Built this a few months ago and forgot about it. Found it today, so I decided to share it with you.
Using an audio software program and a tone generator I was able to produce the frequencies found in the Harmonic Series adjusting by cents. I also composed a piece of music (at very bottom of page) which is interesting. Would not use this in the liturgy, however. You will definitely get fired. (However, earth worshipers and space cadets will probably think it is divine)
Hint: Give it time to load as there are about 30 mp3 files that load simultaneously allowing you to mix and match which ones you want to hear.
bumping. This instrument used to be hosted on my other website but I am now using wordpress which doesn't allow independent builds. (bummer, wordpress)
aha! Thanks to Jazzer. He caught an error in the table. It is not a Major 7th in naturally occurring chords, it's a dominant 7th. Kudos, Jazzer. Sharp eye! Will fix.
In that case, maybe you want to fix the natural Minor Triad, which is harmonics 10,12,15. It is not made from harmonics 6,7,9, which is badly "out of tune" with the middle note (harmonic 7) being pitched too high).
We actually played your composition at my church last sunday. I thought it went well, but some people weren't too pleased. Just got an email from the pastor saying I'm fired...
^^^^^ Now that is funny! Jazzer, maybe you can play some of Mr. Copper's pieces found in other discussion threads here, and get back in your pastor's favor.
CHG... good point. Yes, that combination is more 'pure'. I will put that one in too. Thanks for the suggestion.
UPDATED minor triad
Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
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