Sunday gospel canticle antiphons?
  • BenBen
    Posts: 3,114
    In the breviary, it gives three antphons for the weekend: vespers I and II, and lauds. However, the other day I saw three antiphons for the weekend marked as year a/b/c. What is up? Was the second one incorrect, or an update that hasn't been put in the breviary yet, or something else?
  • The first is what is currently in use in the English-speaking world. The second is what the Latin has, and what we will have once the breviary is retranslated and promulgated for use in the English-speaking world.
  • smvanroodesmvanroode
    Posts: 1,001
    If you take a look at the Latin editio typica of Liturgia Horarum (for example through this website), you'll see that it has different texts for the Sunday Magnificat and Benedictus antiphons for years A, B and C.

    In the Ordo Cantus Officii you'll also find different Magnificat and Benedictus antiphons for Sundays of year A, B and C (except for First Vespers).
  • Does anyone know when a new English Breviary will be promulgated? A few years, decades...? I'm thinking about investing in a set of Mundelein Psalters which is why I ask. I'm thinking if I do buy them it might expedite the process of a new edition.
  • Ha! I've heard they're working on some of the ritual books first, and then the breviary, but that's all rumor, so who knows? Even if the breviary is next on the to-do list, it's going to take a long time.
    Thanked by 1Earl_Grey