Common of Saints (1962)
  • The Sacred Music page on the Institute of Christ the King website now has a section with the proper chants for the Common of Saints. Link here.
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,218
    That whole page is a great resource. Thanks for posting the link.
  • Thank you, Arthur. Quick question: on the pdfs at the Common of Saints page, is anyone else seeing extraneous black/grey lines in the background of the chants?
  • CHGiffenCHGiffen
    Posts: 5,218
    Not I.
  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,248
    That's a side effect of the program you're using to view the PDF.
  • Yep, just figured that out when I saved it to the hard drive and then opened, and came back here and saw your answer--thanks!
  • Patricia, are you using Firefox? If so, you may be experiencing one of a number of bugs in their pdf viewer functionality.

    Firefox 19, which became available in Feb 2013, introduced a built-in pdf viewer which doesn't work well with certain pdf files (see here). The viewer displays extra lines on the chant scores available on the Institute's Sacred Music page. Also, when printing from the Firefox pdf viewer, the extra lines are reproduced on the output, the score is reduced in size, and additional headers/footers are added to the pages. The Firefox pdf viewer is currently the default display mode for pdf files in Firefox.

    To get around this problem, when displaying a document in the Firefox pdf viewer, you can click the download button on the right side of the document header and open the pdf file with the default PDF program on your computer.

    If you want to restore Firefox to its default behaviour prior to Firefox 19: using the dropdown menu In Firefox, select

    Tools --> Options --> Applications (icon at the top of the pop-up window)

    Select "Portable Document Format" from the list. Should be about half-way down.

    Using the drop-down arrow to the right of "Portable Document Format", select "Use Adobe Acrobat (in Firefox)". Then click "OK", and everything should work as before the February change.