"Communion Meditation"
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
    Paul, where is it written that the congregation stands for the post-Communion hymn? Not seeing it in the GIRM and I'm wondering if it's legislated elsewhere. Thanks.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,158
    I think Paul refers to a USCCB sanctioned instruction, somewhere's around 2007 or so, wherein bishops were instructed to have pastors notify the faithful that after returning to their pew/chair, the proper posture was to for ALL remain (united) standing until the celebrant is seated at the chair. It had nothing, IIRC, to do with singing the "hymn of praise." I also associate this with a clarification about the PiPs rising uniformly at the conclusion of the "great amen" praxis on that posture was also all over the map prior.

    I remember discussing this with the boss, but I don't recall the communion posture being instructed, only the amen.

    Lord, we can be a weird people, can we not? All these externals we argue over with little attention to the internals of professing Christ, Lord...
    Thanked by 1bkenney27
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,172
    I believe he was being wry, not literal.
  • Melofluent, I have no recollection of
    a USCCB sanctioned instruction, somewhere's around 2007 or so, wherein bishops were instructed to have pastors notify the faithful that after returning to their pew/chair, the proper posture was to for ALL remain (united) standing until the celebrant is seated at the chair.
    I try to keep track of such things but this rings no bells. Can anyone enlighten me?

    Kathy, I am inferring the standing posture for the song of praise after communion because of the official repertory for such songs in the Graduale Simplex, 465–474: the Te Deum, the Te Decet Laus, and the Te Laudamus Domine, during the singing of which all standd.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • FWIW I dislike the medley approach as well - especially when the musical styles are all over the map. I prefer to at least limit it to two selections - for example communion chant (SEP or Graduale) + choral piece or chant + hymn, with an organ bridge between.

    It's important to remember that a number of people are die-hards in terms of the "no choral music during communion" agenda. They choose to elevate GIRM 86 as the "true" article, and downplay GIRM 87's allowance for choral singing during communion as a flawed article. However, regardless of their efforts the simple fact remains that the church's liturgical legislation explicitly allows the choir to sing alone during the entire communion procession. It's also acceptable to have the congregation sing - and Fr. Krisman's use of psalms and refrains is a great way to do that. The problem is when you elevate your personal or local practice to the one RIGHT answer to the question. There are many legitimate approaches.

    There is difficulty regarding music AFTER communion - that is supposed to include the congregation. Is it illicit to have a choral meditation during purification? I don't know...is it illicit to have a choral Sanctus when the GIRM says the Sanctus is sung by all? Does the GIRM cover every possible eventuality?
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,486
    Gee, I guess I should just keep my mouth shut. I'm finding that's a better option for my workplace generally.
    I'm really surprised that people have any sort of opinion on this board! Ha
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,158
    I try to keep track of such things but this rings no bells.

    Sorry, Doc! Shouldn't have tried to play you on the TV.
    Maybe it was just a local thing, Paul, up here in the San Joaquin. I'm old and infirm, you know, my mind tends to wander......
    Oh, look, a robin red breast!
  • Gee, I guess I should just keep my mouth shut. I'm finding that's a better option for my workplace generally.
    I'm really surprised that people have any sort of opinion on this board! Ha

    Gregory, it's hard for me to read what you just wrote for your inflection, so to speak. I hope you were just mildly exasperated or even smiling wryly as you were writing. It was not my intention to vex you in any way, or to vex anyone who is reading this discussion.

    I hope to write more extensively about the OF communion rite on the Pray Tell site. I'll post here when I have finished my 'disquisition.'

  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,158
    Well, I for one am vexed! What is a "disquisition?" Now I'm no longer qualified to audition for JEOPARDY.....

    Oh, look, there's a gecko selling car insurance.....
  • Melofluent, you are a delightful mad man.
  • ghmus7
    Posts: 1,486
    Dear Dr. Ford:
    Absolutely no offense was intended, and none taken here.