  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    I'm looking for a hymn tune in meter that is either familiar or easy to learn.

    The only hymn tune I can think of in that meter is LAMBILOTTE (Panis Angelicus) though that might be an odd pairing of text and melody.

    The hymn is for Vespers from the Common of Several Martyrs: Sanctorum meritis inclita guadia (Come, let us celebrate ever more joyfully).

    We are using the Mundelein Psalter which does give a chant melody a the top of the page, but I'm afraid people won't pick it up easily in only one hearing without the words being set under the notes. Also this melody doesn't exactly match the LH nor Fr. Weber's new book so I'm somewhat reluctant to teach the tune as given.
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    The tune LAMBILLOTTE is for the meter "Come, Holy Ghost." The tune by Lambillotte for "Panis Angelicus" is the tune, with the tune name SACRIS SOLEMNIS.

    hymnary.org does not list any tunes with a meter, not even SACRIS SOLEMNIS.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,210
    The hymn Sacris Solemnis by St. Thomas Aquinas is not in the four-line meter 12 12. 12 8, but instead it is a seven-line hymn in the meter 66. 66. 668 (and rhyme scheme ABABCBC) - so perhaps one might find a tune in this meter (alas, I don't know of any yet). The hymn by St. Thomas Aquinas is beautiful, though:
    Sacris solemniis
    iuncta sint gaudia,
    et ex praecordiis
    sonent praeconia;
    recedant vetera,
    nova sint omnia,
    corda, voces, et opera.

    Noctis recolitur
    cena novissima,
    qua Christus creditur
    agnum et azyma
    dedisse fratribus,
    iuxta legitima
    priscis indulta patribus.

    Post agnum typicum,
    expletis epulis,
    Corpus Dominicum
    datum discipulis,
    sic totum omnibus,
    quod totum singulis,
    eius fatemur manibus.

    Dedit fragilibus
    corporis ferculum,
    dedit et tristibus
    sanguinis poculum,
    dicens: Accipite
    quod trado vasculum;
    omnes ex eo bibite.

    Sic sacrificium
    istud instituit,
    cuius officium
    committi voluit
    solis presbyteris,
    quibus sic congruit,
    ut sumant, et dent ceteris.

    Panis angelicus
    fit panis hominum;
    dat panis caelicus
    figuris terminum;
    O res mirabilis:
    manducat Dominum
    pauper, servus et humilis.

    Te, trina Deitas
    unaque, poscimus:
    sic nos tu visita,
    sicut te colimus;
    per tuas semitas
    duc nos quo tendimus,
    ad lucem quam inhabitas.

    And here is the translation given in Wikipedia, based on a translation by John David Chambers (1805-1893)

    At this our solemn feast
    let holy joys abound,
    and from the inmost breast
    let songs of praise resound;
    let ancient rites depart,
    and all be new around,
    in every act, and voice, and heart.

    Remember we that eve,
    when, the Last Supper spread,
    Christ, as we all believe,
    the Lamb, with leavenless bread,
    among His brethren shared,
    and thus the Law obeyed,
    of all unto their sire declared.

    The typic Lamb consumed,
    the legal Feast complete,
    the Lord unto the Twelve
    His Body gave to eat;
    the whole to all, no less
    the whole to each did mete
    with His own hands, as we confess.

    He gave them, weak and frail,
    His Flesh, their Food to be;
    on them, downcast and sad,
    His Blood bestowed He:
    and thus to them He spake,
    "Receive this Cup from Me,
    and all of you of this partake."

    So He this Sacrifice
    to institute did will,
    and charged His priests alone
    that office to fulfill:
    to them He did confide:
    to whom it pertains still
    to take, and the rest divide.

    Thus Angels' Bread is made
    the Bread of man today:
    the Living Bread from heaven
    with figures dost away:
    O wondrous gift indeed!
    the poor and lowly may
    upon their Lord and Master feed.

    Thee, therefore, we implore,
    O Godhead, One in Three,
    so may Thou visit us
    as we now worship Thee;
    and lead us on Thy way,
    That we at last may see
    the light wherein Thou dwellest aye.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,230
    There is a tune called CHRIST RETURNETH, but it has a refrain added, so I don't know whether the tune would be suitable if you cut the refrain off.
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    The tune LAMBILLOTTE is for the meter "Come, Holy Ghost." The tune by Lambillotte for "Panis Angelicus" is the tune, with the tune name SACRIS SOLEMNIS.

    Saint Michael Hymnal (4th edition) has both tunes under the title of LAMBILOTTE, which was the book I was looking at when I wrote my original post.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Hmm, not a very common meter for a congregational hymn. The only two hymn tunes I have been able to locate are from English hymnbooks. In Hymns Ancient & Modern (1916), the tune for #756 is 'Bath'. In the English Hymnal (1933), the 'modern' tune for #182 is 'Das herrlich hohe Fest'. Interestingly, both are non-plainsong tunes to accompany John Mason Neale's translation of Sanctorum Meritis, which is the hymn you are looking for. To my mind, Bath would probably be the easier setting to introduce to a congregation.
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Just FYI: The Adoremus Hymnal (1st ed.) names the tune LAMBILLOTTE PANIS.
  • Earl_GreyEarl_Grey
    Posts: 905
    It seems the translation as found in the Mundelein Psalter works best with the chant melody. I'm guessing Father Weber adapted the original LH tune to accommodate the English stress.
  • We are using the Mundelein Psalter which does give a chant melody a the top of the page, but I'm afraid people won't pick it up easily in only one hearing without the words being set under the notes.

    I have set the typeset Sanctorum Meritis to the tune in the Liber Hymnarius and attached it here. Hopefully, this will be useful to you and others. Please let me know if there are any errors that need to be corrected. Thanks.
    Sanctorum meritis.pdf
  • I've also found an incomplete recording of the Benedictine Monks of Solesmes Abbey chanting this setting which may be helpful. https://youtu.be/gatBsgyJXx8
  • Anybody want to write a 12. 12. 12. 8 tune?

    Edit: and that anybody isn't me, at least today, since I have two first rehearsals tonight at my new position. Orate pro me.
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,130
    I suspect it's better to adapt an iambic tune, breaking up long notes for additional syllables on the first three vv, and ties for two less syllables in the last verse. For a quick example of such a tune, think: EVENTIDE (Abide With Me) or TOULON (The Voice of God Goes Out).
  • davido
    Posts: 972
    DAS HERRLICH HOHE FEST as found in the English Hymnal is a great tune in that meter. Probably too high for your average congregation though.
    The Merits of the Saints (DAS HERRLICH HOHE FEST).pdf
  • I had forgotten about this thread! Thanks for the recent postings. After I posted this originally, I decided to simply write out the melody in Finale and set the text accordingly. I don't have the time to learn a new (square-note) notation program, so this is it.

    I have set most of the hymns from the commons to familiar hymn tunes. Of course we use the chant melodies when provided (which for the most part are not the same melodies as found in the LH, but are still lovely and mostly simple).
    COMMON OF SEVERAL MARTYRS-EP-Mundelin melody.pdf
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • The Lumen Christi Hymnal also provides a melody for this text, notated in modern notes, and has another 12. 12. 12. 8 melody that could be used, too.
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey
  • I will check that out. I would have been inclined to purchase the Lumen Christi hymnal in place of the Mundelein Psalter, since we primarily us the Mundelein for the hymns, but at the time LCH was still a work in progress. I recently ordered a personal copy, but haven't had time to go through it all yet. Still Mundelein allows us to simply chant the office in it's entirety so until the new breviary comes out it works.