Ave Maria Virgo Serena
  • d_j
    Posts: 21
    Been searching and could not find any chant notation... do they make it for this piece? Thanks in advance!
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Yes. It's Mode VI... I know I had it at one point...
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    Here you are. PDF score attached.
    Ave Maria Virgo Serena.pdf
    Thanked by 3d_j Jackson Cantus67
  • d_j
    Posts: 21
    @ CHGiffen... where? Apologies, I don't see it!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    Click on the "Ave Maria Virgo Serena.pdf" to access the score (download or open in Acrobat Reader).
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Refresh your page.
    Thanked by 1d_j
  • d_j
    Posts: 21
    Golly gee... dang internet! Thank you both so much... Ave's for you!
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    Here is a recording of this splendid sequence hymn:


  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    Compare the sequence (above) with the Jean Mouton motet in two parts. The attached recording is by Zephyrus, from its CD Nativity, 1997 (I'm one of the two basses in the recording). The attached score is my own edition, available also at CPDL.

    Mouton omits some of the verses of the text, but one can clearly see or hear the Gregorian melodies, in various parts, and there is an added "O Maria dulcissima..." conclusion to the piece that is quite beautiful.

    Here, also, is a Chanticleer performance of the Prima pars:


    Mouton-Ave Maria - virgo serena.pdf
    Mouton-Ave Maria (Zephyrus).mp3
  • d_j
    Posts: 21
    Is the chant found in any of the various Liber's?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    It is in the Cantus Selecti (1957), no. 128 on p. 159*.
    Thanked by 1d_j
  • dear all.
    i need translation in English,please.thank you
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Try the CPDL text page.
    Thanked by 1andreasadi
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,453
    None of the texts translated at CPDL corresponds to the sequence at Cantus Selecti #128.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    Most of the text in Cantus Selecti (1957) is indeed translated at CPDL (Variant 2, in the Mouton setting). Here are the missing portions of the text (in italics) ... the parts between successive "..." are at CPDL (from the Mouton setting):

    Ave Maria, ...
    ... Virgo serena,

    Et benedictus fructus ventris tui :
    Qui cohaeredes ut essimus sui
    Nos fecit per gratiam.

    Per hoc autem Ave,
    Mundo tam suave,
    Contra carnis jura,

    Genuisti prolem :
    Novum stella solem
    Nova genitura.

    Tu parvi ...

    ... faecis et miseriae,
    [Theophilum]Paenitentem reformans gratiae.

    Te collaudet caelestis curia,
    [Tu mater es regis filia.]
    Tibi nostra favent obsequia;
    Per te reis donatur venia,
    Per te justis confertur gratia.

    Ergo, maris stella,
    Verbi Dei cella,
    Et solis aurora.

    Paradisi porta,
    Per quam lux est orta,
    Natum tuum ora :

    Ut nos solvat a peccatis,
    Et in regno claritatis,
    Quo lux lucet sedula,
    Collocet per saecula.


    Thanked by 1andreasadi
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    I finally found a translation. Here is the complete text & translation of the Sequence (for Annunciation):

    Ave Maria, gratia plena,
    Dominus tecum—virgo serena.
    Benedicta tu in mulieribus—
    que peperpisti pacem hominibus
    et angelis gloriam.

    Et benedictus fructus ventris tui -
    qui coheredes ut essemus sui
    nos, fecit per gratiam.

    Per hoc autem Ave
    Mundo tam suave,
    Contra carnis iura

    Genuisti prolem
    Novum stella solem
    Nova genitura.

    Tu parvi et magni,
    Leonis et agni,
    Salvatoris Christi
    Templum extitisti,
    Sed virgo intacta.

    Tu floris et roris,
    Panis et pastoris,
    Virginum regina
    Rosa sine spina,
    Genitrix es facta.

    Tu civitas regis iusticie,
    Tu mater es misericordie,
    De lacu fæcis et miseriæ
    Pænitentem reformans gratie.

    Te collaudat celestis curia,
    Tibi nostra favent obsequia,
    Per te reis donatur venia.
    Per te justis confertur gratia.

    Ergo maris stella,
    Verbi Dei cella
    Et solis aurora,
    Paradisi porta,
    Per quam lux est orta,
    Natum tuum ora,

    Ut nos solvat a peccatis,
    Et in regno claritatis
    Quo lux lucet sedula,
    Collocet per secula. Amen.

    Hail Mary, full of grace,
    The Lord is with you—O serene virgin.
    Blessed are you among women,
    you who bore peace for humankind
    and glory for the angels.

    And blessed is the fruit of your womb—
    he who makes us his heirs through grace,
    so that we might be his.

    But though this “Ave” —
    So pure and sweet,
    Contrary to the law of the flesh—

    You, O star, through a new birth
    Brought forth your offspring,
    The new sun.

    You stand out as the temple
    Of the humble and the great,
    Of the lion and the lamb,
    Of Christ the savior—
    Yet you remain a virgin.

    You have been made mother
    Of the bud and the dew,
    Of the bread and the shepherd
    You are queen of virgins,
    Rose without thorns.

    You are the city of the king of justice,
    You are mother of mercy,
    From the pool of impurity and misery
    You recast one who through grace
    becomes a lover of God.

    You the celestial curia together praises in song,
    To You our services are devoted,
    You who are mother and daughter of God,
    Through You the pardon for guilt is offered.

    Therefore star of the sea,
    Sanctuary of the word of God
    And dawn of the sun,
    Door of paradise
    Through which the Light is born:

    Pray to Him your Son,
    That He might free us from sins,
    And place us in the kingdom of clarity,
    Where the sedulous light shines
    Through all ages.
    Thanked by 1andreasadi
  • d_j
    Posts: 21
    Anyone know a little history of this sequence? Benedictine origin? In what context was it chanted... the Mass or as a processional I would presume?
  • Richard MixRichard Mix
    Posts: 2,792
    Nicolas Ludford set it as the sequence of a Ladymass (3vv)
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,766
    Here is the Cantus page, this lists the manuscripts that this sequence is found in,

    Here is the Analecta Hymnica page,


    As you can see over the page this sequence is found in a large number of Manuscripts, Monastic, Franciscan, Sarum.
    And is found in Manuscripts from England, Modern Germany, France, Italy etc.
    Thanked by 2a_f_hawkins CHGiffen
  • CGM
    Posts: 694
    Here's another translation:

    Hail Mary, full of grace,
    the Lord is with thee, serene virgin.
    Blessed are you among women,
    for you gave birth to peace among men
    and the glory of angels;
    and blessed is the fruit of your womb,
    that we all may be his heirs
    redeemed, through grace.

    For this, moreover, hail:
    into the world so sweetly,
    contrary to the law of the flesh:
    you have brought forth a child,
    have borne anew the sun,
    born at day-star’s dawning.

    For lowly and great,
    lion and lamb,
    our saviour Christ:
    you have been his temple,
    while still a virgin.

    For the flower and rose,
    the bread and the shepherd:
    you queen of virgins,
    a rose without a thorn,
    you became their mother.

    You are the royal seat of justice,
    you are the mother of mercy,
    from out of the depths of dregs and misery
    hast seen Theophilus to grace.

    The heavenly court praises you,
    you the king’s mother and daughter;
    through you the accused is given grace,
    through you favor comes to the just.

    Therefore, star of the sea,
    sanctuary of the word of God,
    morn of sun’s new dawning,
    gate of paradise,
    through whom light was born:
    pray to your son,
    to forgive us our sins
    and in the realm of splendor
    in which light shines eternally,
    gather us together forever. Amen.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen andreasadi
  • it's strange that this sequence did not appear at EF Mass In Annunciation of B.M.V
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,453
    andreasadi: There were once hundreds of sequences, almost all of them suppressed with the (Tridentine) Missal of 1570, see, for example.
    Thanked by 1andreasadi
  • tomjaw
    Posts: 2,766
    I have not been able to get the Cantus Database to give a list but assume that there would be a minimum of 10 possibly 20-40 sequences used for the Feast of the Annunciation, I note many of the manuscripts seem to use a common sequence of our Lady.

    Before the Trent Missal was published and indeed for many years afterwards many places had their own Missal with their own unique set of Propers, many places had plenty of sequences, other places had only a few. The Trent Missal I believe was based on one of the Missals with only a few sequences. Sadly many places went over to use the Trent Missal rather than continue to use their own as was allowed under the Trent reforms.

    As for Sequences in the EF, I believe around 20 can still be used in various places and or various orders...

    So besides Dies Irae, Lauda Sion, Stabant mater, Veni sancti and Victimae, we have

    Franciscans, 5
    Christi mortem, Gaude Virgo, In caelesti hierachia, Lauda Sion (SS Nomen) and Sanctitatis)
    Benedictines 2
    Emicat merides and Laeta quies
    Dominican 3
    Laetabundus, In caelesti hierachia, and Sanctitatis nova signa
    Order of Our Lady of Mercy 1

    Sarum has 110!

    I think Belgium has 2 or 3, and a couple of other Missals contain sequences in their supplements, sadly we do not have a list of all the local Propers but I suspect we will find up to 10 sequences therein.