While assembling Vespers for Epiphany (classical Rite), I've become confused on some ceremonial issues. I've been looking at Fortescue, but I'm still not sure whether the choir ever stands again during the time between when they sit for the first psalm and the Little Chapter. Has anyone done one of these?
well, can't move it but can you just post over there and we can delete this?
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
Traditional Latin Mass ends with the last Gospel. During this Gospel our schola (and congregation) sings one of Marian antiphons as a recessional hymn. This method is correct according to rubrics, which insist that in sung masses the last Gospel should be read in a low voice.
But now the question arises: what should we do (i.e. our schola and congregation) when a priest genuflects?
Should we genuflect with him (during singing) or should we remain staying?
When I was a student I was occasionally roped into serving, and the advice I had from the MC has stood me in good stead as a singer and occasional DoM - If confused or unsure, the golden rule is: do it slowly and deliberately, whatever it is. Chances are, no-one will question it.
My pastor tells me that he was taught in the seminary to do everything calmly, and deliberately; and that if he walked into a pillar, he should back up two paces, bow to the pillar and then go on... ;o)
I'd like to see the rubric allowing the Recessional (?) hymn to begin while the Mass is still on-going. The Last Gospel IS a part of the EF Mass, and the rule still applies that music at a High Mass needs to be in Latin. Our priest, who always uses an audible voice in the Readings, does so for the LG at High Mass. What IS omitted are the Leonine Prayers to be said after Low Masses. The only other rubric I know of pertaining to the LG is that it is not to be chanted, even at a Solemn High Mass.
In "Rubrics of the Roman Breviary and Missal" there are the following paragraphs.
511. In a low Mass the following are said aloud:
l ) ... and the last gospel
513. In a solemn Mass the celebrant:
e) said quietly the other words which are said aloud in a low Mass.
[the last gospel is not mentioned in the previous points a) - d)]
514. In sung Masses (...) the celebrant must observe what has been said in the preceding section
In "The celebration of Mass" J.B.O'Connell writes that the last gospel should be read silently and in the chapter "Congregation at Solemn Mass" he adds: "All stand for the last Gospel, during which a recessional hymn may be sung".
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