1. Proofread all the text: that is, the title and the lyrics, against a known good copy. Check every word and every punctuation mark.
Trick: start reading form the end.
\set shortVocalName = "*1."
verse = \lyricmode {
\set stanza = "1. "
At the Lamb’s high feast we sing,
Praise to our vic -- tor -- ious King,
Who has washed us in the tide
Flow -- ing from his pier -- ced side;
Praise we him, whose love di -- vine
Gives his sa -- cred Blood for wine,
Gives his Bod -- y for the feast,
Christ the vic -- tim, Christ the priest.
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Bar_number_engraver"
\paper {
system-system-spacing #'basic-distance = #8
\once \override LyricText.self-alignment-X = #LEFT
You tell it to move the errant note, in this case put the f down by writing "f,". Lilypond automatically uses the the closest to the previous note, i.e. up to three notes above or below.When Lilypond automatically sets notes in the wrong octave how do you override it ?
The flexibilty of Lilypond makes it immensly complex, the manuals are exhaustive, but very very long. Skim through the Learning manual, check out snippets, and use the search facility.\tuplet 3/2 { g8 a b }
hymn that has a pick-up how do you stop lilypond from adding blank measures
\partial 4 * 1 c4 [some 4/4 measures]
[some 4/4 measures] f2. \bar "" \break
c4 [some more 4/4 measures]
\bar "|"
made sure to change the font to match the text, but it is still using another fond. Is there a way to fix this?
title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "Linux Libertine Capitals Bold") \magnify #2.0 "How oft, O Lord, thy face hath shone" }
Should I just the word alleluia only for verse 3 or 4?
con- -- quer
con -- quer
con- quer
Skim through the Learning manual, check out snippets, and use the search facility.
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