I didn't know until very recently that reciting/singing Veni Creator Spiritus grants the individual a plenary indulgence on January 1st as well as Pentecost (partial indulgences for all other days). (Here's the CPDL page o' free scores.)
Are there any other hymns that give indulgences to their singers? It seems that including such hymns somewhere in the music rotation truly would be a pastorally sensitive thing to do.
Fr. Z had a link to http://the-hermeneutic-of-continuity.blogspot.com/2007/12/new-year-plenary-indulgences.html
which states:
The Te Deum on the lst day of the year to give thanks to God for benefits received during the past year.
The Veni Creator on 1 January to implore divine help during the coming year.
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Don't forget the important part about gaining indulgences . . . they must be obtained "under the usual conditions", which is the hard part. . . for me anyways.
Looking through the Handbook of Indulgences, there are several indulgenced prayers that are also chants (mostly partial indulgences):
Adoro te devote
Regina caeli (replacing the Angelus in Easter tide)
Anima Christi
Nicene Creed (!)
Litanies: Holy Name, Sacred Heart, Precious Blood, Blessed Virgin Mary, St Joseph,
Litany of the Saints
Oremus pro Pontifice
O Sacrum convivium
Requiem aeternum
Salve regina
Sub tuum praesidium
Tantum ergo (plenary at Mass on Holy Thursday & on Corpus Christi)
Te Deum (plenary when recited publicly on the last day of the year)
Veni Creator (plenary when recited publicly on the first day of January and on Pentecost)
Plus the Psalms De profundis and Miserere
It can't hurt to use these when appropriate, and let schola and congregation know about the indulgences. Of course, the usual conditions apply for the plenary indulgences.
Careful Padre Pio - mixing terms like "indulgences" and "selling point" has a bit of bad history! Maybe selling the chant and tossing in the indulgences for free is a great workaround.
But it will be eye opening for a congregation to see the indulgences noted in the bulletins when we sing these hymns. It's interesting to note that many of these are included in the Jubilate Deo booklet, though they lack the annotation of indulgence. Jubilate Deo is yet a greater gift to the Church than I'd suspected.
We included the indulgenced prayers after Vespers in the program at a recent schola appearance. Virtually everyone stayed to pray them. There's hope that the Catholic Church might reappear in our lifetimes.
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