• The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham


    Solemn Evensong
    Second Evensong of the Fourth Sunday in Lent - Laetare

    Organ Voluntary - Psalm Prelude in D-minor, Op. 32, No. 1 - - - Herbert Howells

    Introit - 'View Me, Lord' - - - Richard Lloyd

    The Preces - Thomas Ebdon
    The Office Hymn - 'Now Christ, Thou Son of Righteousness' - - - Jesu dulcis memoria
    The Psalter -
    1. Psalm XIX: Caeli enarrant - - - Chant, Frederick A. Ousley
    2. Psalm XLVI: Deus moster refugium - - - Chant, Alec Wyton

    Magnificat - Evening Service in E-minor - - - Pelham Humphrey
    Nunc Dimittis - Evening Service in E-minor - - - Pelham Humphrey

    The Suffrages - - - Thomas Ebdon

    The Anthem - Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei - - - Henry Purcell

    The Marian Anthem - Ave Regina caelorum - - - Robert Lehman

    Hymn - 'In the Light All Light Excelling' - - - Drake's Broughton

    Organ Voluntary - From Sonata in D-minor, Op. 65, No. 6 - - - Felix Mendelssohn
    (Choral, Andante sostenuto, and Allegro molto)
    Thanked by 2Incardination Blaise
  • bangerman
    Posts: 44
    Heard at St. Louis, King of France
    Austin, TX

    Introit — “Rejoice, Jerusalem” (Mode V, Bartlett)
    Kyrie — VIII
    Psalm — Proulx
    Gospel Acc. — Schoen, with Mode VIII verse
    Credo — III
    Offertory — “Praise the Lord” (Mode II, Bartlett)
    Offertory Anthem — “Pilgrims’ Hymn” (Paulus)

    Sanctus — VIII
    Memorial Acc. — “Save us…” (RM)
    Amen — Solemn-tone
    Agnus Dei — VIII
    Communio — “Jerusalem is built as a city” (Mode IV, Bartlett)
    Communion Hymn — “Eat this bread” (Taizé)
    Communion Anthem — “The Road Home” (Paulus)
    Recessional Hymn — “What wondrous love is this” (WONDROUS LOVE)
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • Sacred Heart - Cincinnati, OH

    • Attende Domine
    • Organ prelude

    • Lustral = Asperges II
    • Mass = Casciolini Mass for 3 voices (based on Mass XVII and XVIII)
    • Full Propers
    • Credo VI
    • Offt. motet = Vide Domine (Palestrina)
    • Communion motets:
      Tristis Est (Martini)
      In Monte Oliveti (Martini)
      Velum Templi (Connolly)
      O Vos Omnes #2 (Victoria)

    • O Sacred Head Surrounded
    • Organ postlude

  • Here's a routine reminder: Be discriminating but don't nitpick.
  • advocatusadvocatus
    Posts: 84
    St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
    Leawood, Kansas

    Fr. Shawn Tunink, celebrant
    Capella Vocalis Michaeliensis
    Dr. Kevin Vogt, choirmaster
    Mr. Daniel Klocke, cantor
    Mr. Thomas Zachacz, organist

    Introit | Laetare, Jerusalem (Graduale Romanum))
    Hymn | Hear Us, Almighty Lord (ATTENDE DOMINE)
    Kyrie | Kyrie XVI (Kyriale)
    Psalm | Psalm 23 (Richard Proulx)
    Acclamation | Praise and Honor (Kyrie 'Orbis factor')
    Dismissal of Catechumens | Let the Word Make a Home in Your Heart (Psallite)
    Offertory | Open Thou Mine Eyes (John Rutter)
    Sanctus | Sanctus XVIII (Kyriale)
    Mysterium Fidei | We proclaim your Death (David Kraehenbuehl)
    Amen | Danish
    Agnus Dei | Agnus Dei XVIII (Kyriale)
    Communio | Lutum fecit ex sputo (Graduale Romanum))
    Anthem | I Sat Down Under His Shadow (Edward Bairstow)
    Hymn | Amazing Grace (NEW BRITAIN)
    Hymn | Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days (ST. FLAVIAN)

    Organ by John Brombaugh & Associates, Opus 7 (1971)
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica
    Toronto, Ontario, Canada

    His Eminence, Thomas Cardinal Collins, celebrant
    His Eminence, Robert Cardinal Sarah, homilist

    Entrance Hymn: There's a Wideness in God's Mercy COVERDALE
    Introit: Laetare Jerusalem
    Kyrie from Die Deutsche Liturgie Mendelssohn
    Psalm 137 from New Cathedral Gradual
    SS Gospel Acclamation
    Offertory: God So Loved the World Stainer
    Communion: Ierusalem, quae aedificatur
    Parce Domine
    Anthem: The Lord is My Shepherd (Goodall)
    Concluding Hymn: The King of Love My Shepherd Is ST COLUMBA
    Video link, if you're interested in hearing the Mass and Cardinal Sarah's homily. He was hard to understand but still a good, traditional homily. He's giving Vespers and a Public Lecture this evening.

  • PolskaPiano
    Posts: 255
    We still do the simple 4-square hymn masses but I am ecouraged that my song choices somewhat reflect in spirit and theology the beautiful pieces of these larger Cathedrals and Basilicas.

    Entrance Hymn: Jerusalem, My Happy Home (LAND OF REST), specific verses
    Psalm: Psalm 137 by Owen Alstott (R&A)
    Gospel Acclamation also by Own Alstott (R&A)
    Offertory: Only This I Want - Dan Schutte (a song from the Gather hymnal we have that isn't trite, and has good, sound theology (verses are paraphrased verses from Phillipians)
    Mass of Grace (locally composed) Gordon Proulx
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Commuion: I am the Bread of Life (Toolan)
    Silent Recessional (per pastor)
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    I also used "The King of Love My Shepherd Is." As a recessional hymn do you sing all the verses? To me it seems odd to sing less than the whole psalm. We used it for the communion hymn and sang all the verses.
  • At St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica, we usually sing all verses, unless otherwise specified.
    Thanked by 1Carol
  • Schönbergian
    Posts: 1,063
    @Casavant Organist: Commendable selection, except for the truly horrible Goodall selection. A perfect example of "sacred" music drawn from secular tradition, associated inextricably with secular culture, now doing double duty in a place of worship.

    Prelude: Brahms - Herzlich tut mich verlangen, Op. 122 No. 10
    T. L. de Victoria - Super flumina Babylonis à 8
    Opening: I want to walk as a child of the light, WC 819 (HOUSTON)
    Kyrie: ICEL Chant Mass
    Offertory: God of day and God of darkness, CBW 477 (BEACH SPRING)
    Communion: English Communion antiphon for Lent IV composed by the organist
    Attende Domine (Latin refrain, English verses)
    Henry Ley - God so loved the world (SO superior to the Stainer)
    Postlude: J. S. Bach - O Mensch, bewein dein Sünde Groß, BWV 622
  • As you know, these selections are not my choices. I only sing the selections. I can't stand the Goodall either.
  • OraLabora
    Posts: 218
    St-Michel Cathedral in Sherbrooke, QC

    Sung Vespers at 4:15 pm, mix of Latin and French (Latin introductory verse, hymn, all antiphons, Latin Magnificat; French psalms); music from Antiphonale Romanum II. Benediction afterwards with Tantum Ergo in Latin.

    Mass at 5 pm:

    IN: Laetare in Latin
    Kyriale XVII (Kyrie XVIIC)
    Psalm 136(137) and antiphon in French, Gregorian adaptation by the monks of Saint-Benoît-du-Lac
    Sung Gospel acclamation in French
    OF: Laudate Dominum
    CO: Gustate et Videte (a substitution, as it is well known by the choir)

    Courtesy of the Choeur Grégorien de Sherbrooke, of which I am a chorister since 2002.

  • Here's a routine reminder: Be patient about legitimate differences in personal taste.
  • Advocatus -
    Do you really dismiss the catechumens?
  • canadashcanadash
    Posts: 1,507
    @ Jackson: Our parish also dismisses the catechumens.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,935
    At my parish, cathechumens leave of their own accord.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Ours do leave, when rites and readings pertaining to them occur during a morning mass. Normally, they all go to the evening mass. This year, we have no candidates for baptism or confirmation at Easter Vigil. A big event was held a couple of months ago where all were baptized and/or confirmed, leaving none for Easter Vigil. Looking forward to a shorter Vigil this year.
  • advocatusadvocatus
    Posts: 84
    Advocatus -
    Do you really dismiss the catechumens?

    The Second Scrutiny of the Elect occurred during this Mass, after which the Elect were dismissed. We currently do not have any catechumens who have not been elected for Baptism.
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Carol
    Posts: 856
    At our church they do dismiss the catechumens and they exit through the sacristy and go to the rectory with a deacon for further instruction in the Faith. I like the symbolism it affords.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Things are a bit wonky this year in East TN. The bishop has decreed that all confirmations in the diocese will be done at the new cathedral this year. Next year, the confirmations return to the parishes. We have no catechumens at this time.
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,196
    St John Paul II Student Centre @ St Michael's Church, Waterloo, 7pm.

    Introit: Rejoice, Jerusalem (Weber) + "O Day Of God Draw Nigh" (CBW #586)
    Mass: missal
    Responsorial Psalm: Let my tongue cling to my mouth (Malton)
    Offertory: It is good to give thanks to the Lord our God (Ford)
    Communion : I will go to the altar of God (Ford) + "I Lift My Eyes" (CBW #484)
    Recessional: "O Sun of Justice" (CBW #371)
    Ave Regina Caelorum

    (Everything is unaccompanied (English, except the last) plainsong, except the CBW hymns. Weber is The Proper of the Mass, i.e. mostly as set in the Roman Gradual. Ford is By Flowing Waters, i.e. mostly as set in the Simple Gradual).