Anyone have the Advent preface in square notes?
  • Good cause here:

    Could I bother you to help me find the sqaure notes score of the Advent Preface in the Ext Form and scan it to me? We need it for Bishp Peter Elliott's Mass in Hong Kong and oddly none of our books have it.
    (asap if possible)
  • I don't believe that the 1962 missal includes a preface for Advent. The ancient Roman rite had a plethora of prefaces, but at some time in the pre-Caroolingian period (I believe) the number was reduced. Three new ones were added in the 20th century (Christ the King, Sacred Heart, and Requiem).

    If the 1962 missal did contain an Advent preface, it must have been added only in that edition.
  • Special Prefaces were added round about 1962. At any rate, the FSSP Ordo includes several of them, including one for Advent. My adaptation (clearly marked as such) is attached. Anybody wants to quibble with my use of the formula, have at it.

    Now Jeffrey... if you can, find out if they have any sort of musical version (from the question, I guess they might have something in modern notation?). If so, try to get a copy, and I'll transcribe it for real. And, of course, if you find someone who owns the REAL chant from the REAL book, please send that to them instead of this.
  • Here's a routine reminder: Avoid flames: critique principles, not people. Be discriminating but don't nitpick. Be academic not acerbic. Be principled not polemical.
  • You know what we really really need? A full Roman Missal 1962 online. We have this but it is a study edition with lots of words and very little music. I have a 1964/65 Missal that is great ,and I would be happy to cough it up but I doubt there is much interest in it. I know for sure that the Benzinger Bros. 1962 is public domain. What about that one?
  • It is possible these special prefaces came out in a supplement, text only, and never got notated. But I speculate...
  • I have in my possession a Benzinger Bros. 1962 Altar Missal (with St Joseph in the canon etc) and it does not have the (optional) Advent Preface. Jeffrey, Does the 1964/65 edition have it?
  • Hmmm. Looking. Oh rats, it's at a different location. I will update tomorrow.
  • Richard:

    I found only one mistake: In the phrase "vé-ri-tas instrú- e-ret ínsci- os" the (weak) penultimate syllable of "instrueret" ought to be set to "B." (Cf. "caelestis exercitus.")

    In the phrase "virtus adjuvá- ret infírmos" I would have placed a scandicus-with-qulisma (abc) on the first syllable of "virtus"; but no rule requires that you do so.
  • Thanks, Bruce. Good catch.
  • Revision attached.
  • Here is the solemn form of the preface for Advent. I had to divide it into two separate PDF files.
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