SCG Antiphon/Psalm Order?
  • Please excuse my simpleness as I am new to using this forum. I'll open by saying that the helpfulness of this community and the knowledge offered has been very wonderful and reassuring.

    That being said, I've only gotten away with using the Propers for Communion at my previous parish. Now that I am working for a priest that wants all of them, I'm having to learn a few more things...

    I notice that in Rice's "Simple Choral Gradual" (SCG) has the Psalm Tones first, and the Antiphon second. Is this just the composer's choice, or is it supposed to be that the psalm tone is chanted before the antiphon? That doesn't really make sense to me, but if it is a common practice, then I will gladly plead ignorance and amend my life. ;)
  • Andrew_Malton
    Posts: 1,189
    Rice's Gradual presents the Entrance and Communion antiphons first, with verses below, to be sung in the usual way.

    For the Offertory it is different, as explained in the introduction. The Roman Offertory chant is not patterned the same way as the others, and in the Simple Gradual, Rice imitated the pattern using a responsorial form. His first verse is the first half of the Roman Offertory antiphon; his response is the second half; and subsequent verses follow, using that second-half as the response every few verses.
    Thanked by 1Adam Wood
  • Thanks Andrew. I just got the spiral bound version in the mail today, so I will be catching up on some of those tidbits at the beginning! Thanks for helping to clear that. I was wondering why they followed different formats. I'm glad to know that it was deliberate!