Dear Friends and Colleages in the Archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore and the Diocese of Arlington:
I would be very pleased to help facilitate some sort of chapter or working group for current and prospective members of CMAA in our three sees. One of the ways by which chant and polyphony have been supplanted in many areas is the existence of active local chapters of national organizations. In some dioceses, these chapters have functioned as quasi-offical adjuncts to the curial offices of liturgy/worship. While this is not quite the case in our dioceses, advocates of 'genuine sacred music' have not been as well-organized as those in the thrall of the musico-liturgical-publishing empire. Summer is a great time to plan without deadlines breathing down one's neck. Shall we do some (planning)?
That would be great. What sorts of the things the organization will be doing? I direct a beginning schola in my parish, in Ellicott city near Baltimore.
Mia Coyne
I started a schola since last October at Our Lady of Perpetual Help (started to sing some parts of Saturday Mass on Saturdays since this February.) Recently, I started to direct a existing schola at the Resurrection church. These two will be singing some parts with me at the Catholic Family Expo. Mass on July 25 with Archibishop O'Brien. I also organized a Latin class with people who are interested in learning Latin in this area. The class will be starting this Saturday after Saturday morning Mass (where we sing) at the OLPH. If you are interested in any of these, please let me know. I have flyers for those classes. I would like to spread chants as much as I can, because it's the most Sacred and beautiful music for Roman Liturgy as the Church declares.
Last I heard, St. John Cantius had like 10 active choirs. I am wondering if the Sacred music directors at St. John Cantius are involved with CMAA.
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Daniel, this is a good idea! What progress have you made in organizing this? Keep me informed, please. My schola is more active now than previously. We sing mainly at the Extraordinary Form Mass here in Front Royal. - - Elizabeth Poel
Yes, I will be at the October workshop and hope to bring a few of my singers. I haven't heard anything more than the replies in this thread. I surmise that people would be willing to help start a DC/Baltimore local group only if it had a pretty strong sense of purpose and mission. Brian, where are you based? Any other suggestions lurking out there?
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I'm from Charlottesville Va, where there is a Gregorian Chant Schola at St. Thomas Aquinas under the guidance of Fr. Augustine Thompson, O.P.
I have been chanting two Sundays per month with a schola in the Northern Virginia area. I look forward to talking with you at the Chant Workshop.
At St. Mary's in Old Town Alexandria we have the 1962 Rite Mass on the First and Third Fridays at 7:30 PM. Since the priest has just recently learned the rite, we began with Low Mass, but had our first Missa Cantata on August 15th. We advertised in the bulletin and in the diocesan paper for a choir, which rehearsed the evening of August 13th. We got about 25 people, most of whom had sung the music before 1964 (I was an organist, in high school, and played at High Masses for four years before the change, and I can read Gregorian chant notation and improvise accompaniments.) We used simple SSA settings of the propers, which I wrote, and these were sung by a schola of four women. For the Mass we did num. VIII with Credo III. You could definitely hear the people downstairs singing. The choir also did Salve Mater and Mozart's Ave Verum. We definitely need to keep in touch here in the Baltimore/Washington metro area. Also, we need a way of speaking to the clergy so we can get the 1962 Masses on Sunday. By the way, my name is Tom Parker and my address is
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I would be interested in beginning a group with the understanding that we would get to know one another and then begin to make a plan re: direction and purpose. I don't know if this is enough for everyone, but for me, something minimal like this would be enough to get me to at least an initial meeting or two.
Kathy, thanks very much for your note.
I'm thinking that we might want to schedule a Saturday morning get-together sometime early in October.
If we're hoping to encompass Northern Virginia, Washington, and Baltimore, I can offer my parish in Silver Spring, which is literally in sight of the Capital Beltway. (I'm not necessarily letting myself off all that easy: I actually live in Baltimore!) Folks from DC without cars would not find this particularly convenient, however. Any other thoughts?
Dan, remind me where your parish is again. I used to live in SS (just up from the metro station). I attended a Classic revival church up on East-West Hwy (just can't remember the name now. It was only a short time).
Can we do it after 9:30, if possible? Our schola sings for morning Mass on Sat. and finishes around 9. We live close to Baltimore. Is this meeting only for directors? or can any schola members come? Should we be thinking about agenda or topics for the meeting?
I should think that schola members would be very welcome alongside their directors or in their stead.
I imagine that introductions of attendees, their current activities in liturgical music, and their hopes for future activities and musician and spiritual growth would be the center of any initial discussion. We could prime the discussion pump with a few questions circulated in advance. Is this a reasonable starting point?
Would anyone in the Baltimore/central Maryland area (or anywhere really) be willing to join our small schola in singing for an EF Mass on 10/26 at St. Bartholomew's in Manchester? This is only our second attempt at the EF and I have just found out that one of our strongest singers will not be able to make it.
Just a shot in the dark...
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I finally I found the thread. Sorry, Jenny. We couldn't help you. I know anyone in my schola is not ready to help with EF. I spread the word though. I hope it went OK.
For the chapter meeting, If you are interested in joining the chpater or help out, please give Kathy your email add. And if you know anybody this area, please spread the word. We will be having the first meeting in Silver Spring. Is this good to start? Anybody, please add more suggestions.
I can host a meeting for folks from the Diocese of Arlington and Archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore on: Saturday, January 31 Saturday, February 7 Saturday, February 14
My email is my first initial and last name at ubalt dot edu.
Thanks Daniel, any days above are good for me. Can it be 11 AM and after? How about 2/14 (does it matter it's Valentines?) to give more time to spread the words?
Sounds great. Lunch would be good too. Believe or not, I cannot talk when I'm hungry. (although some might appreciate that ;-) Let's do it, even if it's a small number to start. I need to let Dave Amann know. Very exciting. I already have so many things to talk about with you.
Let's brainstorm ways to be in contact. We might ask Elizabeth Poel to send a notice to her contacts, including folks who came to the chant workshop in McLean. Do we want to invite priests in addition to musicians?
There were many who were interested in in the earlier posts. I was hoping those might notice the thread again. I think most of them have email addresses here. Do you want me to send the email?
I live in Charlottesville, but sing in a schola in Silver Spring twice a month. I'd be interested in coming to get to know you all over coffee or lunch. I could be there Feb 14 at 11:00.
Meeting of CMAA Members in the Archdioceses of Washington and Baltimore and the Diocese of Arlington [and others, as interested] Saturday, February 14, 2009 11:00 am: coffee and conversation lunch in the neighborhood after, as able Saint Bernadette Church 70 University Boulevard, East Silver Spring, Maryland 20901 Host: Dr. Daniel Bennett Page, Director of Music and Principal Organist [first initial][last name] [at]
Why not? But you can ask others and Daniel, he is the founder(?) of this.
I also found out some of them in this thread (earlier posts) moved down to south. (way down south)
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I'm glad you can come. I go down 95 south and get off on 495 west towards Bethesda. And exit on University Blvd and bear right. The church is on the right shortly after the exit. I hope this helps.
Yes, post it everywhere! It's now a Facebook event! The church is one block from two Capital Beltway exits: Colesville Road/Route 29 (north toward Colesville and Columbia) and University Boulevard (northwest toward Wheaton). Google Maps works well. The church is immediately across University Boulevard from Montgomery Blair High School.
Daniel, i hope you reserved a big room for this meeting. It's getting big. Many thanks. I might see you, David and Dave at St. Alphonsus today. I'm looking forwad to go to mass there. It's beautiful, and thank you for your beautiful music. I'll be in heaven for a while.
btw - if you're in the DC area, you might ought to check out St Paul's Episcopal Church on K St (DC) and their music program. "An Episcopal parish in the Anglo-Catholic tradition." I attended their sung Vespers tonight (offered every Sunday) and it was wonderful. Men and boys choir, incense, benediction, ad orientam, etc. It's in EngIish, but I think it's what the Catholic Church fathers had in mind at Vatican II. (And amusing to see hymn titles listed in Latin but all the words in English.)
In fact, Monday night TONIGHT (Candlemas) at 6:30 they will celebrate a Solemn Pontifical Mass with orchestra and choir. The celebrant is the Episcopal bishop of Missouri. Give it a try!
On the Roman side of things, there's a TLM Missa Cantata with procession for Candlemas at St John's in McLean, Virginia. This evening, February 2, at 7:30 pm.
I received a second positive RSVP for the Feb 14 CMAA meeting.
He'll definitely be interested in knowing. I know that David Lang (musician at Saint John's in McLean) knows about the meeting. I'll get you the other emails tonight.
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