Looking for Singers in Central/South Alabama (Montgomery/ Troy area)
  • Cat_88
    Posts: 3
    Hi, I'm new both to the forum and to directing choirs (have been doing it for about 8 months, but I love it) I am planning on singing Palestrina's Missa Brevis at an EF Mass in December in Troy. We have started rehearsing already, but I would welcome more voices. I cannot compensate you (I am not even paid), unfortunately, except for the fact that you will be able to sing this Mass in the setting for which it was intended (which is quite an incredible experience), but we would LOVE to have anyone who would like to sing with us, especially if you happen to be able to sing alto or tenor (we will take male or female tenors). If you would be interested or know someone who might be, please let me know! We rehearse in Montgomery, but I am based in Andalusia and am doing rehearsals here, too for the singers who are closer to home.

  • chonakchonak
    Posts: 9,145
    Welcome, Cat_88!
  • gregpgregp
    Posts: 632
    Best of luck!
  • Good luck! I sing with the schola in Auburn but wouldn't be able to make the drive to rehearsal (two little ones to take care of full time). I hope it goes well!

  • Cat_88
    Posts: 3
    Well, if there were a couple of you who wanted to, I would not be opposed to you guys rehearsing on your own and joining us for a couple rehearsals right before the Mass and for the Mass. lol.

    Some more details - in case there IS anyone interested and able - the date would be Dec. 22nd at 12:30