: Guimont
    Offertory: "O God, You Search Me"
    Communion: "Benedictus" (Krisman) - as found in the Morning Prayer section of Worship IV
    Recessional: "By All Your Saints Still Striving"
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,965
    You know, all of these look good.
  • Holy Redeemer, El Dorado, AR

    In - For All The Saints
    Psalm & Alleluia - CC Watershed
    Offertory - O God, You Search Me
    Communion Antiphon - Simple English Propers
    Communion Hymn - The Great Forerunner of the Morn
    Out - Organ
  • OF/NO (4:00, 9:15):
    · Kyrie XVI
    · Gloria Simplex (Proulx)
    · Sanctus XVIII
    · Memorial Acclamation C (ICEL Missal)
    · Lord's Prayer (English on Saturday, Latin on Sunday)
    · Agnus Dei XVIII

    · Introit, Offertory, Communion (w/verses): Gregorian
    · Gradual, Alleluia: Chants Abrégés

    Motets (9:15 only):
    · Prelude: Ps 116(117) w/Gloria Patri, G.M. Asola (falsobordone, quinti or sexti toni)
    · Offertory: Ps 8:2, M. Brosig
    · Communion: Ps 24(25):1–3, P. Aranaz y Vides; Ps 26(27):4, G.F.Anerio

    · On Jordan's Bank (Winchester New)

    EF/TL (7:30):
    · Asperges me
    · Proper: Gregorian
    · Ordinary: Mass VIII or XI; Credo III
    · Marian Antiphon: Salve Regina, simple tone

    Postlude: Ut queant laxis, Cabezón (probably)
    Thanked by 1MarkS
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    donr- If you have the Heritage Missal of OCP you will be shocked that Soul of My Savior is not there! I think "O God You Search Me and You Know Me" is one of the best modern hymns I have heard. Good marriage of words and tune, scriptural, etc. all the good things for an OF Mass.
  • davido
    Posts: 917
    By all your saints still striving
    Cabrini Mass
    Alstott gradual settings
    Weber propers
    The great forerunner of the morn
    Be thou my vision
    Ye watchers and ye holy ones
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,077
    I'm playing hooky to get to Chicago early and visit St. John Cantius, so repertoire is easier than usual. But my guys are doing Ut queant laxis for Offertory motet, and the pro/re-cessional is On Jordan's Banks, the only remotely suitable hymn in the Campion missal which we use. (EF)
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 314
    By All Your Saints Still Striving
    Kyrie Orbis Factor
    ICEL Chant Mass
    Responsorial Psalm - Sam Schmitt
    Mode VI Alleluia w SATB chanted verse
    The Great Forerunner of the morn (Winchester New)
    Communion Antiphon - SEP
    When John Baptized by Jordan's River
    Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,926
    PRELUDE: Felix Mendelssohn, "Notturno" from A Midsummer Night's Dream (organ)
    ORDINARY: William J. Marsh, Jubilee Mass of the Sacred Heart
    PROPERS: Gregorian
    PROCESSIONAL: On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry WINCHESTER NEW
    OFFERTORY MOTET: Joseph Johann Fux, Angelis Suis
    FIRST COMMUNION MOTET:Fr. Louis Lambilotte, Panis Angelicus
    SECOND COMMUNION MOTET: Charles Cohen, Benedictus (Canticle of Zechariah) alternatim with chant
    RECESSIONAL: Praise to the Holiest in the Height BILLING

  • CCoozeCCooze
    Posts: 1,259
    Our only "special" music for this Mass:

    O Sacrum Convivium - Lallouette
    Canticle of Zechariah (St. Michael Hymnal)
    Lauda Sion Salvatorem - Monteverdi
    Jesu, Salvator Mundi - Menegali
  • RevAMG
    Posts: 162
    Music at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Washington, DC):
    » Vigil Mass (Saturday)
    » Mass of the Solemnity (Sunday)
  • dmandalak
    Posts: 16
    Processional – By All Your Saint's Still Striving
    Offertory – On Jordan's Bank
    Communion – Taste and See (James E. Moore)
    Recessional – Ye Watchers and Ye Holy One's

    Richard Proulx - Community Mass, Psalm - Brian Michael Page, Mode VI Alleluia.
  • rich_enough
    Posts: 1,044
    The Cathedral Parish, Bridgeport, CT

    Hymn at the procession - The Great Forerunner of the Morn (WINCHESTER NEW)
    Introit, offertory, and communion Gregorian chant
    Responsorial psalm by Sam Schmitt
    Missa de Angelis (K, S, A)
    Gloria - John Lee
    Motet at the offertory - Joannes est nomen eius - Lassus
    Motet at communion - Inter natos mulierum a4 - Asola
    Thanked by 1PaxTecum
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,175
    Mass: Alstott, Heritage
    Proper: Simple Choral Gradual (Rice) with additional hymns at Introit and Offertory, resp. Blessed Be The God Of Israel (Perry/MERLE'S TUNE) and On Jordan's Bank.
    Psalm: T.B.Armstrong (CBW III #220).

    St Louis's Church, Waterloo, Ontario.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,760
    St Mary Magdalen, East Hill, Wandsworth, London

    Asperges from (G.R. normal version)
    Propers INT.,GRAD., ALL., OFF., and COMM (from G.R. 1924)
    Mass II
    Credo I
    Offertory hymn, Ut Queant Laxis (Ut, re mi melody)
    Communion hymn, O nimis felix, (alternative melody as found in the Antiphonal 1949)
    Domine Salvum fac
    Salve Regina (Solemn)

    N.B. A paid choir was singing at our usual church, so some of us sung elsewhere.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • ELapisardi
    Posts: 31
    Chapel of the Most Holy Trinity (USMA) West Point, NY

    Ordinary: Heritage Mass
    Propers: Simple English Propers

    "On Jordan's Bank"
    "O God, You Search Me"
    "Draw Near and Take the Body of the Lord"
    "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones"

    Postlude: "Nachspiel" Bruckner

    Limited relevant choices in our current hymnals... Hoping to upgrade soon!
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham -

    Pontifical Mass - 11.15am

    Organ Voluntary - Prelude on Winchester New - - - Improvisation
    At the Procession - Hymn: 'Hail to the Lord's Anointed - - - Woodbird
    The Introit - De ventre - - - Tone VII (Anglican Use Gradual)
    Kyrie - - - - Merbecke
    Gloria - - - - Old Scottish Chant

    Psalm CXXXIX: Domine probaste - - - Chant, William Crotch
    Alleluya and Verse - Tu puer - - - Tone VI (AUG)

    The Nicene Creed - - - Recto Tono
    The Prayers of the Faithful - - - Byzantine Chant

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon - Iustus ut palma - - - Tone II (AUG)
    Anthem - 'How Lovely are the Messengers', from St Paul - - - Felix Mendelssohn

    Sanctus - - - - Merbecke
    Our Father - - - - Mode VII
    Agnus Dei - - - - Merbecke

    At the Communion -
    The Antiphon - Tu Puer - - - Tone I (AUG)
    Anthem - Benedictus, from The Short Service - - - Orlando Gibbons
    Hymn - 'On Jordan's Bank the Baptist's Cry' - - - Winchester New

    At the Dismissal - Hymn: 'Hark! A Thrilling Voic is Sounding' - - - Merton
    Organ Voluntary - Toccata on Merton - - - Improvisation
  • At St. Martha’s in Enfield, Ct., we sang (besides the propers):

    Processional: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
    Offertory: Ave Maria (Arcadelt)
    Communion: O Gloriosa Virginum (Andernach) and Dixit Ioannes (not sure which)
    Recessional: Hail, True Victim, Life and Light
  • lautzef
    Posts: 69
    Immaculate Conception, Cleveland (downtown)

    prelude: Gregorio Strozzi, Ricercata Terza
    short processional: improvisation on Justus ut palma
    ordinary: Obrecht, Missa Je ne seray plus vert vestus (Credo III)
    offertory following verse: Ut queant laxis (chant, verses ornamented with organum, isons, etc.)
    communion following verse: Willaert, Nazarenus vocabitur (more than usual communions, so we sang it twice and then sang chant O nimis with ornamentation as above for Ut queant)
    postlude: JS Bach, Christ unser Herr zum Jordan kam (the big one)
    Thanked by 1rich_enough
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 208
    Full EF propers and of course THIS!!!!

  • Heath
    Posts: 964
    I adapted a round with the Justus ut palma text (proper offertory for this feast...and many others!).