Easter Vigil "Light of Christ" and "Alleluia"
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    Our pastor can't sing.

    So, the question I have is: can a cantor sing the "Light of Christ" and the "Alleluia" before the psalm?

    On the first question, here's some commentary from the USCCB on the Roman Missal:

    "The places at which the proclamation, Light of Christ, are sung now differ from what was in the previous Missale. The new places are: at the door of the Church (after which the priest lights his candle), in the middle of the Church (after which all light their candles), and before the altar, facing the people. The Missale instructs the deacon to place the candle in a large candle stand prepared either next to the ambo or in the middle of the sanctuary (EV, no. 17). The lights of the Church are then lit with the exception of the altar candles which are lit just before the intonation of the Gloria (EV, nos. 17 and 31)."

    That sounds like the priest sings it. But can a lay cantor instead?

    On the second question, the USCCB says regarding the Roman Missal:

    "The Missale is very specific about the priest singing the Alleluia before the Gospel: “After the Epistle has been read, all rise, and the priest solemnly intones the Alleluia three times, raising his voice a step each time. All repeat the Alleluia each time. ***If necessary, the psalmist intones the Alleluia.*** Mention is then made of the psalmist or cantor singing Psalm 117 and the people responding, “Alleluia” (EV, no. 34). This psalm is often recited by the apostles in their Easter preaching (Acts 4.11-12; Mt 21.42; Mk 12.10; Lk 20.17)."

    I'm thinking the highlighted portion means the cantor can intone the triple alleluia "if necessary," and I'm thinking it's "necessary" if Father can't sing. Is that right?

  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > That sounds like the priest sings it. [the «lumen Christi»]

    Actually it should be the deacon. But if there is no deacon, another minister takes his place: «Diaconus vel, eo absente, alius minister idoneus» («The deacon, or, if there is no deacon, another idoneous minister», Missale Romanum, rubric 15 for Easter Vigil)

    > the cantor can intone the triple alleluia "if necessary," and I'm thinking it's "necessary" if Father can't sing

    «Si necesse est, psalmista Allelúia intonat.» («If necessary, the psalmist intones the Alleluia», Missale Romanum, rubric 34 for Easter Vigil) I've always seen it done that way in my former parish when we had a pastor (may God have his soul at rest) who was completely unable to sing anything whatsoever.
  • WJA
    Posts: 237
    Thanks for your help. One quick follow-up: re Lumen Christi, is "another minister" the priest only, or can it be a cantor?

  • Have the priest practice singing "na-na-na-NA-na" (the prototypical children's song of vindication). Then tell him that "Lumen Christi" is sung the same way as the final "NA-na."

    Almost anyone can sing a descending minor third.
  • dvalerio
    Posts: 341
    > can it be a cantor?

    Yes! :)