Holy Week: what's going on at your place? 2015 Edition
  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Would love to see your music-line up and/or worship aids.
  • G
    Posts: 1,400
    Only one Paschal Vigil. :oD
    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,471
    Only one Paschal Vigil.

    How many Paschal Vigils do you usually have?
  • My schola is singing for Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday. We've only been singing since December, so this is quite the challenge! We're all excited for it, though. This is the music list:

    Palm Sunday
    Entrance Antiphon: Simple Choral Gradual (Rice)
    "All Glory, Laud and Honor" if needed (our parish does this procession where everyone gets their palms and it takes like, 20 years, so we'll probably run out of verses on the entrance antiphon)
    Resp. Psalm: OCP version, sung STB w/men singing verses
    Gospel Acc: OCP version, sung STB
    Offertory Antiphon: Simple Choral Gradual
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Mem. Acc.: ICEL chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion Antiphon: SCG
    Closing Hymn: O Sacred Head Surrounded (sung w/o organ accompaniment--I wanted to end on a more solemn note)

    Holy Thursday
    Entrance Hymn: O Cross of Christ (I'm sort of debating on just doing the antiphon for the processional instead of a hymn--undecided on that one)
    Entrance Antiphon: SCG
    Gloria: Mass of the Resurrection (DeBruyn)
    Resp. Psalm: Right now planning on doing OCP, but I might just do a simple chant version instead. Their SATB version sort of makes my eyes cross...
    Gospel Acc.: OCP, sung STB
    Foot Washing: One of the antiphons from Simple Choral Gradual (yeah, I know, I'd like to do all 6, but we're only going to have one practice before this Mass...)
    Lead Me, Lord (Wesley) during the foot washing
    Offertory Antiphon: Ubi Caritas chant
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Mem. Acc.: ICEL chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion Antiphon: SCG
    Communion piece: Panis Angelicus (Lambillotte)
    Eucharistic Procession: Pange Lingua chant

    Easter Sunday
    Prelude: Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring instrumental on classical guitar and recorder
    Entrance Hymn: Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain
    Entrance Antiphon: SCG
    Gloria: Mass of the Resurrection
    Resp. Psalm: OCP
    Easter Sequence: Christ the Lord is Risen Today (hymn)
    Gospel Acc: OCP
    Rite of Sprinking: Vidi Aquam from Simple Choral Gradual
    Offertory Antiphon: SCG
    Offertory hymn: Jesus is Risen
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII
    Mem. Acc.: ICEL Chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion Antiphon: SCG
    Communion piece: I want to do Ave Verum by Perosi, but I don't know if we'll have enough time to learn it between now and then.
    Recessional Hymn: Jesus Christ is Ris'n Today
    Postlude: Trumpet Tune by William Boyce

    Any feedback anyone has on this lineup would be greatly appreciated! I'm sure it's not as great as some of the music the rest of you all will be doing, but I figure that we have to start somewhere. Learning all of those antiphons just makes me want to pass out sometimes! I'm very thankful that my schola picks it all up so quickly, but I just wish we would be able to sing them for several weeks after putting all that work into it.

  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,971
    Lot's of recycling this year. We lost three weeks of rehearsal time because of snow, ice, and sub-freezing temperatures. We are so behind, it isn't funny. However, we have thrown together the following.

    Palm Sunday:

    Entrance into the church: All Glory, Laud, and Honor
    Psalm: My God... Proulx
    Anthem: The Holy City (Adams)
    Ordinary: Mass XVI
    Communion: The King of Love (St. Columba)
    Recessional: Crown Him with Many Crowns (Diademata)

    Holy Thursday:

    Entrance: At That First Eucharist (Unde Et Memores)
    Gloria: Trumpet fanfares with all bells rung, ICEL Chant
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup...(Weckler)
    Sanctus and remaining Ordinary: Mass XVI
    Washing of Feet: Hymns - Where Charity and Love Prevail and What Wondrous Love Is This
    Offertory: Anthem, Jesus Took the Cup (Hopson)
    Communion: Hear Us, Almighty Lord (Attende Domine)
    Transfer of the Most Blessed Sacrament - Pange Lingua

    Good Friday

    Psalm: Father Into Your Hands...(Hughes)
    Adoration of the Cross: Reproaches - sung
    Anthem: Ah, Holy Jesus
    Communion: Were You There and O Sacred Head Surrounded

    Easter Vigil

    Blessing of the Fire
    Procession into the Church
    Easter Proclamation: Exsultet - sung by a deacon
    Readings and Psalms: 1, 3, 5, and 7
    Gloria: Trumpet fanfares and bells rung, ICEL Chant
    Alleluia (Triple) Mode VI
    Baptismal Liturgy - Springs of Water (don't remember composer)
    Litany of the Saints: ICEL Chant
    Sprinkling Rite, I Saw Water Flowing (ICEL Chant)
    Offertory: Anthem: Cantate Domino (Pitoni)
    Ordinary: All ICEL Chant
    Communion: Alleluia, the Strife is O'er (Palestrina/Monk)
    Recessional: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Lyra Davidica)
    Organ Postlude: Herald March by Mark Thewes

    Easter Sunday will be mostly recycled hymns and anthems from the Vigil.

    Afternoon: Long nap!

  • matthewjmatthewj
    Posts: 2,698
    Processional Chant I: Hosanna Filio David (Graduale Romanum)
    Processional Chant II: As the Lord Entered the Holy City, Mode II (LCM)
    Processional Chant III: The children of the Hebrews, Mode I (LCM)
    Psalm: My God, My God, Mode II (Aristotle)
    Verse before the Gospel, Mode V with solemn verse (Lumen Christi Gradual)
    Offertory: My Heart Has Awaited, Mode VIII (LCM)
    Hymn: What Wondrous Love is This, WONDROUS LOVE
    Sanctus/Agnus Dei XVIII
    Communion: Father if this Chalice (Fr. Kelly Communions)
    [If Hymn is necessary - In Prayer Together Let Us Fall, Mode II)
    Motet: Thou Knowest Lord the Secret of Our Hearts, Purcell (SATB)
    Hymn: All Glory Laud and Honor, ST THEODULPH

    Choral Prelude: In Monte Oliveti, Bruckner (SATB)
    Introit: Nos Autem, Mode IV
    Kyrie from Mass for Four Voices, Byrd (SATB)
    Gloria VIII
    Psalm: Our Blessing Cup (Fr. Keyes)
    Verse before the Gospel, Mode II (Lumen Christi Gradual)
    Mandatum Novum, Mode III
    Offertory: Ubi Caritas, Mueller (SATTB)
    Motet: If Ye Love Me, Tallis (SATB)
    Sanctus XVIII
    Agnus Dei from Mass for Four Voices, Byrd (SATB)
    Communion: Hoc Corpus, Mode VIII
    Motet: O Salutaris Hostia, Anerio (SATB)
    Motet: Tristis est Anima Mea, Padilla (SATB)
    Pange Lingua / Tantum Ergo, Mode III

    Psalm: Father, into your hands, Mode II (Aristotle)
    Gradual: Christus Factus Est, Anerio (SATB)
    Veneration of the Cross: Reproaches, Sanders (SSAATTBB)
    We Adore your Cross, Mode IV (Weber)
    Vexilla Regis, Bruckner (SATB)
    [Other motets as necessary by Victoria, Farrant, Purcell]
    Communion: My God, My God, Mode II (LCM)
    O Sacred Head Surrounded, PASSION CHORALE
    [Other motets as necessary by Byrd, Palestrina, Victoria]

    Chants/Exsultet as per the Missal
    Psalm I: Mode I (LCM)
    Psalm II: Mode VIII (Weber)
    Psalm III: Mode VIII (Bartlett, Spanish)
    Psalm V: Mode I (Aristotle)
    Gloria VIII
    Alleluia, Mode VIII (Missal/Gradual)
    Litany of the Saints (Missal)
    Vidi Aquam, Gruber (SATB)
    Confirmations [Motets as needed by Palestrina, Tallis, Boyce]
    Offertory: Mode II (Weber)
    Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today LLANFAIR
    Motet: Jubilate Deo (spurious Mozart)
    Sanctus / Agnus Dei VIII
    Communion: Alleluia, Mode VI
    Motet: Regina Caeli, Aichinger (SATB)
    Motet: Alleluia, dic nobis Maria, Capillas (SATB)
    Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today EASTER HYMN
    Trumpet and Organ postlude

    Trumpet and Organ prelude
    Hymn: Alleluia, Alleluia, HYMN TO JOY
    Introit: Resurrexi, Mode IV
    Kyrie XII
    Gloria VIII
    Psalm, Mode II (Aristotle)
    Victimae Paschali, Mode I
    Alleluia, Mode VIII
    Vidi Aquam, Gruber (SATB)
    Offertory, Mode IV (Weber)
    Hymn: Christ the Lord is Risen Today LLANFAIR
    Motet: Jubilate Deo (spurious Mozart)
    Sanctus / Agnus Dei VIII
    Communion, Mode VI (LCM)
    Motet: Regina Caeli, Aichinger (SATB)
    Motet: Alleluia, dic nobis Maria, Capillas (SATB)
    Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today EASTER HYMN
    Trumpet and Organ postlude
  • donr
    Posts: 971
    Blessing of Palms - Hosana to the Son of David - ICEL
    Entrance Hymn - All Glory Laud and Honor -
    Responsorial Psalm, Gospel Accl - Alstott OCP
    Offertory - My Heart Has Awaited - LCG
    Offertory Motet - Adoramus te Christe (Dubois)
    Comm Ant - Father if this chalice can not pass - LCG
    Comm Hymn - O Sacred Head Surrounded
    Communion Meditation - This is the Body - LaRocca
    Recessional - Ave Regina Coelorum

    Entr Ant - We Should Glory in the Cross - LCM
    Kyrie & Gloria - Mass of Renewal - OCP
    Washing of the Feet - Antiphons 3,6,7 - LCM
    Off Hymn - Ubi Caritas - Spanish
    Comm Ant - This is the Body - LCM (no verses)
    Comm Hymn - Este Es Mi Querpo - Spanish
    Meditation - This is the Body - LaRocca
    Recession - Pange Lingua / Tantum Ergo

    Psalm & Gospel Accl - OCP R&A
    Behold the Wood of the Cross - ICEL
    Adoration of the Cross - Adoramus Te Christe - Dubois, O My People arr Banson, Crux Fidelis - Katryn Rose (SA), Jesus Hanging on the Cross, Jesus Remember Me,
    Comm Antiphon - My God, My God, OCP (responsorial from Palm Sun)
    Comm Hymn - Save Your People OCP
    Meditation - Ave Verum Corpus - Mozart

    The Light of Christ - ICEL
    Psalms 1 - 7 Alternated between English and Spanish
    Gloria - Mass of Renewal
    Litany of the Saints
    Veni Sancte Spiritus - Confirmation
    Offertory Ant - The Right Hand of the Lord - LCM
    Off Hymn - At the Lamb's High Feast
    Mass Ordinary - Mass of Renewal
    Comm Antiphon - Christ Our Passover - LCM
    Comm Hymn - Pan de Vida - Spanish
    Mediation - Worthy is the Lamb
    Recession - Jesus Christ is Risen Today.
  • bkenney27bkenney27
    Posts: 444
    musiclover88 - The only thing that caught my eye is that I'm not sure it is permissible to substitute a hymn for the actual sequence text.
  • JulieCollJulieColl
    Posts: 2,465
    Palm Sunday EF Missa Cantata
    Entrance: Hosanna Filio David
    Distribution of Palms: Pueri Hebraeorum
    Occurunt turbae
    Cum angelis
    Multa turba
    Gloria, laus, et honor tibi sit
    Lauda, Jerusalem
    Ingrediente Domino
    Domine, ne longe facias
    Kyrie: Mass XIV, Jesu Redemptor
    Gradual: Tenuisti
    Tract: Deus, Deus meus (beginning and last verse G.R.; the rest psalm tone)
    Credo III
    Offertory: Improperium
    Offertory Motet: Adoramus te, Christe (Lotti)
    Sanctus: Mass XIV, Jesu Redemptor
    Agnus Dei: Mass XIV, Jesu Redemptor
    Communio: Pater, si non potest (with verses)
    Communion Motet: Tantum Ergo (Durufle)
    Ite Missa Est: Mass XIV, Jesu Redemptor
    Marian Antiphon: Ave Regina Caelorum
    Closing: O Sacred Head Surrounded (acapella)

    Easter Morning
    Entrance: All creatures of our God and King (with descant by Christopher Gower)
    Introit: Resurrexi
    Kyrie: Mass I Lux et origo
    Gloria: Mass I Lux et origo
    Gradual: Haec dies
    Alleluia: Pascha nostrum
    Sequence: Victimae paschali laudes
    Credo IV
    Offertory: Terra tremuit
    Offertory Motet: Regina Caeli (Palestrina)
    Sanctus: Mass I Lux et origo
    Agnus Dei: Mass I Lux et origo
    Communio: Pascha nostrum
    Communion Motet: O Sacrcum Convivium (Michael Haller)
    Ite Missa Est: Mass I Lux et origo
    Marian Antiphon: Regina Caeli
    Closing: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (with descant)
    Thanked by 1SamuelDorlaque
  • Caleferink
    Posts: 432
    Palm Sunday
    Introit: "Hosanna to the Son of David" (ICEL chant)
    Procession: "All Glory, Laud, and Honor"
    Responsorial Psalm:Respond & Acclaim
    Gospel Acclamation: Respond & Acclaim
    Offertory: "Improperium" (McNeil Robinson) at choir Mass, "O Sacred Head, Surrounded" at others
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen: ICEL chant
    Pater noster: Snow chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion: "Keep in Mind" & "Jesus, Remember Me"
    Recessional: "Were You There" (no, I wasn't there, but if I didn't program this I'd get stoned...in the rocks sense)

    Holy Thursday
    Prelude: Bell Choir: "What Wondrous Love Is This" (arr. Lloyd Larson) & "My Song Is Love Unknown" (arr. Cathy Moklebust); Organ: "Ubi caritas" (Gerald Near)
    Entrance: "Lift High the Cross"
    Kyrie: Mass XVI
    Gloria: bell peal followed by Mass of Wisdom (Janco)
    Responsorial Psalm: Respond & Acclaim
    Gospel Acclamation: Respond & Acclaim
    Mandatum: "Mandatum" (Latona)
    Offertory: "Ubi caritas" (chant; Latin refrain, ICEL English verses)
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen: ICEL chant
    Pater noster: Snow chant
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Communion: "Eat This Bread" (Taizé)
    Transfer of the Bl. Sac.: "Pange lingua gloriosi" (chant, alternating English and Latin)

    Good Friday
    Responsorial Psalm: Respond & Acclaim
    Gospel Acclamation: Respond & Acclaim
    Solemn Intercessions: ICEL chant
    Ecce lignum crucis: ICEL chant
    Adoration of the Holy Cross: "Crucem tuam" (Taizé), "O My People" (Lundy), "Faithful Cross, O Tree of Beauty" (PICARDY), "Stabat mater dolorosa" (chant)
    Communion: "Jesus, Remember Me" & "Were You There"

    Easter Vigil
    Lumen Christi: ICEL chant
    Exsultet: ICEL chant
    Psalm 1 (104): Proulx (older WLP setting)
    Psalm 3 (Ex. 15): Respond & Acclaim
    Psalm 7 (42-43): "Like a Deer that Longs" (Bridge, based on Palestrina's "Sicut cervus")
    Gloria: bell peal followed by Mass of Redemption (Janco)
    Alleluia Psalm (118): Respond & Acclaim (O FILII ET FILIAE, priest intoning and raising 3 times)
    Litany of the Saints: ICEL chant
    Blessing of Baptismal Water: ICEL chant
    Baptisms: "O FILII ET FILIAE" refrain after each
    Confirmation: Bell Choir: "Veni Creator Spiritus" (Lachenauer, arr. Leferink)
    Sprinkling Rite: "I Saw Water Flowing" (DeBruyn)
    Offertory: "Rejoice in the Risen Christ" (Allen Pote)
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen, Agnus Dei: Mass of Redemption
    Pater noster: Snow chant
    Communion: Bell Choir: "O filii et filiae" (arr. Leon Roberts) while neophytes receive First Communion, then "Festival Canticle: Worthy Is Christ"
    Dismissal: ICEL chant
    Recessional: "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today"
    Postlude: "Lasst uns erfreuen" (Mark Sedio)

    Easter Sunday
    Prelude: Bell Choir: "Easter Processional and Medley" (Jeffrey Hall) at 10:30, "Christ lag in Todesbanden" (Bach) at others
    Entrance: "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today"
    Sprinkling Rite: "I Saw Water Flowing" (DeBruyn)
    Gloria: Mass of Redemption (Janco)
    Responsorial Psalm: "This Is the Day" (Joncas)
    Sequence: "Christians, to the Paschal Victim" (chant)
    Alleluia: "O filii et filiae" / faux-Psalm tone verse
    Offertory: 6:30 a.m.: "ALleluia, Alleluia" (HYMN TO JOY); 9:00 a.m.: "Christ Is Risen, Alleluia" (Robert Lau - children's choir); 10:30: "Rejoice in the Risen Christ" (adult choir); 12:00: "Alleluia Round" (Boyce, arr. Proulx - teen ensemble)
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen, Agnus Dei: Mass of Redemption
    Pater noster: Snow chant
    Communion: Bell Choir at 10:30: "O filii et filiae" (arr. Leon Roberts), then (all Masses) "Festival Canticle: Worthy Is Christ" & "At the Lamb's High Feast" (if needed)
    Dismissal: ICEL chant
    Recessional: "Jesus Is Risen"
    Postlude: "Lasst uns erfreuen" (Mark Sedio) OR (especially after 12:00) "Organist collapsing on manuals"
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Holy Week: what's going on at your place?
  • Our Lady of Pompeii RC Church, Lancaster, NY (about 13 miles east of Buffalo, NY)

    For our Easter Triduum, my Adult Choir collaborates with the Contemporary Ensemble which I oversee, but do not direct. I am completely in charge of Holy Week, although I let the contemporary leader play/direct about 1/4 of the music.

    Holy Thursday:
    Prelude: Variations on Ubi Caritas - Denis Bedard
    Gathering: Lift High the Cross
    Gloria - Heritage Mass (Alstott)
    Psalm and Gospel Acc. - Respond and Acclaim
    Washing of Feet - Jesu, Jesu
    Prep. of Gifts - I Give to You a New Commandment (Peter Nardone - choral anthem, from SJMP)
    Mass acclamations - Heritage Mass througout
    Communion - Take and Eat
    Transfer - Pange Linguia (chant)

    Good Friday has nothing spectacular on the agenda this year due to my dwindling choral groups. We will be pairing the traditional O Sacred Head, with a contemporary setting by David Hurd. All unison singing. Other than that we will use some typical Taize stuff, Were You There, etc.

    Easter Vigil -

    Again nothing too spectacular, all psalms again from Respond and Acclaim. The mass setting will be the Contemporary Group's Mass of Light revised, although we will use organ on the Gloria. Only one in our RCIA, and the individual will just be getting confirmed, so no litany of the saints. After Communion we will sing a very simple, 2 part anthem from SJMP: Day of Resurrection by Richard Shepherd. Hymn of Thanksgiving will be Jesus Christ is Risen Today. This year I was hoping to use a new postlude, but my degree recital is quickly approaching on May 3, and I don't have the time to learn something new. So it's looking Widor Toccata will get another run through this year.
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Holy Week 2014: Our Lady of Czestochowa Parish
    Turners Falls, MA
    St. Cecilia Choir
    * = a cappella

    Fundamentally unchanged from Last year

    PALM SUNDAY: 10:30 am

    Sung Prelude: The Palms - Jean-Baptiste Faure
    Opening Antiphon: Hosanna to the Son of David - Roman Missal *
    Hymn: All Glory, Laud and Honor (St. Theodulph)
    Gradual: Christ became obedient - Lumen Christi *
    Offertory: My heart has awaited reproach - Lumen Christi *
    ---Hymn: Ludu, moj ludu
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII *
    Acclamation: Roman Missal, form C *
    Agnus: Mass XVII *
    Communion: Father, if this chalice - Lumen Christi *
    ---Hymn: Juz Cie zegnam
    ---Antiphon: Taste & See, mode iv - Lumen Christi
    ---Hymn: O Sacred Head surrounded
    Recessional: Wisi na krzyzu

    HOLY THURSDAY: 7:00 pm

    Introit: God forbid that I should glory - Healey Willan
    Kyrie: Mass VIII (de Angelis)
    Gloria: Mass VIII (de Angelis)
    Tract: From the rising of the sun - Psalm-tone V *
    Offertory: Ubi caritas *
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII *
    Acclamation: Roman Missal, from C *
    Agnus: Mass XVII *
    Communion: This is the body - Lumen Christi *
    ---Anthem: Dona nobis pacem *
    ---Anthem: 'Twas on that dark ("Brookfield") - William Billings *
    ---Hymn: Cierniami uwienczona *
    ---Motet: Panis Angelicus (attrb. Casciolini) *
    ---Hymn: Ach moj Jezu (if needed) *
    Procession: Badzze pozdrowiona *
    ---Tantum Ergo (Pange Lingua, mode III) *
    Stripping of Altar: Jezu Chryste panie mily *

    GOOD FRIDAY: 7:00 pm

    Gradual: Christus factus est - Grad. Rom. *
    Veneration of the Cross I: Antiphon: Crucem tuam - Grad. Rom. *
    Veneration of the Cross II: Trisiagon: Sw. Bozy - Mszal Rzymski *
    Veneration of the Cross III: Hymn: Ludu, moj ludu - Mszal Rzymski *
    Veneration of the Cross IV: Hymn: Faithful Cross - Lumen Christi *
    Distribution of Communion:
    ---Antiphon: My God, my God - Lumen Christi *
    ---Hymn: Rozmyslajmy dzis *
    ---Anthem: Miserere mei Deus - Peter Kwasniewski *
    ---Anthem: When Jesus wept - William Billings *
    Recessional: Wisi na krzyzu *

    EASTER VIGIL: 8:00 pm

    Exultet: Roman Missal *
    Gloria: Mass VIII (de Angelis)
    Alleluia: Confitemini - Grad. Rom. *
    Litany of Ss - Roman Missal *
    Antiphon: Springs of water - Fr. Samuel Weber *
    Vidi Aquam: I saw water - adapt Fr. S. Weber *
    Offertory: The Right hand of the Lord - Lumen Christi *
    ---Hymn: Zwyciecza smierci
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII, with intonazione, Quartus Tonus - Gabrielli
    Acclamation: Missal, form C
    Amen: Mass of St. Therese - Calvert Shenk
    Agnus: Mass of St Teresa - Healey Willan
    Communion: Alleluia - adapt from W.A. Mozart, Ps. 117 from Grad. Cist. *
    ---Anthem: The strife is o'er - Henry G. Ley
    ---Hymn: Wstal Pan Chrystus
    ---Hymn: Zlozcie troski
    Interlude: Sabbato Sancto, IV - L'Orgue Mystique - Charles Tournemire
    Recessional: Ye watchers and ye holy ones (LASST UNS ERFREUEN) - arr. George Oldroyd
    Postlude: Fanfare - Kenneth Leighton

    EASTER SUNDAY: 10:30 am

    Prelude: Offertoire pour le Jour de Paques "O filii et filiae" - Jean-Francois Dandrieu
    Introit: When I awake - Healey Willan
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: Mass VIII
    Sequence: Christians to the paschal victim - Lumen Christi
    ---Alleluia: Christ our Passover - Healey Willan
    Vidi aquam: I saw water - adapt Fr. Weber *
    Offertory: The earth trembles - Lumen Christi *
    ---Hymn: Christ the Lord is risen today (LLANFAIR), prelude & verse 2 - Noel Jones, last verse - Noel Rawsthorne
    Sanctus: Mass XVIII, with Gabrielli Intonazione
    Acclamation: Rom. Missal, form C
    Amen: Mass of St. Therese - C. Shenk
    Agnus: Mass of St. Teresa - H. Willan
    Communion: Pascha nostrum - Oreste Ravanello
    ---Anthem: Awake, thou wintry earth - J.S. Bach
    ---Hymn: Zlocie troski
    ---Hymn: Zwyciesza Smierci
    Interlude: Dominica Resurrectionis, IV - L'Orgue Mystique - Charles Tournemire
    Recessional: Jesus Christ is ris'n today (EASTER HYMN); V2 - Noel Rawsthorne; V4 - David Willcocks
    Postlude: Processional - William Mathias
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,177
    Not sure. Probably, since the only rehearsal is tomorrow and that includes for Palm Sunday, we'll be doing all the same things we did last year, only one year older and tireder.

    Thanked by 1expeditus1
  • soarmarcsoarmarc
    Posts: 42
    Palm Sunday

    Introit: "Hosanna to the Son of David" (Lumen Christi)
    Procession: All Glory, Laud, and Honour (ST. THEODULPH)
    Responsorial Psalm: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Lumen Christi, adapted)
    Offertory: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (ROCKINGHAM)
    Sanctus: A Parish Mass (Togni)
    Agnus Dei: A Parish Mass (Togni)
    --- "Father, if this chalice cannot pass" (Lumen Christi)
    --- O Sacred Head Surrounded (PASSION CHORALE)
    Recessional: At the Cross Her Station Keeping (STABAT MATER)

    Easter Sunday

    Entrance Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today (EASTER HYMN)
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: A Parish Mass (Togni, adapted)
    Responsorial Psalm: "This is the day the Lord has made" (Lumen Christi)
    Sequence: "Christians, to the Paschal Victim" (Lumen Christi)
    Sprinkling Rite: "I saw water flowing" (Weber)
    Offertory: The Strife is O'er (VICTORY)
    Sanctus: A Parish Mass (Togni, adapted)
    Agnus Dei: A Parish Mass (Togni)
    --- "Christ our Passover" (Lumen Christi)
    --- Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (HYFRYDOL)
    --- Regina Caeli (Chant)
    Recessional: Sing With All the Saints in Glory (HYMN TO JOY)
    Thanked by 1canadash
  • musiclover88 - The only thing that caught my eye is that I'm not sure it is permissible to substitute a hymn for the actual sequence text.

    It's the same text, just set to a hymn tune instead of the chant. I didn't mean that we're substituting the actual text.
  • doneill
    Posts: 207
    Keep in mind that I am in my first year at this parish:

    Hosanna to the Son of David (Mode 7 - Lumen Christi Missal)
    Hymn: All Glory, Laud and Honor
    Psalm 22 - Fr. Columba Kelly/Meinrad tone
    Gospel Acclamation - Respond and Acclaim
    Offertory Hymn: O Sacred Head Surrounded
    (Offertory Antiphon as Psalm 69 as needed to extend, from Lumen Christi Simple Gradual)
    Communion Antiphon - Father, if this chalice... Mode 8/Fr. Columba Kelly
    Communion Hymn: Were You There
    Repetition of communion antiphon and Psalm 116B as needed
    Hymn: O Cross of Christ/ ST. FLAVIAN

    Hymn: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling/ HYFRYDOL
    Responsorial Psalm - Fr. Columba Kelly
    GA - Respond and Acclaim
    Footwashing Hymns "Faith, Hope and Love," "No Greater Love," "Jesu, Jesu"
    Offertory Hymn - Where Charity and Love Prevail (Benoit)
    Offertory Antiphon and Psalm verses as needed from LCSG
    Communion Antiphon - Fr. Columba Kelly
    Communion Hymn - Lord, Who at Thy First Eucharist/UNDE ET MEMORES
    Pange lingua/Tantum ergo in Latin

    GOOD FRIDAY (all unaccompanied)
    Responsorial Psalm - Fr. Columba Kelly
    Gradual: Christ became obedient (English)
    chanted Passion with priest and two cantors
    Sung intercessions (Fr. Columba Kelly)
    (Adoration of the Cross)
    Antiphon: We Adore... (LCSG)
    Reproaches (Greek/English)
    Stabat mater
    Communion Antiphon and Psalm from LCSG

    Enough for now!

  • Ted
    Posts: 204
    I noticed very few will be singing Vexilla regis, the vespers hymn for Holy Week. It is considered one of the greatest hymns in all of Christendom. Before the so-called reforms of Holy Week in 1955, it was specified to be sung during the procession of the Blessed Sacrament from the altar of repose to the main altar on Good Friday. We plan to sing the Gregorian version at this time, as well as during communion on Palm Sunday.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,478
    Here is our worship aide for Palm Sunday.
    Sung Gospel by three cantors
    Also, we have a "Living Stations" this evening, with music by Richard Rice (Crucam Tuam)
    Chant Crux Fidelis, Pater Si, Martini: In Monte Oliveti.
    Palm Sunday 2015.pdf
  • Mary Ann
    Posts: 49
    St. James Church, Forest City, IA

    Palm Sunday
    Procession w/blessed palms: "All Glory, Laud and Honor"
    Responsorial Psalm/Gospel Acc.: Respond & Acclaim
    Offertory: "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross"
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen, Agnus Dei: ICEL chant
    Communion: "O Sacred Head, Surrounded"
    Marian antiphon: "Ave Regina Coelorum"
    Dismissal: "Jesus, Remember Me" (Jacques Berthier) (a cappella, until all are out of the church)

    Easter Vigil
    Lumen Christi: ICEL chant
    Exsultet: ICEL chant
    All Seven Psalms/Responses: Respond and Acclaim
    Gloria: Proulx "Community Mass"
    Alleluia Psalm (118): Respond & Acclaim (O FILII ET FILIAE)
    Sprinkling Rite: "Water of Life" (Stephen Dean)
    Offertory: "Be Joyful, Mary" (REGINA CAELI)
    Sanctus, Mysterium, Amen, Agnus Dei: "Community Mass"
    Pater noster: ICEL chant
    Communion: Litany of the Saints (ICEL chant)
    Marian antiphon: Regina Caeli (chant)
    Dismissal: ICEL chant
    Recessional: "Jesus Is Risen"

    We are one parish in a six parish cluster, served by a pastor and a sacramental priest. In my (north) area the Holy Thursday Mass, Good Friday service, and Easter Sunday Mass are rotated amongst our 3 parishes. South parishes conduct additional Masses/services for their 3 parishes...they enjoy larger congregations. An Easter Vigil is conducted in the north and in the south, but for the first time all catechumens will enter the Church during this year's Vigil in a south parish. I believe the handwriting is on the wall: Only one Vigil (south) in the years to come, as we will likely lose our sacramental priest this July. A parish (or two) in the north may even close, six parishes would be too much for one priest to shepherd adequately. This all traces back to not producing priestly vocations from this neck of the woods for a very.long.time. But it's not for lack of trying. Vocations will come in God's time. May all enjoy a blessed Easter season!
  • Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish
    Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Palm Sunday
    March 29, 2015

    Solemn Mass (OF)
    Organ: Vexilla Regis from Gregorian Calendar (Mawby)
    Antiphon: Hosanna filio David (Schubert)
    Procession: ‘All glory, laud, and honor’
    Psalm: English Chant (R Rice)
    Gradual: Christus factus (Anerio)
    Offertory: Simple English Propers (Bartlett)
    Hymn: ‘My song is love unknown’ (J Ireland)
    Sanctus/Benedictus: Mass XVII
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVII
    Communion: English Chant (R Rice)
    Motet: In monte Oliveti (Schubert)
    Hymn: ‘O sacred Head’ (Passion Chorale)

    Missa Cantata (EF)
    Organ: Vexilla Regis (Bermudo)
    Antiphon: Hosanna filio David (Schubert)
    Antiphon: Pueri Hebraeorum (Schubert)
    Propers: Graduale Romanum (including full Tract)
    Kyrie: from Gradualia (litany) (Byrd)
    Motet: Christus factus est (Anerio)
    Sanctus/Benedictus: Schubert (Palm Sunday antiphon)
    Agnus Dei: from Gradualia (litany) (Byrd)
    Motet: In monte Oliveti (Schubert)
    Thanked by 1Ralph Bednarz
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA 10:00 AM Palm Sunday Missa Cantata (OF)
    Hosanna filio David, chant & Blessing of Palms from rear of Church.
    Responsory: "Ingrediente" and complete Gregorian proper from Graduale Romanum.
    Credo I
    Offertory motet: "Improperia" a5 ... Palestrina
    Mass XVII Sanctus & Agnus Dei (Preface & Canon through the Pax all sung)
    Communion motet: "In monte Oliveti" ... Giovanni Croce
    Retiring Procession: Vexilla Regis ... chant & Palestrina
  • We had this at Walsingham this evening -

    Our Lady of Walsingham
    The Second Sunday in Passiontide
    Palm Sunday
    Second Evensong

    Introit - Christus factus est --- Anton Bruckner
    Preces and Responses --- William Smith
    Office Hymn - 'Lead, Kindly Light' --- Sandon
    Psalm 103, Benedic anima mea --- Chant, Kellow Pye
    Magnificat --- Thomas Tallis
    Nunc Dimittis --- Thomas Tallis
    The Suffrages --- William Smith
    The Anthem - 'What Wondrous Love is This' --- Traditional, Arr., Leo Nestor
    Votive Antiphon - Ave Regina Caelorum --- Peter Phillips
    Hymn - 'My Song is Love Unknown' --- Love Unknown
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    I have to ask: What is a "sacramental priest"? Is the such a thing as a "non-sacramental priest"? Can he only ministrate the sacraments but not preach?
  • The programs are attached along with an easy version of the reproaches using a Chabanl psalm tone for the verses - that sort of bends the mode into a transposed III. At the vigil we will sing an offertory hymn and a closing hymn , the communion will be the Latin proper and the 3 responsorial psalms will be recited. On Holy Thursday the choir will sing Nos Autem as a verse to the SEP refrain "We have no Glory" as the offertory.
    palm sunday 2015 corrected.pdf
    holy Thursday 2015.pdf
    2015good FRIDAY PROGRAM with reproaches complete.pdf
    reproaches. ( chabanal tone verses ).pdf
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • Saint Edward, Newark, CA Holy Thursday, Missa Cantata (OF) with Schola & Spanish Coro
    Choral Prelude: "Tierra Bendita y Divina" ... Gerardo Castro (Coro Director)
    Introit: "Nos autem" ... Graduale Romanum
    Mass Setting: Mass VIII
    Responsorial Psalm 116 ... Rev. Jeffrey R. Keyes, CPPS
    Tract: Ab ortu solis ... Chants abreges
    Antiphons at the Foot Washing: Postquam surrexit; Dominus Jesus, postquam cenavit; Mandatum novum do vobis ... Graduale Romanum
    Offertory: "Ubi caritas" ... Maurice Durufle, followed by the hymn sung by all.
    At the Receiving of the Holy Oils: "O Redemptor, sume Carmen" ... Chant & Palestrina
    Canon sung in English with "Per ipsum" and Amen from T. L. Victoria
    "Pater noster" sung.
    Communio "Hoc corpus" w/Ps 22/23 (Rice)
    Motets: "Palabras de Amour" (Cor. 11: 24-25) ... Gerardo Castro
    "In monte Oliveti" ... Giovanni Croce
    Transfer of the Blessed Sacrament: "Pange Lingua gloriosi"
    Adoration, followed by the Night Prayers at 11:30 PM.
  • EMH
    Posts: 47
    Holy Thursday:
    Entrance: "Lift High the Cross"
    Responsorial Psalm: R&A
    Gospel Acc.: R&A
    Washing of feet: "Jesu, Jesu Miserere" - Ethelbert Nevin
    Offertory: "Ubi Caritas" chant
    Communion Meditaion: "Pieta, Singore!" - Antonio Stradella
    Communion: "Panis Angelicus" (traditional one, whoever wrote that)
    Procession/transfer of Blessed Sacrament: "Pange Lingua, Gloriosi"

    Good Friday:
    Responsorial Psalm: R&A
    Gospel Acc.: R&A
    Adoration of the Cross:
    St. Gregory hymnal 188, 189, and 190a. It's the 6th and 7th last words of Christ: "Consumatum est" "Pater, in manus tuas.." , followed by "Adoramus te Christe" by Theodore Dubois.
    "Behold the Wood" Dan Schutte
    Communion meditation: "Stabat Mater" G. Pergolesi, reworked as a solo.

    Easter Vigil
    Responsorial Psalms: R&A
    Gloria - Heritage mass
    Allelulia - R&A
    Litany of the Saints - ICEL
    Vidi Aquam chant
    Offertory: "The Strife is O'er"
    Communion Meditation: Terra Tremuit - Vinzenz Goller
    Communion: "I Know that my Redeemer lives" hymn
    Reccesional: "Jesus Christ is Risen Today" hymn
  • kevinfkevinf
    Posts: 1,189
    St. James, Elizabethtown KY

    Holy Thursday:
    Introit:Lumen Christi Simple Gradual
    Hymn:"Wondrous Love"
    Gloria: John Lee Congragational Mass (with 4 handbells)
    Ps: Guimont Ps. 116
    At footwashing: Antiphons 1 and 2 Lumen Christ Simple Gradual
    "Jesus Took a Towel"-C. Waddell OCSO
    Ubi Caritas- Ola Geillo (a really beautiful setting I might add)
    Mass-ICEL chants
    Comm: Lumen Christi Simple Gradual "This is My Body"
    During the procession and transfer "Pange Lingua Gloriosi" (This was required singing for my girls to recieve their first year choir ribbon. Each had to sing a verse in Latin)

    Good Friday

    Psalm: Guimont Ps. 31
    Intercessions chanted by deacon and priest
    During the veneration of the Cross :O Crux Fidelis ( our first year singing it)
    During Communion :"Heaven is Open for Us" F. Koerber
    (A stunning meditation from the words of St. Mary of Agreda. A fabulous find in my opinion)

    Easter Vigil

    Psalms after each reading; Guimont
    Gloria: St. Francis Mass Duckworth
    Easter Alleluia: chant ( sung three times)
    Litany of the Saints
    Blessing over the Water sung by priest
    Offertory : "Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem"-Stanford
    Mass ;Mass of A Servant Church Guimont
    Communion: "Christ our Passover" Lumen Christi Simple gradual
    Post Communion; "Hallelujah CHorus" Handel (a tradition I just cannot seem to break.)
    Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
    Postlude:Incantation pour un jour saint- Langlais
  • Jeffrey Quick
    Posts: 2,086
    St. Sebastian, Akron OH (EF)

    Easter Sunday (1 PM)
    Processional/Recessional: Jesus Christ is risen today.
    Mass 1, Credo 3
    Offertory: Jef Tinel (1888-1972): Regina coeli
    Anon: Alle psallite cum luya
    Communion: Roberto Remondi (1850-1923)/Montani: O sacrum convivium
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    Easter Sunday - EF Missa Cantata (noon)
    St. Norbert's Church, Roxbury, WI

    Vidi Aquam
    Ordinary: Mass VIII
    Gregorian Propers
    Credo III

    Offertory Hymn – O Filii et Filiae

    Communion Chants/Motets:
    Regina Coeli (simple Chant)
    Regina Coeli, Jubila
    Regina Coeli (Antonio-Lotti)

    Recessional Hymn: Jesus Christ is Risen Today
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Music for the

    St. Adelaide Parish
    712 Lowell Street
    Peabody, Massachusetts

    = = = =

    7:00 PM

    Prelude: Chorale Prelude on “O Sacred Head" J. S. Bach
    Hymn: “Praise to the Holiest in the Height” [NEWMAN]
    Kyrie: Mass of BVM Star of the Sea, Michael Olbash
    Gloria: Roman Missal Chant
    (Organ remains off until Gloria at Easter Vigil)

    Responsorial Psalm: Pew Missal (chant)
    Gospel Acclamation: Pew Missal (chant)

    Washing of Feet: “Mandatum” Peter Latona
    Offertory: “Ubi Caritas” (chant)
    Sanctus: Roman Missal Chant
    Memorial Acclamation: Form C
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Antiphon: Pew Missal (chant)
    Motet: “Christus Factus Est” Felice Anerio
    Hymn: “Let Thy Blood in Mercy Poured" [JESUS MEINE ZUVERSICHT]

    Hymn: “Pange Lingua” (chant)
    Psalm 22 is sung (Tone VIII) during the stripping of the Altar.
    Antiphon: “Stay with Me” Taizé
    Depart in silence.

    = = = =

    7:00 PM

    Responsorial Psalm: Pew Missal (chant)
    Gospel Acclamation: Pew Missal (chant)

    Antiphon: We Adore You, O Christ (chant)
    The Reproaches (chant)
    Hymn: “Sing, My Tongue, the Savior’s Glory” [PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI]

    Antiphon: “Jesus, Remember Me” Taizé

    = = = =

    8:00 PM

    Procession: “Lumen Christi”

    Responsorial Psalms: Pew Missal (chant)
    Trumpet Fanfare (Improvisation by Jeanne Pocius Dorismond)
    Gloria: Roman Missal Chant
    Triple Alleluia (Graduale Romanum)

    Litany of the Saints (chant)
    Acclamation (after Blessing of Water): “Springs of Water” Pew Missal (chant)
    Acclamation (during Sprinkling Rite): “I Saw Water Flowing” Pew Missal (chant)

    Offertory: “This Joyful Eastertide” [VRUECHTEN]
    Sanctus: Roman Missal Chant
    Memorial Acclamation: Form B
    Agnus Dei: Mass XVIII
    Antiphon: Pew Missal (chant)
    Duet: “Laudamus Te” from Gloria, Antonio Vivaldi
    Hymn: “Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen” [REGINA CAELI JUBILA]

    Solemn Dismissal
    Hymn: “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” [EASTER HYMN]
    Postlude: “Allegro Pomposa” from Sonata No. 1, Henry Purcell

    = = = =

    8:30 AM, 10:00 AM, and 11:30 AM (Ordinary Form)
    (1 PM Extraordinary Form, list follows)

    Prelude: “Prayer of St. Gregory” Alan Hovhaness
    Hymn: “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” [LLANFAIR]
    10:00: Messe basse, Gabriel Fauré
    Other Masses: Mass XVI
    Gloria: Roman Missal Chant

    Responsorial Psalm: Pew Missal (chant)
    Sequence: “Victimae Paschali Laudes” (chant)
    Gospel Acclamation: “Victory” Alleluia, arr. Theodore Marier
    Acclamation (during Sprinkling Rite): “I Saw Water Flowing” Pew Missal (chant)

    10:00: “Cantate Domino” Giuseppe Pitoni
    Other Masses: “Be Joyful, Mary, Heavenly Queen” [REGINA CAELI JUBILA]
    Sanctus: Roman Missal Chant
    Memorial Acclamation: Form B
    Agnus Dei:
    10:00: Missa Puerorum, Josef Rheinberger
    Other Masses: Mass XVIII
    All Masses: Antiphon: Pew Missal (chant)
    8:30: Hymn, This Is the Feast [FESTIVAL CANTICLE]
    10:00: Duet, “Laudamus Te” from Gloria, Antonio Vivaldi
    10:00: Motet, “Ave Verum Corpus” Edward Elgar
    11:30: Solo, "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth" from Messiah, G. F. Handel

    Solemn Dismissal
    Hymn: “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” [EASTER HYMN]
    Postlude: “Allegro Pomposa” from Sonata No. 1, Henry Purcell

    = = = =

    1:00 PM (Extraordinary Form)

    Prelude: Prayer of St. Gregory, Alan Hovhaness
    Hymn: “Alleluia, Alleluia! Sing a New Song to the Lord” [BRYN MYRDDIN]
    Vidi Aquam

    Introit: Resurrexi
    Kyrie: Mass VIII
    Gloria: Mass VIII
    Gradual: Haec dies
    Alleluia: Pascha nostrum
    Sequence: Vicimae paschali
    Profession of Faith: Credo III

    Offertory: Terra tremuit
    Sanctus: Mass VIII
    Agnus Dei: Mass VIII
    Communion: Pascha nostrum

    Hymn: “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today” [EASTER HYMN]
    Postlude: “Allegro Pomposa” from Sonata No. 1, Henry Purcell
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • JDE
    Posts: 588
    Tonight for Holy Thursday:

    Entrance: When I survey the Wondrous Cross (because the second verse recalls the Introit)
    Kyrie from Mass VIII
    Gloria from our current setting
    Responsorial Psalm from Psalms for the Cantor (WLP ca. 1985)
    Gospel Acclamation by Wilbur/Kraehenbuehl a cappella
    Washing of Feet: Mandatum Novum (Taizé, arr. by me)
    Offering: Pop ensemble sings In the Silence/Wondrous Love by Schram
    While the Gifts are being prepared and the Altar is incensed:
    Choir sings Duruflé Ubi Caritas
    Mass parts from our current setting
    Pop ensemble sings Face the Cross (also by Schram)
    Communion antiphon: Hoc Corpus (solo cantor)
    Choir sings Come Share this Feast of Love (Larson)
    Duet: Come with Me (Drennan) while choir forms ranks downstairs
    Procession: Pange Lingua (in Latin)
    After Reposition: Stay Here and Keep Watch (Taizé)
    and Bruckner Tantum Ergo (the one in A Flat from 1846)

    Good Friday:

    Responsorial Psalm by Royce Nickel
    Gospel Acclamation: Same tune as Thursday
    Passion: Chanted with TTBB Turba Choruses by Msgr. Claude Thompson
    Adoration of the Cross:
    He Was Despised from Messiah (alto solo)
    Vere Languores (Victoria)
    Behold the Lamb of God (Craig Courtney)
    In Monte Oliveti (Bruckner)
    Intercessions: Chanted by clergy
    O Come and Mourn (Hopson)
    God So Loved the World (Stainer)

    I'm tired just typing all this out, and we haven't sung a note yet.
    Thanked by 1JulieColl
  • He Was Despised from Messiah (alto solo)

    I LOVE that piece. Also, I love God So Loved the World. I hope/pray that my choir will be able to pull it off someday.
  • G
    Posts: 1,400
    How many Paschal Vigils do you usually have?

    Not I actually, but my parish.
    No joke, until last year, three.

    E'en now, the one they have is finished, not just begun but finished before sunset.

    (Save the Liturgy, Save the World)
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    My gig church has two of each holy week liturgy: one in each form. OF and EF.
  • StimsonInRehabStimsonInRehab
    Posts: 1,928
    Also, I love God So Loved the World.

    I love that piece too - or, at least, loved it, until we sang it for every. single. mass. of Holy Week.
  • Easter Sunday Morning
    Church of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM Lapeer, MI

    Processional Hymn: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today (Willcocks setting for the final verse)
    Kyrie: Calvary Service - Pavlechko
    Gloria: Mass in Honor of Blessed John Newman - James MacMillan
    Psalm 118 - original chant setting by Theodore Marier
    Sequence - as found in the Hymnal 1940 "Yea...." Best text!
    Gospel Alleluia: Monk with Marier descant
    Sprinkling Rite: I saw water chant
    Offertory: This Is the Feast of Victory (choral parts by Richard Hillert)
    Sanctus: Mass for the City - Proulx
    Mystery of Faith: Olbash
    Agnus Dei: Missa XVII
    Communion: Christ, Our Passover - Willan
    This Joyful Eastertide - arr Alice Parker
    I know that my Redeemer Liveth - Handel
    Mary, Queen of Heaven - chant, ed. Marier

    Recessional Hymn: Christ the Lord Is Risen Today LLANFAIR

    Postlude: The Heavens Are Telling - Marcello, ed Biggs
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Saint Mary’s Parish, Visalia, California

    Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper
    The first number references the OCP Breaking Bread hymnal; the next number is the accompaniment page; the last number references the Choral Praise hymnal. The pieces/composers in blue type are CMAA associates.

    Introit Antiphon: “We should glory in the cross” Simple Choral Gradual/Rice
    Entrance: #725 LIFT HIGH THE CROSS 329 (Crucifer) CP/TP for soprano descant

    Opening Rites: LORD, HAVE MERCY/GLORY TO GOD Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg

    Responsorial: #323 OUR BLESSING CUP 430 Hurd

    Gospel Accl.: LENTEN GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Culbreth

    Mandatum: THE WISDOM OF GOD (Heath Morber)
    “The Lord Jesus, when he had eaten…” Simple Choral Gradual/Rice

    Offertory: UBI CARITAS Joseph Gentry Stephens/
    (if necessary: #341 UBI CARITAS Hurd

    Eucharistic Accl.: Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg (except “Amen” Giffen)

    Communion Procession: Antiphon: “This is my body…” Hoc Corpus/SEP-Bartlett
    THIS IS MY BODY (Culbreth)

    Communion Anthem: TANTUM ERGO (Kevin Allen)

    Transfer of Holy Eucharist: BBpage 58 #24 PANGE LINGUA GLORIOSI 438 plainchant
    PANGE LINGUA- Ricky Manalo-handout

    Good Friday Celebration of the Lord’s Passion

    Silent Entrance/Opening Prayer

    Responsorial: #766 FATHER, I PUT MY LIFE IN YOUR HANDS 629 (Talbot)

    Passion Proclamation - chanted, schola

    Collection: #157 WERE YOU THERE 624 / CP

    Veneration of the Cross ADORAMUS TE CHRISTE Palestrina via Noel Jones anthology
    REPROACHES Peter Kwasniewski
    CRUX FIDELIS- King John of Portugal via Noel Jones anthology
    #28 BEHOLD THE WOOD 91 (Schutte)

    Communion Anthem: #149 BEHOLD THE CROSS 88 (B.Hurd)
    I THIRST (Craig Courtney)I THIRST (Craig Courtney)

    Easter Vigil
    Entrance: “The light of Christ” THANKS BE TO GOD”-Rev. Mr. Doug Pingel

    Exultet: Charles Culbreth cantor

    Responsorial 1 #455 ENVIA TU ESPIRITU 168 (B.Hurd)
    Responsorial 3 #827 EXODUS 15: TO GOD BE PRAISE AND GLORY 750 (J.Sullivan-Whitaker)
    Responsorial 7 “JUST AS THE DEER DESIRES” (Palestrina/Lindusky) prepare for Gloria

    Gloria before Epistle “Glory to God in the highest” (Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg)

    Gospel Accl.: RESPOND AND ACCLAIM (O filii et filie) cantor verses, key raised

    Litany of the Saints #32 Litany of the Saints (chanted)

    Baptisms #656 FLOW, RIVER, FLOW 179 (Hurd)

    Offertory: #175 CHRIST, THE LORD, IS RISEN TODAY 123 (Llanfair) cp98
    ALLELUIA Telemann-Liebergen arr.

    Eucharistic Accl.: Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg- exception: “Amen” Giffen

    Communion Procession: Christ has become/Pascha nostrum (SCG/Richard Rice)
    #179 RESUCITÓ 469 (Arguello)
    If necessary: #185 THIS JOYFUL EASTERTIDE 898 Vreuchten

    Communion Anthem: FANFARE FOR EASTER Jane Marshall

    Recessional: #167 JESUS CHRIST IS RIS’N TODAY 298 (Easter hymn) cp 236

    Easter Sunday

    Introit: S “I am risen…” Simple English Propers/A.Bartlett
    Entrance: SE #167 JESUS CHRIST IS RIS’N TODAY 298 (Easter hymn) cp 236

    Opening Rites: S Kyrie/Gloria Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg
    E Kyrie/ Gloria-Santa Clara Mass – Bob Hurd

    Responsorial: SE Respond & Acclaim

    Sequence: SE #166 CHRIST IS ARISEN 122 (DeBruyn)

    Gospel Accl.: S Missa Ascensiones-Giffen
    E Alleluia Santa Clara Mass – Bob Hurd

    Offertory: S #163 THREE DAYS 585 Thaxted
    E #179 RESUCITÓ 469 (Arguello)

    Eucharistic Accl.: S Mass of St. Philip Neri-Jernberg- exception: “Amen” Giffen
    E Santa Clara Mass – Bob Hurd

    Communion Procession: SE Christ has become/Pascha nostrum (SCG/Richard Rice)
    S #596 THIS DAY WAS MADE BY THE LORD 555 (C.Walker)
    E HE IS RISEN Manalo (handout)

    Communion Anthem: S FANFARE FOR EASTER Jane Marshall E SPRINGTIME IS BLOSSOMING Manalo

    Recessional: S #162 JESUS IS RISEN 300 (Lasst uns erfreuen) cp
    E #575 LORD OF THE DANCE (Culbreth arr.)

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • See attached program booklet for the Triduum thru Easter Sunday. While Chrism Mass is my favorite of holy week (and the year), my favorite service during the Triduum is night prayer on Thursday. I'm not sure how many parishes do a formal service to end the Holy Thursday festivities, but I highly recommend it if you don't.
    Triduum Worship Aid - 2015.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen