Music for Requiem Mass on All Soul's Day.
  • I'm planning a sung mass for All Soul's Day. Well that is stretching the truth a little. It is a custom at my College that if the Tuesday after All Soul's Day is a Feria then we would have a Requiem, so it is actually falling on that day.

    I'm looking around for some suitable music to use. I am particularly interested in suitable motets which could be sung at the offertory. I was thinking perhaps "Ad Te Levavi" by Franz Xaver Witt or maybe "Thou Knowest, Lord, the Secrets of Our Hearts" by Purcell. Possibly "Abide With Me" sung in 4-voice harmony after the communion chant or as a recessional.

    Here is some of the stuff that I have already prepared:

    1.) Polyphony/Chant Ordinary. Missa Brevis in the Dorian Mode by Antionio Lotti. I've adapted the Agnus Dei to have two chant Agnus Dei... miserere nobis from Chant Mass XVIII and then use the polyphony for the Agnus Dei... dona nobis pacem. The plan is to use the chant Sanctus XVIII.

    2.) Introit with Latin antiphons and, English psalm verses. *EDIT* I was going to do the same with the Communion, but realised that there is already a Communion with English Psalm Verses published by the CMAA.

    (I'll add more as I finish it up)
    Kyrie et Agnus Dei.pdf
  • Simon
    Posts: 155
    How about: Audivi vocem (Duarte Lobo)?

    Audivi vocem in caelo dicentem mihi: 'Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur.'

    I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.

    Text is from Revelation 14:13 and is also in the Office of the Dead.

    It's 6 voices though, but not difficult and simply a magnificent piece.
  • Blaise
    Posts: 439
    How about the Offertory from Faure Requiem? You will need a good tenor soloist.

    (We are singing the Faure for Vespers (Evensong) around the weekend of All Souls Day.)

    Since Simon mentioned the passage "Blessed are the dead", may I also suggest the final movement of the Rutter Requiem?
  • How about the Offertory from Faure Requiem? You will need a good tenor soloist.

    An excellent suggestion, however I sang this last year with my other choir, but I didn't have the solo part. It would also require an organist, and I am not prepared to try and play organ and sing a solo at the same time!

    How about: Audivi vocem (Duarte Lobo)?

    Audivi vocem in caelo dicentem mihi: 'Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur.'

    I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me: Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.

    Text is from Revelation 14:13 and is also in the Office of the Dead.

    It's 6 voices though, but not difficult and simply a magnificent piece.

    Not really an options as the score looks like SATTBarB and we don't have enough men to do the TTBarB voices. However, I will certainly pass it on to my DoM and maybe will re-work the score for SSATTB. A fantastic suggestion, and I think that a re-worked SSATTB version could find it's way into a certain cathedral church's repertoire.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,182
    The Duarte Lobo Audivi vocem is really voiced for SSATTB, and even the first tenor part could be taken by altos, effectively making it an SSAATB work. Enclosed is my edition (SSATTB), PDF score and MP3 sound files.
    Lobo-Audivi vocem-a6.pdf
    Lobo-Audivi vocem-a6-96.mp3
    Thanked by 2Simon hartleymartin
  • Simple but lovely-
    Spirit seeking light and beauty
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,206
    As it happens, we're learning Randolph's SAB arrangement of it.