All Saints/Souls
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    Fyi Here are our programs from the solemnities this week at our seminary. To note: Besides the usual Masses, we had Three Solemn Sung Evening prayer liturgies three evenings in a row, one bilingual.
  • The Cathedral of Our Lady of Walsingham -
    The Solemnity of All Saints

    Solemn High Mass -

    (All three readings sung.)

    Organ Voluntary - Toccata on the Litany of the Saints - - - Improvisation
    At the Procession - The Litany of the Saints

    The Introit - Gaudeamus - - - Mode I (Palmer-Burgess)
    Kyrie - Missa Secunda - - - Hans Leo Hassler
    Gloria - Missa Sancta Maria Magdelene - - - Healey Willan

    Psalm XXIV - Domini est terra - - - Chant, Sir Joseph Barnby
    Alleluya and Verse - Venite ad me - - - Mode VI (Anglican Use Gradual)

    The Nicene Creed - - - Recto tono, with organ embellishments

    The Prayers of the People - - - Byzantine Chant

    At the Offertory -
    The Antiphon: Iustorum animae - - - Mode I (P-B)
    Anthem: 'Give Us the Wings of Faith' - - - Sir Ernest Bullock

    Sanctus - Missa Secunda - - - Hans Leo Hassler

    The Our Father - - - Mode VII

    Agnus Dei - Missa Secunda - - - Hans Leo Hassler

    At the Communion -
    The Antiphon: Beati mundo corde - - - Mode I (P-B)
    Motet: Iustorum animae - - - William Byrd
    Hymn: 'Jerusalem, My Happy Home' - - - Land of Rest

    At the Dismissal - Hymn: 'For All the Saints' - - - Sine nomine
    Organ Voluntary - Fantasia on Sine nomine - - - Improvisation

    Here are some of the choice saints from the Ordinariate's Litany of the Saints -
    all in addition to the 'normal ones'...

    Saint Alban, Protomartyr of England
    Saint Patrick of Ireland
    Saint Ninian of Scotland
    Saint David of Wales
    Saint Augustine of Canterbury
    Saint Columba of Iona
    Saint Cuthbert of Lindisfarne
    Saint Chad of Lichfield
    Saint Etheldreda of Ely
    Saint Bede the Venerable
    Saint Friesdeswide of Oxford
    Saint Edward the Confessor
    Saint Anselm of Canterbury
    Saint John Fisher
    Saint Hilda of Whitby
    Saint Dunstan and Saint Oswald
    Saint Robert Southwell and all holy English martyrs
    Blessed John Henry Newman
    (and more...)
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Cantus67
  • Jackson,

    Thank you for providing this list.

    Your litany must sound very different from the typical Roman Rite litany, though, that you can improvise on it!
    Thanked by 1M. Jackson Osborn
  • Well, Chris -
    The various response tones are not different at all.
    Making motives out of them for improvising a piece is not difficult - especially for our choirmaster, Edmund Murray, whose improvisatory gifts are superior even to mine (he even studied improvisation with Gerre Hancock).
    Just think of what Langlais (in Incantations pour un jour saint) did with the Lumen Christi and the litany of the saints of the Easter Vigil!
    Also what he did with the Carolingian acclamations in the last movement of the Suite Medieval!
    Also, think of the compact litany-like thematic unity of the Alain Litanies - which were inspired by something so mundane as the litany-like clickety-clack on the tracks of a train he was riding.

    Actually, our litany has a lot of the normal 'Roman' saints in it - it just has a lot of Anglo-Saxon and English saints to boot.
  • St. Ann's, Lafayette, IN

    Sung by the chant group of Purdue University:

    -ICEL Mass
    -Introit & Communion, Graduale Parvum
    -Responsory & Alleluia, Owen Alstott
    -Opening Hymn, Sine Nomine
    -Offertory Hymn, In Babilone
    -Communion Motet, Ubi Caritas
    -Closing Hymn, Old Hundredth
    -Post service music, Litany of the Saints (abridged, as Father needed to lock up)

    Considering that, due to an unexpected time change, much of this service was, to put it euphemistically, extracted from the anal area, I'd say we did a bang-up job. (I'll have a recording later, for you to judge for yourself.)
  • Stimson -
    What text did you sing to In Babilone?
  • Dimmed if I remember, Chick. Whatever was in Breaking Bad as number 716. I want to say "Sing With All the Saints in Glory"?
  • Read Novus Ordo, no music at all except half a hymn instead of the Introit and half a hymn afterwards. No Glory To God, no Creed. Solemn three-fold blessing at the end of a very unsolemn liturgy.
  • PaxTecum
    Posts: 314

    All Saints
    Introit: Simple english propers
    Hymn at the Entrance Procession: Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
    Kyrie: Recited
    Gloria: Heritage Mass
    Resp. Psalm: Mode I
    Alleluia: Mode VI
    Credo: Recited
    Offertory: Richard Rice Chants for the Church Year
    Sanctus: Missa De Angelis
    Mysterium Fidei: ICEL
    Amen: ICEL long form
    Pater Noster: Recited
    Agnus Dei: Missa De Angelis
    Communion: Simple English propers
    Hymn at Retiring Procession: For All The Saints

    All Souls
    Entrance Antiphon: Requiem Aeternam
    Hymn at the Procession: I Know That My Redeemer Lives
    Resp. psalm: The Lord is My Shepherd (Royce Nickel)
    Alleluia: Mode VI
    Offertory: Domine Jesu Christ’s (Richard rice)
    Sanctus: ICEL
    Mysterium fidei: ICEL
    Amen: Danish
    Agnus Dei: XVIII
    Communion: Lux Aeterna
    Hymn after Communion: The King of Love My Shepherd Is
    Hymn at Retiring Procession: For All The Saints
    Thanked by 2rich_enough Cantus67
  • All Saints
    • Litany of Saints
    • For All the Saints
    • Mass X / Ad Lib Sanctus 1
    • Credo I / Full Propers (except Offt. vs. to allow time)
    • Offertory
    • -- O Quam Gloriosum (Victoria)
    • Communion
    • -- O Sacrum Cor Iesu (Schweitzer)
    • -- Ave Maria (Victoria)
    • -- Te Ioseph Celebrent (Ravanello)
    • -- Tu Es Petrus (Haller)
    • All Hail Adored Trinity

    All Souls
    • Responsory 8 - Matins of the Dead
    • Help Lord the Souls
    • Requiem (some parts from Requiem for 4 voices - Victoria)
    • Offertory
    • -- Miseremini Mei (ANON)
    • Communion
    • -- Peccantem Me (Morales)
    • -- Quid Retribuam (Ravanello)
    • -- Ave Maria (Arcadelt)
    • -- Sitivit (Palestrina)
    • Absolution = Libera Me + In Paradisum
    • Ye Souls of the Faithful
  • Incardination - you sang some of the de Victoria Requiem a 4

    I think it is so beautiful - which parts did you do?
    Thanked by 1Incardination
  • Yes, I agree - it is another example of how he so effectively incorporated elements of the chant. Our Mass is this evening... We'll definitely do the Introit and Kyrie. I was hoping to have the Sanctus / Benedictus tonight as well, but that is unlikely at this point. I'll see how it goes at the practice before Mass.

    Our goal by end of year is to have the Ordinary parts plus the Introit.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,965
    Holy Ghost Catholic, Knoxville, TN.
    All Saints

    Entrance: For All the Saints
    Gloria and mass ordinary - ICEL chant
    Psalm: Eugene Englert, WLP missalette
    Offertory: Recit Del Secondo Tono, Giacomo Boyvin
    Communion Chant: Rice
    Communion Hymn: You Satisfy the Hungry Heart
    Recessional: Sing with All the Saints in Glory
    Postlude: Fugue, Marchand
  • St. Mary's Catholic Church, Tampa, FL

    All Saints
    Entrance: "Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones"
    Kyrie and Gloria: Mass of Wisdom
    Psalm 24: Carroll/Gelineau
    Alleluia: Mass of Wisdom
    Universal Prayer: recited
    Offertory: "Around the Throne a Glorious Band" (set to Jesu Dulcis Memoria)
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen: Mass of Wisdom
    Lord's Prayer: RM chant
    Agnus Dei: you guessed it - Mass of Wisdom
    Communion: "Blest Are They"
    Recessional: "By All Your Saints Still Striving" (St. Theodulph)

    All Souls
    2 public Masses: morning one for deceased parishioners over past year, evening one for deceased members of our Knights of Columbus council
    Introit: "Requiem aeternam" (chant)
    Kyrie: Missa pro defunctis (chant)
    Psalm 23: Crandal
    Alleluia: chant, mode VI
    Universal Prayer: Byzantine chant
    The names of the deceased from each group chanted as part of them
    Offertory: "I Know that My Redeemer Lives" (Hughes)
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen: RM chant
    Lord's Prayer: RM chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion: "Lux aeterna" (chant) & "O Lord, You Died that All Might Live" (Melita)
    Recessional: "May Saints and Angels Lead You On" (Old 100th, ICEL poetic translation of "In paradisum")
  • rogue63
    Posts: 410
    St. Joseph Catholic Church, Palm Bay, FL

    All Saints:

    Introit: Gaudeamus, GR
    Entrance Hymn: SINE NOMINE
    Resp. Psalm: my setting, from the forthcoming St. Romanos Psalter
    Offertory: Justorum animae, C.V. Stanford
    Communion: Beati mundo corde, GR
    Anthem: I heard the voice of Jesus Say/Tallis

    Ordinary was Gloria/MOC; Sanctus XVIII; Agnus Dei VIII

    All Souls:
    Introit: Eternal rest, Bartlett/LC
    Entrance: Eagles Wings
    Ps. 23: my setting, from the forthcoming St. Romanos Psalter
    Offertory: O Lord Jesus Christ, King of Glory/Rice Simple Choral Gradual
    Communion: May light eternal/Rice Simple Choral Gradual
    Hymn: Be Not Afraid
    Recessional: In paradisum, GR

    Ordinary as above

    We're making strides!
  • Sacred Heart R.C. Church, Clifton N.J.

    All Souls (Ordinary Form):
    Introit: Requiem aeternam
    Kyrie: Missa pro Defunctis
    Ps. 23: Alstott
    Offertory: Jesu Rex Admirabilis, Palestrina
    Sanctus: Missa in honorem S. Cecilia, Carl Jaspers
    Agnus Dei: Missa in honorem S. Cecilia, Carl Jaspers
    Communio: Lux aeterna
    Communion Motet: Pie Jesu, Faure
    Communion Hymn: O Sacred Heart, J. Williams
    Rite of Commendation: Subvenite Sancti Dei
    Recessional: In Paradisum

    All our priests celebrated 3 public masses each. A newly ordained priest (son of the parish) will be offering the sung parish mass as described above!

    Pray for our Faithful Departed and our newly ordained!
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    Hmmm I'm not familiar with Carl Jaspers, do you have score link?
    Thanked by 1NJerseyTrad
  • Incardination -

    To what tune did you sing 'All Hail, Adored Trinity'?
    This is one of my favourite hymns,
    especially when paired with Deus tuorum militum.
  • We used the Old Hundredth, but I like the suggestion of using Deus tuorum militum...
  • Where I work, our professional group programmed Victoria's Beati Immaculati for All Saints' Day, and Morales' Circumdederunt Me for All Souls', in addition to our usual hymns and Victor Togni's "Mass for the Parishes."
  • St Joseph Cathedral, Sioux Falls SD

    All Saints (SATB CHOIR):

    Prelude - How Lovely is Thy Dwelling Place (from German Requiem) - Brahms
    Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
    Offertory: Justorum Animae (Byrd) - followed with simple latin offertory verse then repeated, beautiful piece but short
    Communion: Congregational proper, then Simple Greek Chant Beatitudes (from Worship III)
    Recessional: O Thou the Central Orb (Wood)

    All Souls (CHANT SCHOLA):

    Requiem Mass, Graduale Romanum - 'nuff said!
  • All Saints:
    St Michael's Cathedral
    St Michael's Choir School Senior Choirs
    12:10 and 5:30 Masses
    Victoria O Quam Gloriosum
    Stanford Beati Quorum Via

    St Joseph's Parish, Streetsville
    Schola Cantorum and Chamber Ensemble
    7:30 Mass

    Victoria O Quam Gloriosum
    Weber English Propers

    All Souls:
    St Joseph's Parish Streetsville
    Schola Cantorum and Chamber Ensemble
    7:30 Mass

    ADJALA, I am the Bread of Life, IN PARADISUM
    Gregorian Introit, Weber English Propers
    Palestrina Sicut Cervus
  • First Friday - the end of our "mini-Holy Week"

    Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral of Cincinnati (EF):
    • Help Lord the Souls
    • Mass IV, Credo IV
    • Full Propers
    • De Profundis (Salieri) - Offertory
    • Cor Iesu (Schultes) - Communion
    • Ye Souls of the Faithful

  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    All Saints
    LCM/GR propers
    Jubilate Deo Ordinary
    Salve Regina or SINE NOMINE

    All Souls
    LCM propers
    Mass XVIII
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    Here is our Order for Compline for All Saints:
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,392
    @jefe, regarding that anthem "O Qualm Gloriosum," I would think that Victoria never had qualms. But if he did, would they really be glorious?
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    Nice catch. I have no qualms myself and even if i did they certainly would be inglorious.
    Frankly, I'm surprised any one opened the file, since the only reason to do so seems be to nit pick. For the actual evidence of impropriety, I've attached the 1st page of the score to O Quam. Here is a link to the recording, which went pretty well considering the single rehearsal:
    I'm holding out no hope that anyone will actually open these files, but it gives me a chance to select my jpeg button.
    1277 x 1652 - 329K
  • jefe
    Posts: 200
    This reminds me of carpooling with a Russian immigrant violinist, who, along with many Jewish fiddle players were allowed to leave Russia during 1976-77 window of opportunity. That outflow decimated many of the Russian Orchestras' string sections. Marc Baronov said this when asked about his interesting use of English: "Sentence structure not suit strong." The Russian violinists swept every audition they took in the West during that era.
    I was on the auditions committee when four of them auditioned for and took the job with the L.A. Philharmonic.
  • Cantus67Cantus67
    Posts: 208
    Nice, looks like everyone here has done some Impressive work over those days.

    We were very blessed to have local singers and our own Schola and choir involved in the Victoria 4 part Requiem. (which BTW the score can be downloaded here

    All Saints
    Processional: For All Thy Saints O Lord 119 *871
    Asperges/Vidi Aquam: Asperges *568
    Introit Antiphon: Introit "Gaudeámus ómnes"
    Kyrie: Missa II Kyrie Page *727
    Gloria: Missa II Gloria Page *727
    Gradual: Gradual "Timéte Dóminum"
    Lesser Alleluja: Alleluia "Veníte ad me"
    Credo: Credo I *765
    Offertory Antiphon: Offertory "Justórum ánimae"
    Offertory Hymn: Adoro te Devote 308
    Sanctus: Missa II Sanctus Page *729
    Agnus Dei: Missa II Agnus Dei Page *730
    Communion Antiphon: Communion "Beáti múndo córde"
    Communion Hymn: O Jesu Christe 2250
    Communion Hymn: O Gloriosa Virginum 1125
    Communion Hymn: Antiphon VIII "Ubi cáritas et ámor" 1907
    Dismissal: Missa II Ite Missa Est Page *730
    Recessional: For All The Saints 118
    *SEC hymnal

    All Souls
    Introit Antiphon: Introit "Réquiem aetérnam" - Victoria 4 pt Requiem
    Kyrie: Missa Requiem: Kyrie - Victoria 4 pt Requiem
    Gradual: Gradual "Réquiem aetérnam"- Victoria 4 pt Requiem
    Tract: Tract "Absóve Dómine" - Gregorian
    Sequence: Díes Iraé - Gregorian
    Offertory Antiphon: "Dómine Jésu Chríste" - Gregorian
    Sanctus: Missa Requiem: Sanctus - Victoria 4 pt Requiem
    Agnus Dei: Missa Requiem: Agnus Dei - Victoria Victoria 4 pt Requiem
    Communion Antiphon: Communion "Lux aetérna" – Victoria 4 pt Requiem
    Communion Hymn: Vére Languóres Nóstros 1333
    Communion Hymn: Credo quod Redemptor - Victoria 4 pt Requiem
    Dismissal: Missa Requiem: Requiéscant in Páce - Gregorian

    Absolution – Sung Immediately after the “Requiéscant in Páce”
    Libera Me - Gregorian Chant, responses from Liber usualis

    Recessional: In Paradísum – Gabrial Faure