Expressing gratitude
  • One of the few things I’ve done in my life not marred by self-interest is to conduct a chant ensemble in an urban, working-class, racially and ethnically diverse parish. Only a couple in the group could read music when we began and the process of mastering chant has been slow and at times met with opposition from a few in the pews.

    This morning their hard work received just recognition. At the end of Mass, the celebrant (a pastor no more than fifty and thus very young by our archdiocesan standards) said to the congregation: “I would like to welcome back our Gregorian chant schola that sings at the 8 a.m. Mass on the first Sunday of every month. When I’m old and gray and am looking back on my life, this early morning Mass will be among my most cherished memories.”

    The expressions on the faces of the schola members provided a lesson in the distinction between receiving a perfunctory “thank you” and true appreciation. Adequately conveying gratitude has never been one of my strengths, but today I was reminded again of its importance. In the future when the going gets rough, all I will have to do is repeat to the schola the words of their pastor. It’s all the motivation they will need.
  • melofluentmelofluent
    Posts: 4,160
    Well said and done, good and faithful friend.
    Thanked by 1Randolph Nichols
  • Carl DCarl D
    Posts: 992
    When you can't shower people with money, sincere gratitude builds dedication and inspiration. Actually, even when you do pay people, gratitude is so much more important. And lack thereof just destroys morale.
  • Great story, with a great lesson. Thanks for sharing.
    It can be tough for some people to express gratitude for things that should be done. We should be singing the liturgy. However, the love and toil that goes into preparing the chants and other music should also be noticed and commended by leaders and anyone in authority. The work that goes into praising God in our public worship should be done and should be gladly appreciated by all.

    Joy builds upon joy, and gratitude flows in part from joy. It is a great motivator and connecting point among fellow disciples of our King Jesus.

    So happy for your schola. :)