• A new Missa Solemnis in Latin. Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, Agnus Dei. Classical style of 18th -19th centuries. Work is intended for use on Passion Sunday (without Gloria), or in full for other appropriate occasions such as memorial Masses, etc. Scored for SATB/organ, with large a capella sections in Gloria and Credo.
  • Rest of Missa Solemnis.
  • Dan F.Dan F.
    Posts: 205

    I've downloaded your settings and read through the Kyrie. I am merely a volunteer choir member, but I very much appreciate your work! I am amazed that you would compose such a large piece for public distribution and use. I noticed on your wiki page that you are currently and organist at a Methodist church. Do you have the chance to hear these pieces performed, either in a concert or liturgy? I grew up in a Methodist church where the mass ordinary was certainly not often heard!
  • Dan,

    The Missa Brevis on my wiki page I wrote for my home church, St Paul's Episcopal in Key West, Florida. So *that* one I got to hear numerous times. The Missa Solemnis, since it's quite fresh, no. At some point, though, I do hope to be able to hear the M. Solemnis sung, preferably as intended as a Mass, not as a concert. Too many nice masses are only heard in concert settings these days.
  • In light of being better informed with regard to intonations for the Gloria and Credo, I've re-written the opening portions of these two movements. This should make them suitable for EF use. The intonation for the Gloria is Ambrosian (from Graduale Romanum's Kyriale), and the Credo uses the intonation for "Credo I, II, IV."

    My humble typesetting program doesn't allow for chant-writing, so I've had to improvise a bit. Hopefully it'll make sense.

    Thank you to the several people who provided enlightenment and guidance on this!
    Addendum: Noticed the intonation text had error, re-posted corrected version. Could not get "delete attachment" to work in comment editor.
  • Thurlow:

    (And other members) You may want to post your email address at your profile. I noticed a couple of things that you might want to deal with....primarily the problem I have had which is that if you make a PDF directly from a music notation program like Finale, you may find that the music font may result in notes not centering on lines and spaces, so that it becomes unclear for the choir, they get mad and don't want to sing from it....

    Saving it as a graphic, like a TIFF, which than can be placed in a document seems to eliminate this problem, since Acrobat treats it like dots rather than a font it can manipulate.

    If we have our email addresses available, it does make it easier to talk things over without bringing in everybody to it....and Thurlow, don't think that I am picking on you....many, many of the members do not offer their emails...
  • Frogman, Don't worry, no offense taken. I confess that I had completely overlooked the Account Settings when I signed up; Mea culpa! I have corrected!

    With regard to savings things as a TIFF, I'm not certain how I can do that. PrintMusic (Finale product) only allows me to save as .mus, .mid, .ftm. I create the PDF via Cute PDF Writer. So far, I'm not aware of any alignment problems (yet!). I generally save as PDF since that's the format that's friendly with CPDL and also the upcoming Holy Measures publishing site.

    How to save as a TIFF? Through Paint, or similar program? If I know how, I'd be more than happy to have a go at it!