St. Gregory Hymns?
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Anyone have any suggestions for hymns to St. Gregory (September 3)?
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    Anglorum iam Apostolus
    Feast of St. Gregory the Great
    St. Peter Damian

    To English Isles sent formerly,
    Now in angelic company,
    Make haste, St. Gregory, relieve
    And help the people who believe.

    From riches and from wealth you turned.
    The glory of the world you spurned,
    That you might follow, being poor,
    Prince Jesus, who was poor before.

    This Christ, High Pontifex, decreed
    That you would take His Church’s lead,
    And learn St. Peter’s steps to tread:
    The rule of all called in his stead.

    You wondrously solved riddles deep:
    The mystic secrets Scriptures keep,
    For Truth Himself has taught you these:
    The lofty sacred mysteries.

    O Pontifex, our leader bright,
    The Church’s honor and its light,
    Through dangers let them all be brought,
    The ones you carefully have taught.

    The unborn Father let us praise,
    And to His Son like glory raise,
    And to their Equal, majesty.
    All glory to the Trinity. Amen
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    Inclitus Rector
    Common of Pastors, for a Pope (translation)

    1. Come let us raise our songs of celebration,
    Joining the triumph train of this confessor,
    Father and leader, now above the heavens
    Reigning forever.
    2. Bishop and teacher of the great assembly,
    seated upon the cathedra of Peter,
    Ruling creation, opening the heavens,
    Key-keeper holy.
    3. Now let us ask him earnestly for favor:
    Cleansing of all the sins of his beloved;
    And by his fervent prayers we may be lifted
    To the high heavens.
    4. Glory and power, praises in the highest,
    to the one God, and honor everlasting,
    for His dominion, orderly and lawful,
    governs creation.

    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    Christe pastorum
    Common of Pastors, for a Pope (translation)

    Christ, great high prince and leader of the shepherds,
    Wishing to laud this holy pastor’s feast day
    With sacred music, we acclaim his honor
    singing due praises.

    As once you gave the care of sheep to Peter,
    So that the world might be a holy sheepfold,
    So this good shepherd, raised to highest honor,
    Pastures your people.

    He was a guide and pattern for the sheepfold,
    Light for the blind, and solace for the weary,
    Good to each person, providential father--
    All things to all men

    Christ, who in heaven render to the holy
    Crowns for their merits, help us then to follow,
    That with this teacher, we may be obedient
    And rise to heaven.

    May equal honor celebrate the Father,
    And You, O Savior, loving King forever,
    And may the glory of the Holy Spirit,
    Sound the world over.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    Hovhaness! You'll need a good trumpeter, but no singers.
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen ZacPB189
  • Maureen
    Posts: 679
    Re: "To English Isles sent formerly,"

    Pope St. Gregory the Great is "Apostle to the Angles" only because he sent other people than himself to the Angles -- ie, St. Augustine of Canterbury and his guys. So I'm not sure that your first line is the best way to put it.
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    Thank you, Maureen! Wouldn't have noticed that. Let me see what I can do.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    Th'apostle to the English lands
    Who now among the angels stands,
    Thanked by 1CHGiffen
  • ZacPB189ZacPB189
    Posts: 70
    Love the Hovhaness! He's written some great Choral works, too.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,516
    I certainly hope the Hovhaness has been approved by the bishop in whose diocese it was published...
  • OlbashOlbash
    Posts: 314
    Thank you for these!
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Lord, Receive our thankful homage (Westminster no. 204, p. 284, by Dom Bede Camm OSB)

    Lord, receive our thankful homage,
    Who, from toils of error freed,
    Bless Thee for the hand that saved us,
    And the heart that felt our need--
    For Saint Gregory our father,
    Vigilant in name and deed.

    For our own, our dear apostle,
    Gregory the Great, the Blest,
    Who, while England lay in darkness,
    Spared no labour, knew no rest;
    For the gracious love he bore us,
    Be Thy Holy Name confessed!

    Love that grew, since first those children,
    Fettered in a Roman mart,
    With their bright young beauty won him
    Help and comfort to imprat--
    From that day he bore our England
    Graven ever in his heart.

    Lovingly he looks upon them,
    Sighing, as he sets them free:
    "If these little ones are Angles,
    Surely angels shall they be,
    Singing joyous Alleluias,
    Saved from wrath, dear Lord, to Thee!"

    When on Peter's throne uplifted,
    All the churches claim his care,
    Yet his heart is most in England
    With his sons who battle there,
    And he aids them in the conflict
    By the arm of ceaseless prayer.

    Thus our own we joy to name him,
    Though our shores he never trod:
    Though our sins have marred his life-work,
    And we bow beneath Thy rod,
    Jesu, may our father's pleading
    Gain the land once more for God.
  • Chrism
    Posts: 875
    Iste est de prioribus theologis unus,
    Gregorius Papa inclytus...

    Variae Preces, p. 118 - if the link doesn't work, search Google Books.
  • ZacPB189ZacPB189
    Posts: 70
    I certainly hope the Hovhaness has been approved by the bishop in whose diocese it was published...

    It originally comes from an opera (I don't know the name of it, though), and Hovhaness was from the Armenian Apostolic Church (which is Orthodox), so probably not.
  • oldhymnsoldhymns
    Posts: 233
    Here are two hymns to St. Gregory from British Catholic Hymnals: A Daily Hymn Book and Westminster.
    St. Gregory Hymn from Westmister.pdf
    St.Gregory Hymn from Daily Hymn Book.pdf
  • fvelasco
    Posts: 25
    I searched for, but could not find the GABC for Anglorum Iam Apostolus. So, I decided to transcribe the hymn from the Liber Hymnarius (p. 427). Here it is in case it would be helpful to others:
    name:Anglorum iam apostolus;
    (c4) AN(f)gló(ffe)rum(d) iam(e) a(g)pós(gh)to(f)lus,(e.) (,) nunc(g) an(h)ge(g)ló(h!iwji)rum(g) so(g)ci(f)us,(h.) (;) ut(h) tunc,(h) Gre(g)gó(h!iwji)ri,(gf) gén(h)ti(h)bus,(d!ewfe.) (,) suc(e)cúr(c)re(e) iam(gfh) cre(gf)dén(g)ti(fe)bus.(e.) 2.(::) Tu(f) lar(ffe)gas(d) o(e) pum(g) có(gh)pi(f)as(e.) (,) om(g)ném(h)que(g) mun(h!iwji)di(g) gló(g)ri(f)am(h.) (;) sper(h)nis,(h) ut(g) in(h!iwji)ops(gf) ín(h)o(h)pem(d!ewfe.) (,) Ie(e)sum(c) sé(e)quá(gfh)ris(gf) prín(g)ci(fe)pem.(e.) 3.(::) Te(f) cel(ffe)sus(d) Chris(e)tus(g) pón(gh)ti(f)fex(e.) (,) su(g)æ(h) præ(g)fert(h!iwji) Ec(g)clé(g)si(f)æ;(h.) (;) sic(h) Pet(h)ri(g) gra(h!iwji)dum(gf) pér(h)ci(h)pis,(d!ewfe.) (,) cu(e)ius(c) et(e) nor(gfh)mam(gf) sé(g)que(fe)ris.(e.) 4.(::) Scrip(f)tú(ffe)rae(d) sa(e)cræ(g) my(gh)sti(f)ca(e.) (,) mi(g)re(h) sol(g)vis(h!iwji) æ(g)níg(g)ma(f)ta,(h.) (;) ex(h)cél(h)sa(g)que(h!iwji) my(gf)sté(h)ri(h)a(d!ewfe.) (,) te(e) do(c)cet(e) ip(gfh)sa(gf) Vé(g)ri(fe)tas.(e.) 5.(::) O(f) pon(ffe)ti(d)fex(e) eg(g)ré(gh)gi(f)e,(e.) (,) lux(g) et(h) de(g)cus(h!iwji) Ec(g)clé(g)si(f)æ;(h.) (;) non(h) si(h)nas(g) in(h!iwji) pe(gf) rí(h)cu(h)lis(d!ewfe.) (,) quos(e) tot(c) man(e)dá(gfh)tis(gf) ín(g)tru(fe)is.(e.) 6.(::) Sit(f) Pa(ffe)tri(d) laus(e) in(g)gé(gh)ni(f)to,(e.) (,) sit(g) de(h)cus(g) U(h!iwji)ni(g)gé(g)ni(f)to,(h.) (;) sit(h) ut(h)ri(g)ús(h!iwji)que(gf) pá(h)ri(h)li(d!ewfe.) (,) ma(e)ié(c)stas(e) sum(gfh)ma(gf) Flá(g)mi(fe)ni.(e.) (::) A(efe)men.(de..) (::)

    Anglorum Iam Apostolus.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Pro.pdf
    Thanked by 2CHGiffen Kathy