CMAA Indianapolis - Episcopal Church???
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  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    That's not a bad thought: I'd like to visit Holy Rosary Church during the week some time too and hear Fr. Magiera too, whom I've heard before when he celebrated a wedding in Boston. Holy Rosary is a little over a mile from the hotel, which probably takes 20 minutes or so to walk. (The 6 minutes must be a driving estimate.)

    In Salt Lake City the Cathedral was 1.25 mi from the hotel, and it took about 30 minutes to walk that.

    The distances in Indianapolis will be easier than in Salt Lake: Masses for the Colloquium will be held in the beautiful St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church (0.52 mi. from the hotel). Some rehearsals and other sessions will be held in Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal), which is roughly across the street from the hotel.

    [Update: I have been informed that the respected Fr. Magiera has a new assignment, and Holy Rosary continues with a new administrator.]
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,482
    While Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal) has an excellent music program - one which is far superior to the vast majority of Catholic parishes and cathedrals, it is no doubt the case that what the CMAA advocates - the best music possible in its correct context within the liturgical mysteries - will be vastly superior in quality and spiritual value to anything being done at CCC(E). Moreover, it is likely that many members of the CCC(E) community will encounter CMAA folks during the course of the week, and perhaps even observe (or join in!) on rehearsals and or liturgy.

    With that in mind, it should be easy to see how using the (beautiful, I'm sure) space at CCC(E) is not in any way an endorsement of Episcopalianism but rather an opportunity to evangelize. The membership of CCC(E) is, no doubt, drawn there by the beauty of their music and the depth of their tradition. How much more, then, would they be drawn to the music of the tradition from whence they ultimately came, the original source of their present practices?

    Even if not one person so affected has the courage or wherewithal to come into communion with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, the spiritual benefit that accrue to those who "do the work of an evangelist" must surely still bear fruit. And, like the long-term ripening of the fruit of the Oxford movement, it may be that any influence the CMAA has (for example, in piquing the curiosity of young choristers) is not seen for a generation or more.

    We should be concerned when apostates and heretics occupy our buildings, even momentarily. But we should rejoice when given the opportunity to act as vanguards, as pilgrims in unholy land.

    Also, you know - it's like right across the street.
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 11,996
    Consorting with Episcopalians? Oh, Brother! Now I have heard everything. Like we don't have anything serious to worry about. I am certain both groups will do each other no harm.
    Thanked by 1Spriggo
  • SalieriSalieri
    Posts: 3,177
    Perhaps we could schedule an Anglican Use Evensong.
  • I have 100 complaints about the colloqium ... this is definitely NOT one of them.
    Thanked by 1CharlesW
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    I have 100 complaints about the colloqium

    Might need a separate discussion thread for that. :-)
  • Not really; It's a great thing, I'm glad you guys do it, and I don't want to negatively disparage something productive that is being done. There's just a lot of reasons that it's not for me.
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  • I love both of those churches: St John the Evangelist and Holy Rosary. I'm from the Indy area, so I've been there several times. There are some great little churches in the surrounding area as well.
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Thank you, Adam Wood, for your balanced and thoughtful comment, above. I think you said it beautifully...both with regard to the quality of the music program at CCC, the aims of the Colloquium, conscious or otherwise present.

    To assume the worst, not only of the the gracious hosts at CCC, but of the CMAA leadership and its intentions is totally uncalled for in this forum or anywhere else.

    Here is some reality...lets look at it is an opportunity: our hotel is five blocks away from St. John the Evangelist (only a seven minute walk)...which is a very busy downtown parish with well frequented confession at 11:00am and daily Mass at 12:00pm daily, not to mention a plethora of other activities which go on during the day ... has opened its doors to us for rehearsals as their space and schedule allows, and all Colloquium liturgies, not to mention the Sunday liturgy, which will be celebrated by Archbishop Tobin.

    Christ Church Cathedral, which is directly across the street from the hotel, is a beautiful church with a fabulous organ and legendary music program that has opened their doors to us well...The music director, organist, and clergy have been nothing but welcoming. The organ recital, played by non other than Simon Thomas Jacobs, and some of the rehearsals during the week, will take place in their well-appointed spaces. Our first evening we will have the great privilege of attending CCC's excellent and prayerful Anglican Choral Evensong, which most of us never have the opportunity to hear.

    CCC staff and clergy know that the Colloquium is a Catholic conference. Even so, they have gone out of their way to be welcoming to our needs. Likewise, the CMAA understands that CCC is not the spirit of Christianity and love for beauty in honor of Our Lord we are all working together to make 2014 happen. We should all just be grateful.

    I would hope that members of this forum might learn from the love and charity both groups are extending here.
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    And...if anyone wants my job of finding the right venue year after year...something that will work with regard to all aspects of what we do and have to's all yours.
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114

    Plan your own gig or lighten up.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,229
    Thanks for joining in, Arlene.

    I did want to thank you for making the arrangements together with the "Local Organizing Committee" (Andrew Motyka).

    It has to be a balancing act, to find a conference facility, housing, rehearsal spaces, and a large Catholic church with a suitable organ, all within walking distance, and in a city -- because CMAA wants to show this beautiful music in mainstream churches, not only in specialized places like seminaries. You have to find dates and even times of day that work for all these institutions, and at a cost that parish musicians can stand paying. Oh -- and move it around the country, to bring it within driving distance of people who otherwise wouldn't make it.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Brava, Arlene. Indy is a marvelous convention city, period. I have to come this year if only to give big bear RC another bear's hug!
    Regarding any cognitive dissonance about the venues of worship, allow me this odd little perspective. The first chant intensive I attended was at U of San Diego. Beautiful environs, great town, drove there, etc.
    U of San Diego, a nominal Catholic college is forever beset by controversies that are largely self-inflicted by all constituencies at the university. So, let's keep things in perspective, if we incline to scrupulosity.
  • "...Seek not to be understood as to understand..."


    I really just wanted to let you all know that I was not trying to belittle anyone. I'm a card carrying member, have rallied several of my co-workers to join your ranks and check out your free materials, and attended the Colloquium in SLC. The free materials I have found on this website have made such an infinitely positive difference to not only those parishes I've served but also to me and my own spiritual life. I was losing the Faith, if not in reality, then in heart. I then found this beautiful holy union of beauty in the music with that Whom "I have loved and lost awhile." (Bl. Cardinal Newman)

    This 'marriage' has never really been something I have experienced and in my own personal way it seemed sad that the 'marriage' wouldn't be there in the same happy way it was before. HOWEVER, it's clear that the Internet in general, and these forums in-particular, don't express TONE very well. I was never trying to belittle anyone, in-particular AOZ, who, from the posts entered, is apparently (un-benownst to me) in charge of these things. Like I said, I don't know if the CMAA could do a better job doing what they do if they wanted to. It's nearly perfect in every way I've ever experienced.

    Lastly, I don't believe I was assuming the worst. I really thought that perhaps it was just overlooked or that maybe it wasn't assumed to be as important a factor as it is for folks like me. I am a member of the CMAA and would love to say that the organization I'm a part of is at least a place to exchange thoughts. But I can only control me and say in all charity that no harm was meant, and that, if my employer can assist me, I'll be there with you in Indianapolis, perhaps not using my forum ID on my name tag! :)

    Thanked by 2chonak BruceL
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    JIF, I saw the original post and, FWIW, your concerns were legitimate and respectfully articulated. I hope your concerns were sufficiently addressed and that you will continue to post!
  • I also saw the original post and I agree, Olbash.
    JIF, let not your heart be troubled. Tone is indeed most difficult to convey in a combox.

    I have confidence that when the good people involved on this thread reflect on your concern they will come to understand you intended no disrespect. When people have questions it does not automatically mean they are being overly critical or scrupulous or anything else. Sometimes questions are just questions, and it seems like this was one of those instances.

    I, like you, am grateful for all the work and organizing going on behind the scenes. And I hope to make it, too! Peace to all organizers and possible attendees.
  • TCJ
    Posts: 992
    I agree with Olbash as well. I think there was a definite overreaction to JIF's comment. His concerns could have been answered without the tone that I sensed.
  • AOZ
    Posts: 369
    Agreed on deficiency of internet when it comes to tone!
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,518
  • Perhaps we could schedule an Anglican Use Evensong.

    I know for a fact that the new choir director of Holy Rosary, who is also the driving force behind the local Anglican Use community, would be gung-ho for this sort of suggestion. (He already leads sung Evensong at HR Wednesday evenings.)