Sequence for Corpus Christi (English)
  • deo27
    Posts: 10
    Does anyone know if this sequence (WLP-link) is found in any other collection? Would it be licit to write this out myself since its based off of the 8th tone? This would be put in a worship aid.

    Also, does anyone have suggestions for a congregational metric setting of that is in public domain?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    The Hymnal 1940, nos. 193(part I, LAUDA SION)-194(part II, BONE PASTOR), both 12th cent. Mode VII plainsong sequences, as well as with the metrial tunes WEMAN(193) and UNITAS FRATRUM(194) as a second tune. The text is "Sion, praise thy Saviour".
    Thanked by 1deo27
  • The unfortunate thing about the 1940 version is that, impeccable as it is, it is abbreviated.
    A complete version may be found in Palmer-Burgess, or at no. 317 in The English Hymnal.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    True ... I forgot to mention that.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    The Neale(?) translation is 887.887 for the first part, then 8887.8887 for the second part, and then something like 88887.88887 for part three ... all matching the original Latin metre.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    Part 1:
    (1) Laud, O Sion, thy salvation,
    Laud with hymns of exultation
    Christ, thy King and Shepherd true:
    (2) Spend thyself, his honour raising,
    Who surpasseth all thy praising;
    Never canst thou reach his due.

    (3) Sing today, the mystery showing
    Of the living, life-bestowing
    Bread from heaven before thee set;
    (4)E'en the same of old provided,
    Where the Twelve, divinely guided.
    At the holy Table met.

    (5) Full and clear ring out thy chanting,
    Joy nor sweetest grace be wanting
    To thy heart and soul today;
    (6) When we gather up the measure
    Of that Supper and its treasure,
    Keeping feast in glad array.

    (7) Lo, the new King's Table gracing,
    This new Passover of blessing
    Hath fulfilled the elder rite:
    (8) Now the new the old effaceth,
    Truth revealed the shadow chaseth,
    Day is breaking on the night.

    (9) What he did at Supper seated,
    Christ ordained to be repeated,
    His memorial ne'er to cease:
    (10) And, his word for guidance taking,
    Bread and wine we hallow, making
    Thus our Sacrifice of peace.

    (11) This the truth to Christians given -
    Bread becomes his Flesh from heaven.
    Wine becomes his holy Blood.
    (12) Doth it pass thy comprehending?
    Yet by faith, thy sight transcending,
    Wondrous things are understood.

    (13) Yea, beneath these signs are hidden
    Glorious things to sight forbidden:
    Look not on the outward sign.
    (14) Wine is poured and Bread is broken,
    But in either sacred token
    Christ is here by power divine.

    (15) Whoso of this Food partaketh,
    Christ divideth not nor breaketh:
    He is whole to all that taste.
    (16) Thousands are, as one, receivers,
    One, as thousands of believers,
    Takes the Food that cannot waste.

    (17) Good and evil men are sharing
    One repast, a oom preparing
    Varied as the heart of man;
    (18) Doom of life or death awarded,
    As their days shall be recorded
    Which from one beginning ran.

    Part 2:
    (19) When the Sacrament is broken,
    Doubt not in each severed token,
    Hallowed by the word once spoken,
    Resteth all the true content:
    (20) Nought the precious Gift divideth,
    Breaking but the sign betideth,
    He himself the same abideth,
    Nothing of his fullness spent.

    (21) Lo! the Angel's Food is given
    To the pilgrim who hath striven:
    See the children's Bread from heaven,
    Which to dogs may not be cast;
    (22) Truth the ancient types fulfilling,
    Isaac bound, a victim willing,
    Paschal lamb, its life-blood spilling.
    Manna sent in ages past.

    Part 3:
    (23) O true Bread, good Shepherd, tend us,
    Jesu, of thy love befriend us,
    Thou refresh us, thou defend us,
    Thine eternal goodness send us
    In the land of life to see;
    (24) Thou who all things canst and knowest,
    Who on earth such Food bestowest,
    Grant us with thy Saints, though lowest,
    Where the heavenly Feast thou showest,
    Fellow-heirs and guests to be.

    Amen. Alleluya.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • KyleM18
    Posts: 150
    There's a version in the St. Isaac Jogues Missal that changes the meter in verses 19-24 to match the rest, if that would be better. It uses 887 meter for most of it, although some verses make it 777 or 888 instead. I'd probably end up wood-shedding it into an 887 meter hymn tune, or use a psalm tone. It is the translation by St. Robert Southwell.

    (1) Praise, O Sion! praise thy Savior,
    Praise thy captain and thy pastor,
    With hymns and solemn harmony.
    (2) What power affords perform indeed;
    His worths all praises far exceed,
    No praise can reach His dignity

    (3) A special theme of praise is read,
    A living and life-giving bread,
    Is on this day exhibited;
    (4)Which in the supper of our Lord,
    To twelve disciples at His board
    None doubts was delivered.

    (5)Let our praise be loud and free,
    Full of joy and decent glee,
    With minds’ and voices’ melody;
    (6)For now solemnize we that day,
    Which doth with joy to us display
    The prince of this mystery.

    (7)At this board of our new ruler,
    Of new law, new paschal order
    The ancient rite abolisheth;
    (8)Old decrees be new annullèd,
    Shadows are in truths fulfillèd,
    Day former darkness finisheth.

    (9) That at supper Christ performèd,
    To be done He straitly chargèd
    For His eternal memory
    (10) Guided by His sacred orders,
    Bread and wine upon our altars
    To saving host we sanctify.

    (11) Christians are by faith assurèd
    That to flesh the bread is changèd,
    The wine to blood most precious:
    (12) That no wit nor sense conceiveth,
    Firm and grounded faith believeth,
    In strange effects not curious

    (13) Under kinds two in appearance,
    Two in show but one in substance,
    Lie things beyond comparison;
    (14) Flesh is meat, blood drink most heavenly,
    Yet is Christ in each kind wholly,
    Most free from all division.

    (15) None that consumeth doth rend Him,
    None that takes Him doth divide Him,
    Received He whole persevereth.
    (16) Be there one or thousands hosted,
    One as much as all receivèd
    He by no eating perisheth.

    (17)Both the good and bad receive Him,
    But effects are diverse in them,
    True life or true destruction.
    (18)Life to the good, death to the wicked,
    Mark how both alike receivèd
    With far unlike conclusion.

    (19) When the priest the host divideth,
    Know that in each part abideth
    All that the whole host covered.
    (20) Form of bread, not Christ is broken,
    Not of Christ, but of His token,
    Is state or stature altered

    (21) Angels’ bread made pilgrims’ feeding
    Truly bread for children’s eating,
    To dogs not to be offerèd.
    (22) Signed by Isaac on the altar,
    By the lamb and paschal supper,
    And in the manna figurèd.

    (23) Jesu, food and feeder of us,
    Here with mercy feed and friend us,
    Then grant in heaven felicity!
    (24)Lord of all, whom here Thou feedest,
    Fellows, heirs, guests with Thy dearest,
    Make us in heavenly company
    Amen. (Alleluia.)
  • a_f_hawkins
    Posts: 3,453
    The translation by Aylward is in the lectionary for England&Wales, and the CTS 'Daily Missal People's Edition'. According to Wikipedia it is also used in Austalia and New Zealand. Aylward died in 1872?, so no copyright problems there.
    There is an option given of only using the last three verses "Behold the bread of angels ..."
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • A useful document for all of the hymns for Corpus Christi is published by the Liturgy Office of the Catholic Church in England and Wales. Two English translations of Lauda Sion are included.
  • Mr Hawkins -
    What we can see of the Aylward version is exceptionally beautiful. Can you give us the entire sequence?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    Here is the Aylward, extracted from the link that a_f_hawkins provided.
    Thanked by 1a_f_hawkins
  • Steve CollinsSteve Collins
    Posts: 1,022
    If you can get away with tradition English, the full Sequence is available at #317 in "The English Hymnal", and at #521 in "The New English Hymnal". The former is a bit more traditional than the latter. The latter might not be still under copyright. I'll scan it, if anyone wants.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    The English Hymnal no. 317 is the Neale translation, set to traditional plainsong chant, more or less as found in The Hymnal 1040 at 193-194.
  • found in The...

    I had been unaware of The Hymnal 1040.
    It must be chock full of ancient treasures.
    Where did you find it?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    I downloaded it from After all, the penitential season is underway.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,186
    I had been unaware to The Hymnal 1040.
    I'll let you know around April 15th. Meanwhile, try the 1940.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn