Adeste Fideles reharmonization
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Hi everyone,

    Does anyone know of a free downloadable reharmonization of Adeste Fideles. If you do, could you please give a link?
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Bumping up. Someone please respond?
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    What hymnals do you have?
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    I'm not a music director of any parish as some of my previous comments have hinted. I want to use it for a Christmas party at my home. I will post the Latin lyrics on a TV. I need it in G Major.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    why do you need a RE-harmonization?
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    For the last verse. I don't get what your question means. Isn't that the proper term?
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    I want new interesting chords for the last verse. Do you not use reharmonizations?
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    At a certain point you have to say, "I will pay you to compose something for me."
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    Have you thought about, you know, using a Search Engine or perusing the catalog of a sheet music publisher?
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    Or learning to re-harmonize yourself?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    Or just adding Sevenths to every other chord?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    Or using the same chords and varying the accompaniment style?
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Well, I've already found several books that cost money that have reharmonizations. But, seeing as it's an old traditional public domain hymn, I think you could find a free reharmonization of it. That's why I said free at the beginning.
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Or using the same chords and varying the accompaniment style?

    What do you mean by that?
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    found several books that cost money that have reharmonizations

    The interesting thing about the Free and Open music movement is that it is built on generosity, not stinginess.
    Thanked by 2SkirpR Gavin
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    Well, it's kind of built on both, really.
    Thanked by 1Liam
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    I think you could find a free reharmonization of it

    Or you could.
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    I meant "you" not meaning you specifically, but a person.
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    Ok, AP23. Is this a joke? Are you joking?
    Thanked by 2Adam Wood Gavin
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Me number of posts be getting higher and higher. Me ship may achieve the hundred posts today.
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Ok, AP23. Is this a joke? Are you joking?

    Is what a joke?
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
    Or using the same chords and varying the accompaniment style?

    What do you mean by that?

    001 Bossa Nova
    002 New Wave Bossa Nova
    003 12 Bar Salsa Blues
    004 Dance Mix 1
    005 Dance Mix 2
    006 Technofunk
    GM1 Grand Piano
    GM2 Rock Piano
    GM3 Electric Piano
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Thanked by 2Adam Wood Gavin
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    My seeking for a reharmonization is not a joke.
  • Adam WoodAdam Wood
    Posts: 6,486
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Adam Wood and Kathy don't have anything to offer. Anyone else know of anything?
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    Why don't you just search for it? (As Adam already did for you above).

    If no one here responded yet, maybe they don't have one that's free.
    I have one in a book that I paid for. Probably several.
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    And the legalness of scanning that and sending it to me for personal home use would be...

    What's the copyright notice say? Is it copyrighted?
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,171
    Let me bite with a less feline reaction to the OP:

    The general cutoff year for the public domain is . . . 1923. And you (the generic you) need to find a resource that is in the public domain in order for it to be free. Offhand, the best known *published* (as opposed to improvised or unpublished) reharmonizations of AF are still under copyright. By far the best known in the English-speaking world is by Sir David Willcocks (b 1919), but there are other fine ones, albeit less universally used.
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Can people give me links to where to purchase different ones, and I'll see what I can do?
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,171
    That, sir/ma'am, is where Google can help you directly, if you add "sheet music" or similar terms in Boolean logic.... (PS: you can also Google images to see pdfs of arrangements that have been displayed in searchable form; a limited approach, but it sometimes helps.)
    Thanked by 2Adam Wood Ally
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    Thank you Liam. That's why I didn't just scan it and email it.

    Here is a list of a bunch...

    Or use the Google shopping tool.

    Or here, this is one of the books I have for my piano students. It has just a "prelude" on Adeste Fideles, but maybe you'd like it for your purposes.

  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    Searching that will get you the standard normal chords. Does anyone here know what a reharmonization is? I think not.

    P.S. Can anyone tell what my new profile picture is?
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    Yes, I think we do know what a reharmonization is, no need for insults. I think a lot of people just write or improvise their own, though.

    Did you actually look at the links?

    Also, try searching "contemporary piano arrangement of o come all ye faithful" or something, don't just give up at one look at search results.

    I also have an organ arrangement (without pedals) by Raynor Taylor that's flashy, and has a reharmonized middle section, at least it would give you the idea of what chords to use (in a book that is copyrighted 2006).
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    I looked at the links, those are the types of searches that turn up with normal harmonzations.

    I think I will take the time to make my own reharmonization since I can't seem to get help on that.

    Do you know what my new profile picture is?
  • ronkrisman
    Posts: 1,396
    My God, it's Alex Peloquin!

    When did you get back?

    (And if it's really Alex, you don't need a reharmonization.)
    Thanked by 1Andrew Motyka
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    ---MY 100TH POST!!---

    No, I just like Peloquin.

    ---MY 100TH POST!!---
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    And I just realized now that my username has his initials. I did not intend that all, my username is combined from Antiphons, Psalms, and Psalm 23.
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • AP23AP23
    Posts: 119
    And I'm celebrating 100 posts!
    Thanked by 1Gavin
  • Ally
    Posts: 227 links included at least one book described as "jazz" arrangements of Christmas carols. That, I would wager, would not be the usual harmonization... at least it would give you other ideas.

    And yes, it usually is just easier to do your own. It would take less time than you spent on this thread.
  • I guess if the only suggestion made on this forum is "google it" to someone who is asking for assistance, then there really isn't a need for this forum, is there?
    Thanked by 2CharlesW Gavin
  • Ally
    Posts: 227
    Is that fair? The OP was pretty insistent, so pointing to where he could find the quickest results was at least SOME suggestion. And he did ask for links where he could purchase books too. St. Google can be quite helpful sometimes...

    Thanked by 1Kathy
  • And the legalness of scanning that and sending it to me for personal home use would be...

    Not, sorry, and I don't think that is really a fair request since it puts the other party in a tight place between coming across as a grinch or doing something illegal.

    (I don't want to step on the mods toes here, but I was a member of a technical forum many years ago where repeated requests for and offers of copyrighted materials resulted in some nasty legal letters to the service provider and the admins and the eventual closing of the site.)

    You can possibly copy it for your own personal use, but scanning it for someone else is not "personal" use. The obvious work around here is to look for what you want on line, then source the work through your local public library using the interlibrary loan service if necessary- as long as you don't copy more than a reasonable proportion of the entire book you should be good to make one copy for personal use. I am afraid that sometimes "free" can take more time than it is worth.

    In respect of the "Google it" comment I think we have several people trying to help with material where they didn't have access to what was needed and simply offered what help they could with some specific search terms. Not every question asked in here can be answered directly from personal knowledge, especially one as specific as this and I certainly don't always have the time to google things and repost the results.
    Thanked by 4Liam Ally CharlesW chonak
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,171
    Copyright laws (which, due to aggressive legislation in the past generation, go back much farther than most people realize - and the presence or absence of a copyright notice has no bearing anymore on whether it may still be under copyright) make public sharing of sheet music virtually impossible for anything not in the public domain. The OP's question got responses that would be typical for such a situation. Future questions of that sort will likely garner similar responses. It's in the nature of the beast.
    Thanked by 1Ally
  • Kathy
    Posts: 5,521
    Antiphons, Psalms, 23,

    Is this some kind of test? Are you the copyright enforcer, trying to test our mettle? Come on now, be honest.
    Thanked by 2Liam Gavin
  • Liam
    Posts: 5,171
    Btw, Kathy's question is not snarky, but serious. Church musicians have experienced traps of that sort before, and justifiably have learned to be wary.
    Thanked by 3Kathy Gavin eft94530
  • CharlesW
    Posts: 12,009
    Copyright is something we all have to be aware of, and follow. I know the greedy publishers would like it otherwise, but we are allowed to make convenience copies, and I do. Most often, I make them to avoid unnecessary page turns. Perfectly legal under the definition of convenience copies. But to scan a copyrighted work to send to someone who doesn't want to buy it would be clearly illegal.

    All the same, I think the people here do try to be helpful and not snarky, for the most part. It isn't that difficult to provide a little guidance to a request without breaking any laws.
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